Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 637: Come out with me

After class, it’s already lunch time. Meng Xiaonan just feels exhausted and feels uncomfortable everywhere. An Chuxia stood up, saw her hungry, and asked helplessly: "Are you still suffering? I see you keep writing for a lesson."

"It's okay, I can't die." Meng Xiaonan supported herself to stand up. She found that she was really too unsuitable for reading. Up to now, she can still be groggy and she can support such a class. .

An Chuxia nodded and looked at Meng Xiaonan and asked, "Then are you going to have lunch with me, or are you waiting for your Xiao Mingluo?"

"Of course I ate with my early summer boss!" The cute little man walked over and took her hand, and the two went downstairs to eat together.

When the two of them ordered good food to find a location, they realized that Han Qilu, Xiao Mingluo, and Ling Hanyu were actually eating in the cafeteria.

"It's no wonder that there are so many people in the cafeteria." Meng Xiaonan curled his lips and pulled An Chuxia to the place where the three people were sitting. They were sitting at a table for six, enough for two people.

"Hey! I said the three of you, why are you still eating in the cafeteria when you have money and a car? It made us queue up for a long time before we got the food!" Meng Xiaonan complained, and didn't stop his hands.

She put her dinner plate directly opposite Xiao Mingluo, and "kindly" put An Chuxia's dinner plate opposite Han Qilu.

At this time, An Chuxia would be hypocritical if she removed the plate again, so she had no choice but to come to the seat and sit down like a cute boy.

To be honest, she was really afraid that Han Qilu would directly lift her dinner plate because of the morning incident. But after sitting down, Han Qilu didn't react at all.

But it was precisely because Han Qilu didn't react at all that made her feel more worried.

"Chu Xia, what are you doing in a daze? Eat!" Meng Xiaonan saw that An Chuxia was wrong and stretched out his elbow to push An Chuxia.

An Chuxia just woke up like a dream, picked up chopsticks and started eating.

"I'm asking you guys." While chewing on chicken legs, the cute little man said vaguely: "Why are you suddenly interested in the cafeteria?"

"Have you not heard?" Ling Hanyu picked up a chicken leg and put it in the Anchuxia bowl. He was sitting diagonally across from Anchuxia, which was convenient. After placing the chicken legs, he sat calmly under Han Qilu's gloomy eyes. After coming down, he said to Meng Xiaonan, "The bird flu has been circulating outside recently. After thinking about it, the cafeteria should be at ease."

"Bird flu, do you give us chicken drumsticks in early summer?" Meng Xiaonan knew that Han Qilu must be unhappy at the moment, so he grabbed the chicken drumsticks from An Chuxia bowl into his own bowl and took a bite of the drumsticks and said, "Risk food, Let me eat!"

Everyone was speechless for a while.

The five people sitting like this attracted almost everyone's attention in the canteen. An Chuxia is more or less accustomed to this kind of gaze, but he still speeds up his meal.

After a meal, An Chuxia was the first to finish it, so she had to sit and wait for the cute boy.

"An Chuxia." Han Qilu put down his chopsticks, fixed his eyes on An Chuxia and said, "Come out with me."

An Chuxia was startled, but the next second was to relax.

Even if he played the devil, he wouldn't do anything to her...An Chuxia thought so.

Han Qilu stood up first, and finally said to Meng Xiaonan: "After dinner, go back with your husband, don't wait for her."

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