Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 443: 【443】Good brother

Viscount Nangong's eyes became blurred. A lot of things happened from Tom to follow An Chuxia to just now. The people he had always thought of hating turned out to be the ones who loved him the most. He once thought that it was Nangongzifei who killed the woman he loved, but he didn't think that the person who really secretly made him lose to Nangongzifei years ago was his own woman.

Of course, if his woman hadn't betrayed him and leaked out the news of the assassination, then it was definitely not Nan Gong Zifei who had sat in that high position. It was his Viscount Nangong. And he always thought that Nangong Zifei's people were looking for him to kill him, but in fact, Nangong Zifei just wanted to find him and then give him the position of the boss.

The things he had always believed in, found the cabin in Nangong Zifei alone, and then told him calmly. He didn't believe it, but he had to believe that it was indeed his woman who deliberately leaked the news. Just a little bit of investigation into the past, and everything will be clear. However, he couldn't let himself go. It turned out that what he hated was always the naive self before.

So when Nangong Zifei gave him the ring that symbolized power, he did not accept it. Instead, he gave all the forces in his hands to Nangong Zifei. Perhaps, this is probably the only thing he can do for his brother.

Naturally, Tom still didn't know anything.

"Please punish me. I can accept any punishment." Tom said with a firm face, as if he was not afraid of him at all.

Although the two of them are subordinates, after so many years of gunfire, they have long regarded each other as brothers.

"Really?" Viscount Nangong woke up from the memory, and looked at Tom seriously and said: "Then go, and never have any intersection with me again."

"Jue... Jue young man?" Tom was shocked. If Viscount Nangong said just now to let him kill himself, he wouldn't be surprised at all, let alone hesitate, but Viscount Nangong said just now that he should stop talking He has intersections.

Throwing the cigar on the ground, Viscount Nangong stood up and said, "I put 20 million dollars in your credit card, which is the last thing I give you. You go."

"No!" Tom refused as expected: "Master, you can do anything you want me to, let me die, my eyelids won't blink, but if you let me leave you, then I can't do it! I have long considered doing things for you and protecting you as all of my life. This is also the only meaning of my life."

Viscount Nangong, who had never put his true expression on his face, had a mist in his eyes at this moment.

He stood up resolutely and turned his back: "I have disbanded our dark forces. I have distributed all the money from the consortium and underworld to my brothers. I am now penniless. You no longer need to follow me. You go."

Viscount Nangong, who was not afraid of death, shed a tear at this moment.

"Master, I am following you, never for money. Unless I die, I will definitely be by your side, no matter what happens!" Tom is still determined.

Viscount Nangong turned around and looked at Tom steadily. After a long while, his lips moved: "Good brother!"

[Finally I heard the news about ENDING...]

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