Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 733: Failed to stop the car

After that, the atmosphere was a bit depressed. Fortunately, the destination finally arrived. Xiao Mingluo now lives in a hotel close to Jiang's house, so the car stopped directly at Jiang's house.

After returning to the Han's house, they happened to pass by a car from the Han's house. She also wondered who it would be. As soon as she walked into the hall, she saw a long box on the leather sofa in the hall.

It is a bit like a box for flying a guzheng, but the material is cardboard.

Before she asked, Jiang Yuanyuan walked over and said happily: "The skirt is here, so I can watch it with you, so I can't take it apart. Come, come and take a look."

Don't say it, she really almost forgot that there is such a thing. When Jiang Yuanyuan said this, she suddenly wanted to see what the finished clothes looked like.

Just looking at the design drawing, she felt beautiful, and the finished product must look better!

Being pulled by Jiang Yuanyuan to the sofa, she noticed that Han Qilu had also come by, and she seemed to be curious about the skirt.

The box was tied by a pink silk ribbon. Jiang Yuanyuan was about to open it. The maid beside her hurriedly stepped forward: "Madam, let me come."

Jiang Yuanyuan shook his head firmly: "No, I will do it myself!"

With her serious face, it was as if she was not opening An Chuxia's clothes, but her own clothes.

Soon, the pink ribbon was untied, she reached out and opened the lid, and the skirt on the design drawings was immediately shown in front of everyone. What a beautiful dress this is! The upper body of the clothes is white, and the next life is gradually changing to light green. It's a very shallow kind, and immediately has a sense of freshness.

And the skirt that feels very comfortable to the touch is undoubtedly the biggest highlight of this skirt. The skirt looks like clouds and waves on the sea.

Not only her, but Jiang Yuanyuan, who had seen more beautiful clothes, also showed a happy expression.

"Fortunately." Han Qilu made such a voice.

Then, he turned directly upstairs.

"What is it?" An Chuxia glared at his back, and stroked the cloud-like flower carefully.

"It looks good?" Jiang Yuanyuan was quite proud: "The person Mommy found for you will definitely not shame you. Go upstairs and change your clothes to see if they fit and how they don't fit. I'll take them tomorrow morning. She will change it, and she will definitely send it to you before going on stage."

With that, she asked to send the clothes up, and An Chuxia changed her clothes obediently. After putting it on, the three-dimensional effect of the skirt immediately appeared, and it made the original skin good in Anchu Xia more like a fairy from the sky.

"It's so beautiful..." Jiang Yuanyuan couldn't help but exclaimed, and took the photo with her mobile phone.

"Boom, boom, boom." The door was knocked, and without waiting for a response, the door was pushed open.

The person who came in was Han Qilu. Jiang Yuanyuan stopped taking pictures and pulled Han Qilu over and said, "How about? Is my little Chuxia beautiful?"

The stunning gaze flickered in Han Qilu's eyes, and he calmly said, "It's okay."

It's okay again! An Chuxia was a little unhappy: "Han Qilu, can you speak?"

Jiang Yuanyuan laughed unkindly on the sidelines: "Asshole, you didn't come in on purpose to see how beautiful this dress is in our little Chuxia, right?"

As soon as he said this, Han Qilu's eyes flashed. It's the kind of panic that is quick and short.

He raised his eyes and said frankly: "I'm not that bored, An Chuxia, lend me one of your mobile phone data cables."

An Chuxia looked at him intently, there was no falsehood or panic in her eyes, she really came to borrow the data cable.

She curled the corners of her lips: "Put the bedside, you can take it yourself."

Han Qilu didn't talk too much nonsense. He took the data cable and left without looking at her again. This made her feel uncomfortable. If Jiang Yuanyuan were not there, she would really want to go up and beat him a few times! See if he dare to be so selfless to her!

The so-called **** is still spicy, not to mention the old **** Jiang Yuanyuan. She saw the displeased look on An Chuxia's face, and the law lines appeared with a smile.

"Little Chuxia, don't be upset, this guy is a dead duck mouth! Others can't see what he is doing here, can't I see it? He just came in to see you!" Jiang Yuanyuan said cheerfully.

An Chuxia's face reddened a little, as if he had been blushed with bleaching.

"Are you true?"

Really, came to see her on purpose? But Han Qilu's gaze stayed on her for no more than three seconds.

"Can Mommy lie to you?" Jiang Yuanyuan said, and walked around An Chuxia: "It's so beautiful. Tomorrow Mommy will personally bring someone to make you up. You can wait for the dazzling performance on stage!"

Jiang Yuanyuan said, waving at her, and happily leaving the room, leaving her alone in a mess.

Please, she just came to the stage and walked through the scene, playing soy sauce! It doesn't need to be dazzling! She originally planned to wear a dress casually, or go on stage in a school uniform, but now what is all this!

But according to Jiang Yuanyuan's temper, there is no turning point in this matter.

In this case, don't be afraid of anything, don't be stage fright, just stand on the stage with dazzling brilliance just like Jiang Yuanyuan said. Even if it is, really brave once! Fight once!

Never once, she felt that time passed so quickly. The night wind passed, and she was awakened by the wake-up bell. Her first reaction was to get up and look in the mirror.

I turned over and over last night because I was nervous, but I couldn't sleep. Fortunately, her usual work and rest are quite regular, so that dark circles under the eyes can hardly be seen all night with insomnia.

After breakfast, she got into the car at Jiang Yuanyuan’s warning.

Han Qilu was already sitting in the car waiting for her. Seeing her coming up, he coughed and looked a little embarrassed: "Yesterday..."

An Chuxia thought, what did "yesterday" mean? Could it be that he said "okay?"

Before she could come up with a reason, Han Qilu said, "That skirt suits you quite well."

"Huh?" An Chuxia looked at Han Qilu intently: "Weird, didn't you say yesterday, it was just ‘okay’?"

Han Qilu turned his head to the other side and said dullly, "Whatever you say."

Han Qilu, who looks a little shy like this, is really weird and cute. An Chuxia couldn't help laughing, and at the same time, he started to get nervous about today's opening ceremony again.

"Young Master." The uncle driver suddenly called him, and the speed of the car dropped.

Han Qilu looked over quickly: "What?"

"That girl, it seems to want to stop our car." The driver uncle said, regardless of whether Han Qilu saw it or not, he used his chin to signal a girl not far in front of him who was waving at them.

"Du Jianran." An Chuxia said these three words.

The girl who beckoned was Du Jianran.

Han Qilu's expression was faint, and he couldn't see what he was thinking. The uncle driver glanced in the rearview mirror and asked hesitantly: "Master, do you want to stop?"

As the exclusive driver of Han's family to send Han Qilu to school, the uncle driver would never stop when someone stopped the car, or ask Han Qilu if he wants to stop.

Today, he slowed down and asked Han Qilu if he wanted to stop, because Han Qilu had brought this girl, Du Jianran, into the car.

Han Qilu apparently also saw Du Jianran, but after the driver's uncle asked, he never answered. An Chuxia coughed and replied instead of him: "Stop..."

At this moment, Han Qilu suddenly said decisively: "Keep driving."

The uncle driver glanced at Han Qilu's expression in the rearview mirror, then glanced at the somewhat dazed expression of An Chuxia, the next second, he retracted his gaze, shifted gears decisively, and increased speed. The car drove forward quickly and quickly disappeared from Du Jianran's sight.

And Du Jianran's face turned pale at that moment.

Obviously, she watched the speed of the car slowed down after she waved to stop the car, but when the car was still five meters away from her, the car suddenly flew out.

She would never admit it was the Han family's car, carrying Han Qilu and An Chuxia's car.

Could it be because of An Chuxia?

Thinking of this, Du Jianran's hands suddenly clenched, and his knuckles turned white as soon as they clenched. Her hand trembled slightly...

It must be an early summer! She must have said something, the car will speed up again immediately, and it will not stop in front of her.

It must be so!

She gritted her teeth and stared closely at the direction the car in front was leaving.

"Miss!" came the voice of a middle-aged man, and then, the man who made the noise ran over from the other side of the road and said cautiously: "I'm sorry, miss, the jack can't be found, the tire can't be changed for a while, I Can I get a car for you?"

This middle-aged man is the driver of Du Jianran's family. The car punctured suddenly on the road, but fortunately there was no accident. Du Jianran got out of the car and wanted to come to the roadside to try his luck to see if he would run into the Han's car.

Unexpectedly, it really made her run into it, and even more so that it would stop as soon as the car came to her, speeding up immediately when it came to her.

This made her heart more roller coaster.

"Miss?" Seeing that she didn't respond, the driver said again: "Someone has to be asked to change the tires. Shall I call the lady a car?"

Du Jianran came back to his senses and nodded and said, "Okay."

On the other side, after the car drove out, An Chuxia's face flashed with surprise, and for a moment he wanted to ask why he didn't stop. But after hesitating, he still didn't ask.

Probably, I'm afraid she will be jealous, right?

Although the two people still quarrel as often as before, they have reconfirmed their relationship anyhow. So she doesn't need to ask some words.

Today's road conditions are very good, and soon the car arrived at the gate of the Royal Academy of Steiland. Since it is still early, there are not many people going to school in twos and threes.

"Young grandma." The driver turned his head and reminded: "Don't forget the bag."

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