Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 609: Xu Niannian

This scene was seen plainly by Steward Han, and a gentle smile filled the corners of Steward Han's mouth.

After eating breakfast, the housekeeper Han sent An Chuxia and Han Qilu to school, and returned to seeing Jiang Yuanyuan choosing the cake pattern for Han Liuhai on a notebook printed with many cake patterns.

"Madam, have you already chosen? What kind of cake to make." Housekeeper Han walked a few steps and asked when he came to Jiang Yuanyuan.

Jiang Yuanyuan shook his head and said with some headache: "These are too complicated, I'm afraid they will be ruined, but the simple ones are too simple."

Steward Han smiled unabatedly, and said respectfully: "Don't have a headache for now. I think I need to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Yuanyuan then raised his head from the booklet, looking at the housekeeper Han and asking suspiciously.

Butler Han smiled and told Jiang Yuanyuan about the breakfast in the morning. After the incident, Jiang Yuanyuan frowned slightly: "How can you eat something that is burnt? Why didn't you tell me... wait, you said little The **** took the initiative to take the scorched eggs from Xiaochuxia to eat?"

"Yes." The housekeeper Han narrowed his eyes with a smile, and continued: "Although it's just such a small matter, it proves that the young master is still very considerate to the young woman, isn't it?"

"Okay!" Jiang Yuanyuan patted her hands with a smile on her face: "This is a good thing! Well, now that everything goes so smoothly today, then pick the more difficult cake and make it. If you do it, No, it’s a big deal to do it again. We still have more time, right?"

Butler Han answered quickly and said yes.

Both of them got up early today, so when An Chuxia came to the classroom, more than half of the class didn't show up. She slept too little last night, and was thinking about taking advantage of her early self-study before she started, so she could just make up for it. But as soon as she sat on the seat, several girls gathered around, including the life committee.

"What's the matter?" An Chuxia put down her schoolbag, looked at them suspiciously and asked.

"Early summer, I have to tell you one thing." The life committee member first said: "Before you came, Xu Niannian brought someone to check the cleaning situation. No points were deducted anywhere else, but it was the window where you and Jiangnan were responsible. Points are deducted."

"How come..." An Chuxia's eyes widened, looking very surprised. If only the driver's uncle helped to clean the windows, there might still be unclean areas, but the housekeeper Han also helped clean the windows.

Housekeeper Han has always been very rigorous in her work, and she definitely does things like cleaning windows more seriously than she does herself. How can points be deducted?

"Early summer..." The girl next to her interrupted her thinking: "Don't worry, let's go and say something good together, maybe we can send the deduction sheet back."

"No." The life committee said categorically: "It is impossible to send it back."

Hearing the life committee say this, the girl next to her immediately gave her a look, and said angrily: "What kind of unfavorable things do you say? How can you know if you don't try it?"

"It's not that I said bad words." The life committee said word by word: "I felt sorry for not cleaning the windows with Chuxia and Jiangnan after I went back yesterday, so I came to check the windows early today. When I checked, I wiped the window with a napkin to see if there was any dust. I found that not to mention the dust, even a fly will slide down if it steps on it.

Hearing, the girl next to her covered her mouth in surprise and said: "Is it so clean? But why is it deducted?"

"I also thought there was a sanitary corner that I didn't check, so I checked it again after they deducted points. Even the window slots that are not usually checked are clean." The committee member said. Looking towards An Chuxia and asked, "Chuxia, you can honestly say, who did you fight with Jiangnan?"

An Chuxia originally didn't want to mention this matter, but now there is no way to hide it anymore. Anyway, she will know about it sooner or later, so she said, "Xu Niannian."

"That's no wonder!" A girl said, "Xu Niannian and the others, they used to rely on themselves as the student union, and they often avenged themselves when inspecting hygiene."

"What can I do then? The head teacher is the same as the menopause recently, who bites whom you see."

"Is it a mad dog to see who bites?"

"What's the difference between a menopausal old woman and a mad dog?"

The discussion among the girls started. Girls at this age always like to compete with teachers overtly and secretly.

"Don't talk about it." The life committee glared at them and said: "The topic is too far, right? The problem to be solved now is how to solve the deduction."

An Chuxia had been silent before, and now he said, "Thank you for worrying about me. Since Jiang Nan and I are responsible for cleaning the windows, let's solve this matter by ourselves."

"How are you going to solve it yourself?" A girl said, "Could it be that you are going to find Xu Niannian again? In case you go alone, Xu Niannian will take revenge on you because you and Jiang Nan had a fight with her yesterday. ?"

An Chuxia clenched her fists and said to everyone: "Don't worry, they won't retaliate against me openly. Besides, this deduction is also revenge, and the deduction is the class score, and I am obligated. Get the score back."

The girls fell silent, only the life committee nodded approvingly: "Then early summer, you go. Now she should be in the class to count the scores, if the scores can't get back, it's okay. The big deal is that I will accompany you to the office to explain to the head teacher. The teacher in charge has always valued you very much, plus I am a class leader, so I should be able to hear it."

"En." An Chuxia nodded gratefully at them, stood up, and everyone automatically made way for her and watched An Chuxia leave.

"Do you think we should follow it?" a girl suggested.

"No need." The life committee member said rationally: "A large group of people used to be useless, and they may still be left behind. It's better to let Chu Xia go there alone."

The life committee's analysis made sense, so everyone had to sit back and wait for An Chuxia to return.

An Chuxia hurried to the door of Xu Niannian's classroom. There were only a dozen people in the classroom. A few girls are looking in the mirror to make-up, while a few boys are lying on the table and sleeping.

She noticed that although Xu Niannian and her class had a pennant of "Superior Hygiene Class" hung at the door, the floor of the classroom was full of garbage. Probably because Xu Niannian was in their own class who checked the sanitation, so they could still get the pennant even with such poor sanitation.

This pennant is really... "fair and open."

"Who are you looking for?" a girl noticed her, looked at her suspiciously and asked loudly.

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