Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 60: 【060】Test

What she saw was not what she had imagined... The teacher stood on the podium and lectured with relish, while the students were taking notes carefully. In the classroom, even a needle dropped on the ground and could hear the sound.

Of course, these are all her imagination.

The real situation is...

The paper airplane seemed to have a special relationship with her. As soon as he ran to the door of the classroom, a paper airplane that was folded quite technically passed her cheeks. Looking inwardly, where is there a teacher who talks on the podium with relish? The class bell rang for five minutes, and the teacher still doesn't know where it is.

There are no more students taking notes. The only person in the class with a pen is the art committee. It's a pity that she is holding a paintbrush and is devoting herself to drawing cartoons on paper. As for ‘you can hear the sound even when a needle falls on the ground quietly in the classroom’, that’s even more nonsense.

"Hey, early summer! Double buckle here, three missing one!" Someone saw her enter the door hurriedly greeted her.

Well, how can she often forget the school spirit of Styland College...

"No need." Her expression was a little bad. When she walked to the seat and sat down, Filia was gnawing on a hamburger, and when she saw her coming, she raised her hamburger.

"Would you like to eat?" An Chuxia couldn't scold her at once with her satisfied look. She used to be the overtime supervisor of the discipline committee in the class, so one of the things she did most was to manage class discipline. The most frequently said sentence was... ‘be quiet! It's class now! ’

But now, it seems that there is no need for discipline.

When I just opened the textbook and prepared for self-study, the head teacher came in with a stack of test papers. He wasn't surprised to see such a learning atmosphere, but was stunned when he saw An Chuxia carefully previewing.

To confirm, he walked to An Chuxia and took the textbook in her hand. After confirming that it was a textbook and not a comic or bad book, he was shocked again.

"Are you... previewing?" The head teacher stared at her.

An Chuxia blinked: "Right teacher. Is there any question?" She felt that the question asked by the head teacher was really inexplicable. Obviously, when she saw her preparing the textbook, she still asked this kind of question.

"That's it..." The head teacher couldn't hide his excitement. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and said in a calm tone: "Well, classmates! Stop everything you are doing now, including preview..."

Seeing that the teacher in charge was so excited, all the students stopped what they were doing in doubt. Even Felia's chewing of the burger stopped.

"We are conducting this month's simulated monthly examination of the whole subject!" He raised the test paper in his hand and distributed the test paper to the first student in each group on the stage.

Taking advantage of the time when the test papers were issued, Filia explained to An Chuxia the ‘simulated monthly test for all subjects’. This is a tradition in Styland. Before the monthly test in the nearby city, each class will choose one morning for this test. Although all the test questions are on the same test paper, the questions inside are condensed in concise. The key questions that are not key will not appear on the test paper.

And the examination paper is one morning. During this period, students can have the opportunity to apply for 2 visits to the toilet. And every time I go to the bathroom, I will be accompanied by two deputy head teachers. Therefore, cheating in the toilet can be ruled out.

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