Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 359: 【359】I wish you an early birth and choking to death

At a high-end reception, Han Qilu was holding a glass of blue tequila, and beside him, a long, delicate and enchanting but not lacking innocent woman stood beside him, politely facing the surrounding people. People nod, smile, and greet each other.

The point is... the woman's hand has been lovingly holding Han Qilu's arm.

Looking at Han Qilu's face again, the decadence he had been at the airport has long since disappeared. The scum completely disappeared, no matter it was the corner of the eye or the corner of the mouth, there were domineering smiles everywhere, and there was a trace of satisfaction in that smile.

Is that contentment? An Chuxia blinked, not knowing why, suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, a pain in the heart...

How could she not know that woman? The popular star Xiang Mankui, in the American entertainment circle, has the wind and the wind and the rain and the rain. I also heard that she is also the champion of the new beautifulgirl piano competition in the United States. Plus what she knew before about Xiang Mankui and Han Qilu...

She stretched her hand to cover her chest, and she turned her head to force a smile: "Housekeeper Han, that woman, she is so pretty. If I were as pretty as her, would it be fine?"

Butler Han, who has been silent and wondering what to say, suddenly shook his head: "No, young lady. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!"

An Chuxia smiled more happily in the face of Butler Han's sure answer: "Really? If that's the case, why would Han Qilu take her to this reception instead of me?"

Butler Han was taken aback, and then walked forward and took the remote control and turned off the TV: "My grandma, my master just doesn't want to wake you up, so I went to find the star lady after you settled down...this lady, nothing but It’s just a little-known star, you don’t need to be like this."

Little known...

An Chuxia narrowed the smile on her face and said faintly: "I was just kidding you. As for being angry because of a female partner I don't know? Okay, housekeeper Han, go and help me prepare food. Well, tossing for a while, starving to death."

"This..." Steward Han nodded, "Okay, what do you want to eat?"

"I think about it..." An Chuxia stretched out her index finger and clicked her chin: "Since I'm in the United States, of course I have to eat Western food! How about KFC children's set meal?!"

Butler Han laughed, but didn't refute: "Okay, then western food, wait a moment."

After the housekeeper Han closed the door of the hotel suite and left, the smile on An Chuxia's face disappeared the moment the door closed. She picked up the remote control that Butler Han put aside and turned on the TV again.

Only by looking at it did I know that this was not a commercial reception, but Xiang Mankui's birthday party. A variety show dedicated to her birthday party shows how much face she has in the United States.

"Unknown?" An Chuxia sneered from the tip of his nose. It seems that Steward Han still wants to hide from her. Little did she know that she already knew everything.

Staring at the pair of post-men and women on the screen, An Chuxia's expression changed, and finally, he closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. When his eyes opened again, he was calm and there was no wave in his eyes.

An Chuxia, remember, you have to learn to hide yourself well.

Standing up, picking up a glass of water on the glass round table, lifting his wrist, all fell onto the TV.

"Birthday? I wish you... a long life, a long life, an early birth, and a choking death halfway through!"

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