Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 673: Let's go, my little maid

"My stomach hurts! You let me down!" An Chuxia's face was painful, and her eyebrows were twisted together.

Han Qilu stayed unmoved, and walked briskly, saying, "It's okay to let you down. Husband will let you down. Come on, An Chuxia, scream."

An Chuxia blushed involuntarily, and said angrily, "Han Qilu, you are a threat!"

"The young master's favorite is to threaten people." The other party was stubborn, not slowing down.

"Sorry, this lady hates being threatened!" An Chuxia finished speaking, biting her lower lip, stubbornly no longer screaming pain, and stopped talking.

Yes, is this a bit overplayed?

Han Qilu stopped, gently put her down, and asked with a corner of her mouth: "Are you angry?"

An Chuxia gave him an angry look, put her hand on the place where Han Qilu's shoulder was resting, and said in a bad tone: "Don't bother me!"

Really angry.

Han Qilu rolled his eyes and followed An Chuxia and said: "I don't know who it is. I just took half a million from me, and in a blink of an eye I forgot my identity as a maid. Tsk..."

Without mentioning this half a million, An Chuxia really almost forgot about this thing. The anger in her heart suddenly disappeared by more than half, she stopped, turned her head and looked at Han Qilu, who was behind her, and said, "Guess, who is the person who put the picture."

At this time, Han Qilu happily changed the subject, frowned, and said, "Xu Niannian?"

The biggest beneficiary of these photos is undoubtedly Xu Niannian. But it's not Xu Niannian.

An Chuxia shook her head: "Guess again."

There is no end to guessing like this. Han Qilu quickly stepped forward, clinging to An Chuxia's shoulders skillfully and said: "Let’s not guess, just tell me, okay? Little maid?"

He was sure that An Chuxia was a trustworthy person. At the beginning, he said that he was a maid of half a million for a month, and An Chuxia would definitely not shame.

An Chuxia shook her head: "This matter, no. I bought the news for 500,000 yuan. If I tell you directly, didn't I lose a month of free time for nothing? This is unfair."

In fact, she almost blurted out Du Jianran's name just now, but after another thought, Du Jianran should have done this for Han Qilu. Although she has always been kind-hearted, she is not stupid. Since Du Jianran had the heart to deal with her and Meng Xiaonan, she couldn't sit still.

Keeping this matter hidden from Han Qilu will become the capital to contain Du Jianran.

Looking at her mind, she was sure that she would not be inferior to Du Jianran.

Han Qilu saw her face changed, so he nodded: "Okay, then don't tell. I won't send anyone to investigate. But you have to answer me first. Can you solve this problem yourself?"

An Chuxia thought about it seriously, she and Meng Xiaonan. You can also ask Mo Xinwei and Wanzi for help when necessary. No matter who is standing behind Du Jianran, she has the confidence to win.

"Yes." An Chuxia looked resolute: "I can solve it by myself."

"Sure." Han Qilu said, suddenly bowed his head and pecked on her smooth forehead, curling her lips triumphantly: "Let's go, my little maid."

The name of the little maid is really bad, An Chuxia frowned: "Han Qilu, we are all reconciled, can't we change the name?"

An Chuxia didn't know how to act like a baby, and occasionally talked like a cat when he acted like a baby. Had it not been for Han Qilu's good determination, he would almost nod in agreement.

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