Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 406: [406] Are you in a bad mood and want to die?

Entrusted to Han Qilu the blessing of that stinky boy, she did not sleep well last night. Turns over and over again, somehow, his face has been blushing, hot inexplicably. Even the ears feel very hot. I don’t know who told her that if her ears are hot, it’s because someone is missing you.

Is it the kid Han Qilu? As a result, tossing and turning did not fall asleep until the early hours of the morning.

At seven in the morning, Han Qilu washed his face and walked downstairs wearing a light blue plaid shirt and dark red jeans. He yawned while walking, and almost didn't trip over a plate of Clivia lying on the stairs.

"Damn! Who is this ignorant who put this thing here?!" Han Qilu looked angry, and his tired eyes were raging at the moment. [This dangerous creature is generally not in a good mood when it first wakes up. =_=^】

"Sorry master! I'll take it away now!" The innocent little maid immediately ran forward to deal with the Clivia. You know, there are always two pots of Clivia on the bottom stairs! It's just that they were unlucky today and tripped Han Qilu!

"Qilu, don't get up early in the morning and lose your temper!" Jiang Yuanyuan walked out of the kitchen with a small tray. There are two cups of milk on the tray.

Han Qilu snorted and did not answer. I looked around the hall and sat down hesitantly at the table. While Jiang Yuanyuan was carefully setting his fork, he glanced at the corner of his mouth and said, "Is that guy An Chuxia in the kitchen?"

"What is'an Chuxia guy"? She is my dearest Xiao Chuxia!!" Jiang Yuanyuan yelled dissatisfiedly before blinking and replied: "Not in the kitchen, it seems...has not come down yet. . She used to be very early."

"Did the pig be a thief last night or played the game all night?" Han Qilu's tone was somewhat mocking, but his face was full of smiles. If you look closely, you will find that there is a bit of petting in his eyes.

But listening to what he said, Jiang Yuanyuan was not happy. How can her baby Xiaochuxia compare with pigs? ! No, no, how can a pig compare to her baby Xiao Chuxia?

Putting his hands on his hips, he looked like a shrew: "Little bastard, are you saying that our little early summer is a pig? Are you in a bad mood today and want to die?"

"Okay, okay, when I didn't say it." Han Qilu waved his hand and stood up: "I'll get her up."

He doesn't want to get up early in the morning to fight with an old witch who is undergoing menopause, he will lose his life! After five or six steps, he walked up to more than a dozen stairs, and came to the door of An Chuxia's room without breathing. The hand touched the doorknob and twisted, but it didn't open!

"Damn! This pig actually locked the door!" He frowned, with one hand in his pocket, and the other knocked impatiently on the door: "An Chuxia, you dead pig, quickly open the door for me, otherwise I kicked the door!!!"

Sleeping Zhengxiang's An Chuxia is still playing chess with Zhou Gong in his dream. O(∩_∩)O~ Master Zhou, your chess skills are superb~

"..." A cold wind blew. Han Qilu gritted his teeth, didn't talk any more nonsense, stepped back a few steps, and suddenly strode forward.

——Boom! ! ! ! !

After a loud noise, the door was knocked open!

"What sound? What's going on?!!!" This time, An Chuxia lost the chess thoroughly, looking around with a confused expression.

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