Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 156: [156] But you have me

The general manager smiled brightly: "Where is it, it is my honor to work for Madam Young."

"Shut up, just say a few words! Except no fish, let the others be prepared and served." Han Qilu raised his hand and threw the menu out at will, the general manager nothing. Seeing An Chuxia looking at him, she got up from the floor with a smirk a few times, picked up the menu and left.

"Puff." She covered her mouth and snickered, and when she looked up, she saw Han Qilu looking at her with a faint smile, and she jumped up with an anger. Just about to question loudly, realizing that this is a public place, he forced his voice down, stood up and walked to Han Qilu's side. Then he bent down in his confused eyes and leaned over his ears, saying in a voice that only two people could hear: "Come to the bathroom with me."

After speaking, she stood up straight and walked to the bathroom first. However, Han Qilu immediately stood up, and naturally grabbed his wrist: "Do you know where the bathroom is? Honey."

Deliberately, this beast is definitely deliberate! An Chuxia gritted her teeth, and finally smiled and said, "I don't know, please take me there." Han Qilu curled his mouth, full of pride. Leading An Chuxia to the bathroom in full view. Walking to the door of the girls bathroom, there was no one here, An Chuxia directly dragged him to the sink in the bathroom.

"Oh, dear, are you so impatient?" Han Qilu still smiled, but the smile looked very sly, and finally, pretending to sigh: "Well, what do you have to say to me here? "

She didn't answer, first went to the shampoo and turned on the faucet, then took a handful of water and splashed it on her face. When the heat on her face subsided a bit, she took out a tissue to dry her face.

"Han Qilu, why do you have to do this? You don't want the whole world to know that I am yours..." She paused and did not continue, taking a deep breath before continuing to look at Han Qilu and said, "I'm here. It’s hard to be a man at Tiran Academy. You have your fans, your identity, and your status, but what do I have? Your fans will only break me into pieces. I'm still very afraid of death! "

For a while, there was a dead silence in the bathroom. A few guests originally wanted to come to the bathroom, but as soon as they saw Han Qilu and An Chuxia, they retreated from the bathroom and left. No one has ever dared to offend Han Qilu, only her, An Chuxia.

When he tilted his head, he put on a very distressed look: "Oh, what should I do? If you are so afraid of death... How about letting my mother arrange a few bodyguards to follow you without leaving? In that case, just No one dares to do anything to you, and no one dares to smash you into pieces."

He said jokingly, but An Chuxia was not amused by his jokes that were not funny or even considered a joke, on the contrary, his face was even more ugly. Biting her lower lip, she was just silent.

Putting away the cynical smile on his face, Han Qilu took a few steps forward and walked in front of her, reached out his hand to hold her face, and wiped away the water droplets on her face with his thumb. Time was forbidden here for a moment, and his face got **** hot again inexplicably.

"I have my fans, my identity, my status, that's right." He bent down and put a kiss on her forehead: "But you have me."

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