Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 748: Tug of War 2

"Next, let me see if anyone volunteered?" The head teacher pushed down the eyes on the bridge of his nose and looked around the classroom.

"Me!" Meng Xiaonan raised his hand very actively.

Because of her good learning attitude during this period, the class teacher’s attitude towards her has also changed a lot. At this moment, she raised her hand to take the lead. The class teacher rarely said with a smile: "Jiangnan classmate is very active, and there are volunteers like her. ?"

Several more girls raised their hands one after another, all of whom were more troublesome. An Chuxia did not hesitate anymore and raised his hand.

The final result was that in addition to the few people who raised their hands, Philia and a slightly fat girl were added, and it just made up ten people.

Philia said without tears: "It's a blessing or a curse, it's a curse that cannot be avoided!"

On the first day of the Culture and Arts Festival, the first event was the "Tug of War".

As players, An Chuxia, Meng Xiaonan and others left the classroom in advance, and were taken to the playground by the physical education teacher to talk about precautions and tell where the venue is.

"At the beginning, everyone must ensure their own safety, and don't hurt yourself by being brave." The physical education teacher said on the podium as a precaution, and few people below listened carefully.

"Early summer, look at Qilu!" Meng Xiaonan said, pointing in one direction.

An Chuxia looked in that direction, and Han Qilu looked ill, his eyes distracted by the street lamp on the playground.

"What's wrong with him? Could it be..." Meng Xiaonan looked at An Chuxia with a smirk: "Too much play last night?"

"Go ahead!" An Chuxia pretended to glared at her, then looked in the direction of Han Qilu, and he happened to look over here.

"Go! Let's go over and take a look!" Meng Xiaonan said involuntarily, pulling her up and sneaking out of the team, walking towards Han Qilu.

Sliding all the way from the back of the team to the place where Han Qilu's class was lined up, Meng Xiaonan ran directly to Xiao Mingluo's side. Helpless, An Chuxia turned around and walked to Han Qilu after making a despising move to Meng Xiaonan.

As soon as he approached, Han Qilu spoke first: "Just your small body is also participating in the tug-of-war competition? Others picked you up with one hand, right?"

Han Qilu's words have always been so unpleasant, An Chuxia rolled his eyes like Mo Xinwei and said: "The tug-of-war is not purely based on weight. I have more strength! But you, the wine has not yet woken up, you are sure you can Participate in a tug of war?"

Han Qilu was a little unhappy when he heard this. He reached out his hand to pinch her chin, and said arrogantly: "The young master is not better than others in Chinese. For anything else, why am I not the first?"

An Chuxia pouted her lips: "Yes, then you prove it to me. If you don't get the first place in the tug-of-war this time, then the maid's affairs will be cancelled. How about?"

Han Qilu raised his face and said, "Said it is a maid, have you bullied me during this period of time?"

An Chuxia shrugged: "Then you tell me what to do."

Confident like Han Qilu, he raised his brows and said directly: "I don't have the first, I will be your grandson."

"Yo..." An Chuxia laughed, even her eyebrows were in a downwardly concave posture: "That's it."

"Wait." Han Qilu grabbed her, leaned into her ear and said, "If I take the first place, then you have to take the initiative to kiss me every day."

Shameless, rascal, bitch!

An Chuxia glared at him: "No way!"

"That's it." Han Qilu said, blowing a whistle, and standing back in the team.

On the other side, the cute boy took Xiao Mingluo and walked behind the tree far from the team.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Mingluo looked at her, his brows and eyes filled with tenderness.

"Have you checked the thing I told you?" Meng Xiaonan asked seriously, she rarely showed such an expression.

When the words fell, Xiao Mingluo was not in a hurry to answer, but took out a cigarette from his pocket, but before he could light it up, Meng Xiaonan had already snatched the cigarette and glared at him and said, "I'm not telling you. Have you ever smoked less?"

Xiao Mingluo sighed and stretched out his hand to pat Meng Xiaonan's head: "Men, you have to smoke, so that you can calm your mind."

"Okay." Meng Xiaonan said cleanly. In Xiao Mingluo's surprised gaze, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the lighter in his hand, "click", and skillfully lit the cigarette that he had just grabbed.

She breathed out a sip of cigarette slowly, and in the smoke, she said slowly: "You can smoke if you want, but if you smoke one, I will also smoke one."

Her attitude was firm, Xiao Mingluo had to disarm and surrender, and handed her the entire pack of cigarettes: "Auntie, grandma, can I be afraid of you? What kind of cigarettes do the girls smoke? Don't smoke anymore. I will do it in the future. If you don’t smoke, will you succeed?"

Only then did Meng Xiaonan threw the cigarette in his hand, stepped on it and raised his head and asked: "The topic is off, how did you find out about that matter?"

Xiao Mingluo glanced around, and then replied: "I asked someone to check it. You know that the people in the student union are very mixed, not all of us, but the goal is too small. I can’t find it out. But I think, since the performance in early summer was a complete success, let’s forget about it. I can’t find out anyway.”

"If you can't find it out, don't check it?" Meng Xiaonan looked a little angry: "If you don't check it, we will check it ourselves!"

She said that she turned and was about to leave. Xiao Mingluo quickly grabbed her and held her tightly in her arms: "Is it OK if I check? I'll give you an explanation!"

After a while, Meng Xiaonan looked up at him: "What you said, you must give me an explanation."

"En." Xiao Mingluo nodded: "I said. But... sometimes I often wonder, is my position in your heart worse than that of early summer? Fortunately, she is a woman, otherwise I have to be jealous. My stomach hurts!"

The cute little man can't help but laugh: "Just your mouth is poor!"

Just at this time, An Chuxia's voice came from not far away: "The two behind the tree, are you out of poverty?"

Meng Xiaonan pushed Xiao Mingluo away a little awkwardly, and walked out from behind the tree grinning: "Early summer, why are you here?"

When she walked out, she realized that the team there had already dispersed, and Han Qilu was following An Chuxia. His expression was no longer sick and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"The matter is over, give it, number it." An Chuxia took the cloth strip with the number that the contestant wanted to hold and handed it forward: "Don't lose this thing. You have to return it after the game."

While speaking, Han Qilu also handed Xiao Mingluo's number to Xiao Mingluo.

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