Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 646: Money is torn

Soon, the group of people dispersed, and the cute boy rolled his eyes impatiently and said: "I said Zhao Ying, do you think you did the two of us alone? You underestimated us, right?"

Compared to Meng Xiaonan's reaction, An Chuxia seemed more calm than usual. In the past, she remembered that Zhao Ying would pretend not to see them, or mock them coldly, but this time, she actually stopped them and dismissed her "little sisters."

No matter what she thought, she felt strange.

An Chuxia tightened her jaw and asked cautiously: "Zhao Ying, someone has come to you these days."

Zhao Ying and Meng Xiaonan were taken aback at the same time, and Meng Xiaonan then stared at Zhao Ying and said, "Hey-aren't you the one?"

"What that person?" Zhao Ying waved her hand and said, "It's not convenient to speak in another place."

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Ying turned around and left. An Chuxia and Meng Xiaonan looked at each other, nodded each other, and followed.

Obviously, Zhao Ying must know something. Since they are here, they always have to investigate something. Can't go back without finding anything.

Ten minutes later, the three people stopped in front of a small basketball court. This is a basketball court built in a nearby community, but the main purpose is not to play basketball, but to dance square dances for the aunts.

At this point, when the aunts are still cooking at home, naturally there will be no one.

"I'm not going around with you anymore. It seems that the photos that the person took have been suppressed by you. Up to now, the two of you always fighting in junior high school have not been reported." Zhao Ying said this. When I was a little gloating, I obviously didn't really care about them.

"You really know this!" Meng Xiaonan said angrily: "Those pictures are for someone else! Tell us who that person is!"

Zhao Ying smiled strangely, sighed and said, "Jiangnan, it's been a long time since you flew to the branch, why is your IQ still so low?"


Meng Xiaonan was about to rush forward and was forcibly pulled by An Chuxia.

An Chuxia pulled Meng Xiaonan and looked at Zhao Ying intently. Only now did she realize that Zhao Ying's clothes were all famous brands. Zhao Ying's house only runs a small supermarket. It is more appropriate than a convenience store rather than a supermarket. It is impossible for her family to buy her a full body brand.

This can only show that Zhao Ying gave the photos to "that person" because of a certain benefit, and this benefit is probably money!

And now, the reason why Zhao Ying deliberately revealed this to them is to make another money!


An Chuxia felt disgust.

But disgust is disgust, she can't turn around and leave because she hates Zhao Ying. An Chuxia gritted her teeth and quickly said, "Let's talk about what conditions do you have."

Hearing, Zhao Ying suddenly opened her eyes and smiled: "Look! Or you can be a human! Jiangnan, have you seen it? Learn!"

"Don't talk nonsense, just say it." An Chuxia looked cold, she didn't want to stay with Zhao Ying any more!

Zhao Ying is no stranger to An Chuxia's cold attitude. She stretched out her open right hand slowly, shook her hand and said, "Renminbi, this number."

"Five hundred yuan?" The cute little man curled his lips, took out five red-haired grandpas from his wallet, stepped forward and handed them to Zhao Ying: "Then, here you are."

Zhao Ying's expression changed, and slowly took the five hundred yuan, and then, holding the money in both hands. She only heard a "hiss--" and she tore the five hundred dollars!

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