Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 715: Midnight call

An Chuxia keenly noticed that Han Qilu had subtle eye contact with Han Liuhai. In the past, the father and son would not look at each other at all except when they quarreled.

She was happy with these changes in her heart, turned around and closed the door, only to find Han Qilu "following" her into her room.

"What are you doing?" An Chuxia subconsciously wanted to close the door, but Han Qilu held her hands together and stared at her angrily.

The winter night is silent.

An Chuxia was a little guilty when he was seen by Han Qilu's eyes. She turned her gaze away, but held her hand in a closed position and asked, "What the **** are you doing?"

Is it... Knowing that she didn't talk to Han Liuhai as he said?

At the moment of fear of nervousness, she felt Han Qilu's strength against the door, her body involuntarily retreating, but in the next instant, her waist was surrounded by a pair of powerful hands, and her breath was completely filled with Han Qilu's unique, Good smell.

"An Chuxia, you are so bold." Han Qilu said, wrapping her waist.

Hearing the voice from above, An Chuxia smiled "hehe": "I learned from you."

It was indeed learned from him, and he was pampered. Without him, she would still be a humble An Chuxia. So humble, thinking about going to a good university to fulfill my mother's wish, the future is still at a loss. And now, the bright future is so close to her.

Suddenly, she became inferior again. She felt like a crystal orchid attached to the leaves, with a glamorous appearance. In fact, she was just living on the nourishment of the leaves.

This feeling made her feel humble all at once to her bones.

Han Qilu seemed to have noticed something wrong with her. Han Qilu let go of her slightly, his eyes seemed to be able to understand what she was thinking, he freed up a hand and squeezed her face: "An Chuxia, what are you doing? Your man is holding you. At that time, would you dare to give me a daze?"

An Chuxia was sad for a while, when she heard Han Qilu say this, she smiled and said, "Who is in a daze? Can you still read your mind? I'm a little tired and want to rest early."

"Yo." Han Qilu squinted at her: "I have become smarter, so I can't find any traces under the order of the guest."

Can't this guy just look at other people's faces and talk and do things occasionally?

An Chuxia glared at him: "Okay, I just give the order to evict guests. In a word, leave, I am going to sleep."

Han Qilu didn't let go, staring at her and asked, "What happened to you suddenly?"

"Just a little tired." An Chuxia said and repeated: "I really want to sleep."

Han Qilu stared at her for a while, then let go: "Okay, then you rest early."

He originally wanted to move out of the identity of the "maid's master" to suppress her, but seeing her a little awkward expression, he still obeyed her and stopped talking and left.

After Han Qilu left, An Chuxia took a hot bath.

The idea of ​​"Crystal Orchid" can't even be washed away in a hot bath. The thoughts in her head are so messed up that she can't write novels at all. She had to take a book and read it. Anyway, it must be impossible to fall asleep to bed so early.

The book is about a boy who relied on his own efforts to become the governor of a California in the United States. The story is very inspirational, but An Chuxia feels cold.

During this period of time, some people who were jealous of her made cold words, although she tried to pretend not to care on the surface. But once these words enter the ears, they enter the brain.

They said she was just a sparrow flying on a branch and becoming a phoenix, but the sparrow is a sparrow after all.

These words are extremely mean, but they are all words. Although she never thought of relying on the Han family to achieve something, she did have everything it is now because of the Han family.

After reading the book, the clock has already pointed to twelve. His head is unusually sober.

Next room.

Han Qilu had already gone to sleep, and the mobile phone placed by his pillow suddenly vibrated at this moment. The clock on the wall pointed at twelve o'clock and made a "ding" sound.

Who will call at this time?

In horror movies, this time is the heaviest time.

Han Qilu frowned dissatisfied, and touched the phone next to his pillow with the dark lamp: "Hello?"

"..." On the other side of the phone, there was silence.

"Who?" Han Qilu was a little awake, and moved the phone away from his ear, just to see the caller ID on the phone.

The three words "Xiang Mankui" used to surround him like a nightmare in countless silent nights. But now, he finally put it down completely, and this woman called at this point.

He suddenly remembered what Xiang Mankui said, going to her house tonight.

The irritability rose little by little, and Han Qilu patiently said, "Xiang Mankui, if you want to chat with someone, you can dial the late night radio. You are not welcome here."

The tone was indifferent, the impatience revealed in his words, maybe because of these stimulations, there was finally some movement over there.

Finally, Xiang Mankui's voice came out like a ghost: "Han Qilu, are you really going to be so cruel to me?"

heartless? Who is the one who gave up his family path decisively for the future? She is Xiang Mankui!

Han Qilu sat up from the bed. Although he was in the dark, he knew who the person he loved now was, and he knew that the woman on the phone had no weight in his heart now.

"Give up, Xiang Mankui." Han Qilu sighed slightly: "I have let go, and you should let go. You have to know that you don't like me, not unwilling."

"Haha" laughed at the other end: "You know me so? Knowing that I don't like it, just because I'm not reconciled?"

Han Qilu fell silent.

There was the sound of high heels walking on the other end. It was so late that Xiang Mankui was still wearing high heels.

"Han Qilu, you will regret it." The voice was so decisive and firm.

Han Qilu shook his head: "No, I will never regret what I chose."

"What about me? When you were with me at the beginning, you wouldn't regret this choice?" The voice over there suddenly rose.

Han Qilu was silent for a while, and said truthfully: "Xiang Mankui, I said that you are a stain on my life."

Who will not regret being stained?


Since then, there has been no sound.

Just when Han Qilu thought the phone had hung up, Xiang Mankui's voice suddenly rang again: "Well, from tonight, your life will no longer be stained."

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent collision of heavy objects. Han Qilu took the phone farther, but the sound of heavy objects collided no longer. Communication, still connected, this sound... why is it a bit like smashing the phone on the ground?

Just when Han Qilu was about to hang up the phone, suddenly there was the sound of metal and glass colliding.

What happened on the phone?

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