Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 180: [180] Do you want me anymore (Part 1)

"Does it still hurt?" Ling Hanyu looked at her and moved, not knowing what he was thinking. It's just that distressed expression, really true... Before An Chuxia could say anything, he had put her injured hand to the corner of his mouth and exhaled gently. Cold hands holding An Chuxia's warm hands, that something spreading in my heart.

Touching the scum on his chin, Grandpa Ling smiled and said: "I have seen people, so your business is settled, I am very satisfied. You can go now, and I should have a good sleep. When people are old, they should take a good rest before facing something."

With a ‘chuckle’ in my heart again, listening to Grandpa Ling’s meaning, tomorrow the Han family is going to make a decision. Well, in this case, she can only use soldiers to cover the water and soil...Perhaps, she should tell Han Qilu, no, no...headache...

"What's the matter? My complexion is suddenly so bad?" Ling Hanyu glanced at the old man Ling and said: "It's uncomfortable in early summer, so let's go first. You have a good rest."

Grandpa Ling's originally slack body immediately tightened after hearing Ling Hanyu's words: "Chuxia? Your child's name is Chuxia? Isn't that the name of the heroine in the comics that your grandma drew when she was bored before her death? The little girl is also called Chuxia!"

Mrs. Ling had already passed away, and still loved to draw cartoons before she was alive? She almost understood why Ling Hanyu was holding various comic books all day long. She must have some connection with his dead grandma to do so, right? After all, he is eighteen years old. There is always a reason for an eighteen-year-old to be so addicted to comics. It seems that this is the reason for the old lady Ling.

I couldn't help but feel a good impression on Ling Hanyu. The filial child is the cutest. Which is like Han Qilu? Bah, baah! Suddenly remembered what he was doing? She was wandering around, Ling Hanyu got up and squatted, then hugged An Chuxia in her arms.

Seeing her round face, why is she so light? He couldn't help frowning and said, "You are too light. Why? Didn't the Han family give you enough for three meals?"

His slightly angry look frightened An Chuxia, and then she reacted and said cooperatively: "How can it be light, my weight is normal."

"...Obviously light!" Ling Hanyu frowned displeased.

"...Not light!" An Chuxia did not back down.

"...It's light!"

"...I will ignore you anymore, Ling Hanyu!" She said threateningly. Sure enough, Ling Hanyu said obediently: "Not light..." The two had a positive debate on weight. The one who smiles is like a flower. Early summer, what an early summer!

Ling Hanyu hugged her all the way out of the Ling's gate. After a neat "Send Master", Ling Hanyu hugged her and walked to the left along the gate, probably to get the car. An Chuxia breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered, "Let me go down, no acting is needed."

His walking movement suddenly stopped, his heart stunned, and his eyes narrowed: "Act?" He felt his chest undulate violently, and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

Confused and blinked innocently: "Are you still acting with me? Alright, let me down. I admit that your acting skills are really top-notch, and I think you are not acting anymore."

Finally, he glanced at An Chuxia, Ling Hanyu's lips moved, without speaking, he bent down and put her on the ground, with a faint voice, with a cold voice: "Well, acting."

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