Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 561: Jump off the wall

An Chuxia was stupid, touched the coffee table and made a noise. The two people immediately held their breath. Fortunately, after a few seconds, no one came out to see the situation. They were relieved and continued to walk towards the door.

After finally walking out of the hall, before she could take a breath, suddenly heard footsteps coming from the east, Han Qilu took her hand and ran to the west without saying a word.

There are guards everywhere in the Han family, but there are no people on the west lawn. The reason is that there is a bully. Just as Tyrant roared, everyone would come over, and Tyrant was equivalent to several guards.

An Chuxia was dragged by Han Qilu to run Wang Xi's side. Batian seemed to have noticed it. He walked out of its "house", and when he saw Han Qilu and An Chuxia, he waved his tail enthusiastically.

"Hey, go to sleep!" Han Qilu stretched out his hand and patted Batian's head. Batian shook his tail a few more times and turned around obediently and got into his "house".

"It's all fences, where are we going?" An Chuxia asked, looking around.

Han Qilu didn't answer, but just let her stand here and wait, and soon took out a ladder to a house next to her! That house was filled with Batian’s dog food and toys. It turned out that Han Qilu had hidden a ladder in it early in the morning.

The two of them walked quickly to a relatively hidden wall. The lawn was not so big. When they reached the wall, they were already panting in early summer.

The wall was about two meters high and was covered with broken glass. Han Qilu set up the ladder and climbed up first, carefully avoiding the glass fragments. An Chuxia only hesitated for a while and then got scared.

Fortunately, she doesn't have a fear of heights, otherwise she would have to frighten her legs when she stood in a place where she couldn't even move her feet for more than two meters.

Looking at the ground, An Chuxia tilted her head to look at Han Qilu. Under the moonlight, her expression was very stiff: "Han Qilu, you didn't prepare a ladder outside, right?"

Hearing this question, Han Qilu was also in a daze, then nodded, and said calmly: "Well, forgot."

For An Chuxia, this was a big deal!

It's okay to fight with one or two people, but let her jump off the two-meter-high wall...Her courage has not yet cultivated to that level.

Seeing Han Qilu looking at the ground, as if thinking about something, she asked, "Then what should I do now?"

Han Qilu still didn't speak. Just when An Chuxia thought he didn't hear what he said and wanted to say it again, Han Qilu jumped directly in her eyes and jumped from a height of more than two meters.

If there is a lawn underneath, maybe she still has the courage to jump off, but it's a concrete floor outside! Hard cement floor! Not to mention falling, even if you touch the ground with your hands, you will have to break the skin!

A second after Han Qilu jumped down, An Chuxia subconsciously stretched out her hand to cover her eyes, for fear of seeing the tragic death of Han Qilu.

"jump down."

Han Qilu's voice quickly and accurately passed into her eardrum.

She took a deep breath before letting go. Han Qilu was standing directly under her, looking straight at her.

"No..." An Chuxia shook her head: "I dare not."

"I will follow you below. Jump down." Han Qilu's tone was still plain, but he had a very determined attitude.

An Chuxia gritted his teeth and looked at the ground again.

She didn't dare to move casually. There were fine glass shards at her feet. When she was about to move, the shards could easily get into her shoes.

"Don't be afraid." Han Qilu said again: "Close your eyes and jump down."

"No..." An Chuxia said while shaking her head: "Where are we going, why are we going over the wall? Or we don't go..."

Although Moonlight could make her see the surrounding environment clearly, she couldn't see Han Qilu's face clearly. But she didn't even need to look at it to know that Han Qilu's face must be stinky right now, maybe she was thinking about how she was so timid.


Suddenly, Han Qilu spit out these four words.

An Chuxia was stunned for a few seconds, and after a few seconds, she immediately reacted. The color she wears today is pink! Sidilan's school uniform is a hakama. Looking at the wide hakama from the direction of Han Qilu, she can indeed see the color of Kouchi!

She only felt that her face became hot with a "hit": "Han Qilu, you are a big pervert!"

"You stood on it and let me see it." Han Qilu said shamelessly: "Don't wear pink next time. I like black."

There are broken glass **** beside her feet, and An Chuxia can't close her legs even when she wants to close her legs. In desperation, she forgot what fear was, and suddenly jumped down.

She only felt the wind whistling in her ears, but only for a moment, the feeling of weightlessness disappeared, and she landed firmly in Han Qilu's arms.

"Did you get fat again recently?" Han Qilu frowned and asked.

Due to the close distance, An Chuxia could see his brows frowning into a "chuan" character, as if she was really heavy. Is she obviously not serious?

and many more……

An Chuxia jumped from his arms and pointed to Han Qilu's nose and asked, "Did you trick me down like that on purpose?"

——I deliberately said that I saw her underwear, and then forced her to jump down.

Without thinking, Han Qilu calmly replied, "No, I really saw it."

"Han Qilu!" She put her hands on her hips, with an expression of "I am so angry".

"Let's go, don't be found out, then we will climb the wall in vain." Han Qilu didn't intend to continue quarreling with her, but directly raised his foot and walked ahead. When you come out of the Han's house, there are no guards outside. You can walk along this road to the side of the highway. Of course, you don't know this in Anchuxia.

However, after climbing the wall, she finally realized the wretched nature of Han Qilu. But it is also more overdue for the "place" to go. What kind of place it is that you need to climb a wall in the middle of the night.

Since Han Qilu chose to sneak out, it means that the "place" cannot be known by the family.

Thinking about it this way, her doubts deepened. Helplessly, Han Qilu walked too fast, and she struggled to keep up, let alone ask questions. Walking all the way to the side of the highway, there is very little traffic here, and most of the cars passing by are whizzing by, and it is impossible to catch them.

"Did you not prepare the car in advance?" An Chuxia looked at Han Qilu and looked around, frowning and said, "Don't tell me that we are going to that place."

Sitting in front of the computer for three hours is exhausting enough. If the place to go is far away, then she shouldn't be exhausted? !

Han Qilu ignored her, instead he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Are you free?"

A question mark popped out of An Chuxia's head, it turned out that someone answered? But why do you say if you are free?

When he hung up, An Chuxia immediately asked, "What the **** is going on?"

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