Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 534: Are you stupid 2

Han Qilu scolded An Chuxia for the fool, but he kept resting his hands, first quickly took a dry towel to dry her blood, and then dipped a cotton swab with some alcohol.

Seeing how busy he was, An Chuxia suddenly smiled.

She even thought that even if she was smashed to death by that ashtray, she should not complain. Thinking of this, An Chuxia's mouth twitched, and wait, didn't he say that he should study hard and leave everything else alone?

Didn’t it say that if Han Qilu really couldn’t give up on Xiang Mankui, then she would launch it well? So why is she making troubles like this now?

"Wait, can't it be coated with alcohol? I should find iodine, that won't hurt!" Han Qilu muttered to himself, turning around and squatting down to look for the iodine in the spare medicine box.

Why is he so handsome when he looks down to find iodine?

An Chuxia really wanted to give herself a big-eared melon seed, and cursed herself in her heart. An Chuxia, you are a crooked melon with a crooked scoop, why is it not serious in your mind? You shouldn't be a **** at this time, right? !

"Ah, I found it, here." Han Qilu continued to mutter to himself, and carefully looked for the production date on the iodine bottle to see if it had expired.

His eyes seemed to be flowing with a strange and blurred brilliance, making people accidentally fall into his Alice wonderland, dreaming that he was the protagonist.

"This is not expired, it can be used." Han Qilu said, opening the lid of the iodine by himself, took out a cotton swab and dipped it a little.

An Chuxia was sitting on the round stool next to the white desk, while Han Qilu was squatting on the ground. The moment he looked up, the two were looking at each other. Something is growing, sprouting, and growing fast.

An Chuxia just sat there, resting his hands on his knees with his wrists. But her forehead was red, and there was a little red overflowing in the middle, which made people feel painful.

To alleviate the embarrassment, she coughed slightly and said, "You don't need this. You don't bleed anyway. You don't need to wipe any iodine."

"No bleeding?" It seems that she still didn't know that her forehead had been smashed into a small hole in the ashtray that didn't have long eyes. It was all right now. Both of them had their heads injured, and they were good matches, Han Qilu thought. The movement of his hands also stopped.

Seeing Han Qilu's rather helpless eyes, An Chuxia suspiciously reached out and touched the painful place on his forehead.

"Hiss—" Her forehead was hurt again by the force of her fingers, causing her to take a breath.

Looking at the finger again, it was stained with a little Yinhong thick liquid.

It was bleeding.

"Don't move." Han Qilu opened her hand that touched her forehead with one hand, and carefully held a cotton swab dipped in iodine in the other, as if he was putting blue on a cloisonne. , Dare not tremble at all.

I have to say that even though Han Qilu's attentive appearance is out of tune with his usual devil's side, it can melt people's whole heart, and I can't wait to go up and kiss his lips.

An Chuxia blinked, only to realize that her eyes were wet. The red eyes symbolize her complicated psychology. She was thinking, if Han Qilu had no memory loss, her life now should be the same as this moment, full of touch and warmth, right?

But there is no if.

"Okay." Han Qilu looked away from the wound, but noticed that her eyes were red, and couldn't help but soften her voice and asked: "What's the matter? Did I strike too hard just now?"

He swore that he had been very careful just now, he had never been so careful in his life. Even a doctor who often performs medical operations is not as careful as he is.

"No, it doesn't hurt anymore, already." In order to conceal what she was thinking, she said something against her will. In fact, the pain on the forehead has spread to the entire head.

"It's like a fool..." Han Qilu gritted his teeth and threw away the cotton swab he had used, and said viciously: "Next time you want to run out like this, I will definitely ignore you!"

"..." An Chuxia dropped her eyelids, her long eyelashes causing a shadow under her eyes to appear.

"Yeah!? By the way!" Han Qilu patted his head, bent down and continued rumbling in the medicine box, and soon found a Yunnan Baiyao bandage.

An Chuxia was taken aback, and quickly waved: "Don't post this, it's too public."

Actually this brown band-aid is too ugly, right? In Korean dramas, the kind of band-aids that the male protagonist puts for the female lead are all very small or transparent. This long strip of bandage was placed on her head, it was too horrible, and she was really drunk.

Of course, Yumu's head Han Qilu didn't know what she was thinking, but she felt that if she was injured, she should put a band-aid, even on the most conspicuous head.

"What's the publicity? Everyone will know that you are injured there, so they won't bump into you." Han Qilu couldn't help but began to tear the bandage.

He is such a person, even though he is still a handsome boy, but when he gets serious, he does nothing but closes his lips. The whole person feels like a row of high seas rushing toward others, letting People can only succumb to him before screaming for help. This kind of innate aura is very similar to Han Liuhai, but sometimes even better than Han Liuhai.

An Chuxia couldn't help but curled the corner of her right mouth, revealing a shallow dimple.

Even if the band-aid is not applied, who would hit her forehead properly? An Chuxia slandered inwardly, but didn't say a word. The time spent with Han Qilu was short, and she didn't want to use it to fight with him.

"Come, bow your head." Han Qilu stretched out her hand, and she lowered her forehead a bit, and a Yunnan Baiyao bandage plaster was applied to her forehead, which was extremely inconsistent with her white skin.

But Han Qilu seemed to be very satisfied with his "masterpiece". After two "tsk tsk", he stood up and said, "It's okay."

Is it all right so soon? An Chuxia gritted her teeth secretly, her face calmly, and then got up from the stool. This kind of feeling is like a Cinderella party, no matter how sweet it is, it will always end.

What's more, she is still a Cinderella without crystal shoes.

"Thank you." An Chuxia spit out these two words politely, but it was a bit jerky.

Between them, there was no need to say these two words, but now...

After Han Qilu heard the word "thank you", he was stunned for a moment, and put away the smug expression on his face. A face seemed to have fallen into the ice cave in an instant.

The morning light fell softly on the top of An Chuxia's head, and the few strands of hair on the ball's head were dyed golden yellow. The hairy appearance made him really want to hug her in his arms immediately and hold her tightly.

"Early summer..." Han Qilu stretched out his hand, and the hand that was about to touch her cheek suddenly turned another direction, and fell on top of her head, rubbing it, as if teasing a pet.

"Don't be such a fool like this again in the future. For a girl like you, if there is some scar on the face, then I..." Han Qilu squatted, his face looked a little stiff, but at least for a moment, he recovered again. The usual expression: "Don't do this again in the future."

An Chuxia stared closely at Han Qilu's eyes, and there was a trace of pain in those eyes that were as deep as a cold pool.

"Qilu..." The inflated mood was like a balloon filled with air, which finally exploded after being too saturated, and all the emotions were vented in a moment.

With a shout of "Qilu", she stepped forward and clutched Han Qilu's arm tightly. Through a thin layer of shirt, her fingers seemed to sink into his flesh and blood.

"Did you really forget me? You really don't remember me at all?!" Because of her emotions, her white cheeks were stained with two red clouds, and the red clouds gradually spread and spread on her cheeks as if on her cheeks. A layer of rouge just right.

Han Qilu gritted his teeth, the line of his jaw became tighter.

He wanted to tell the little girl in front of him that I love you, even if I have forgotten you, I already remembered it.

But... he can't yet!

"Early summer." Han Qilu's Adam's apple moved up and down, his eyes were full of pain.

She thought he had something to say, but she turned her head and stopped looking at her, and stopped talking, just like a statue. But he is not a statue, he is a living, flesh and blood man.

"You speak... can't you really leave Xiang Mankui?" An Chuxia stared at Han Qilu's face with wide eyes, trying to see what Miu Duan was coming from.

Since Han Qilu woke up this time, her sixth sense felt that Han Qilu was a little different from before, and she couldn't tell where it was. And now she knew it was the eyes! Those eyes were no longer full of doubts and confusion when looking at her, but more emotions that she didn't understand.

It's just like……

It's like remembering everything!

"Give me some time." Han Qilu turned his head again, his eyes filled with determination, as if he had suddenly communicated with him.

"Huh?" She tilted her head puzzled and asked, "What did you say?"

Give him time? What time? Do you remember your time?

"Early summer, give me some time!" He said eagerly, reaching out to hold her thin shoulders, suddenly lowered his head, lowered his voice and said, "I'm sorry..."

Although I don't understand what he is talking about...but! She was willing to give him time as he said, not to mention that she had been giving him time and remembering her time.

"Are you all pig heads? Wouldn't you stop some young grandma? Why do I raise you to eat? Even if I raise a few chickens, I can lay a few eggs and scramble them!"

Jiang Yuanyuan's voice was heard from the corridor outside, mixed with a series of hurried footsteps.

Han Qilu quietly moved away the hand that was pressing on An Chuxia's shoulder, waiting for Jiang Yuanyuan's upcoming revelation. Anyway, it was her biological son, he knew Jiang Yuanyuan too well.

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