Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 785: Child temper

"Yo..." said the adorable little male viper: "Are you still thinking about eating? Cut a piece of meat on your thigh if you don't have any meat, absolutely fat but not greasy!"

"Meng Xiao Nan, you go to die!" Philia chased after angrily to beat Meng Xiao Nan.

An Chuxia smiled helplessly, opened the textbook and began to review.

After the Culture and Art Week was over, it was a very important exam for her. If you get the first place in the exam this time, you will not only be able to get the number of recommended places, but you can also revoke the last penalty.

But because of that punishment, the recommended place is likely to fail her even if she gets the first round, but it is better to be able to revoke one of the punishments.

"Early summer, are you still reviewing? I'll go home first!" Philia said, making a "bye bye" gesture, and went home with his schoolbag on his back.

"Early summer, then you review, I'm going to the basketball club!" Meng Xiaonan knew that she would only disturb An Chuxia in class, so he consciously walked away to watch the training.

The clock in the classroom was ticking and ringing rhythmically, and An Chuxia wrote down the complicated problem-solving process in the book "Whhhhhhhh". The only way to read a good book is to work hard. She thinks she is not smart, so she has worked harder than others since she was a child.

"The double angle formula doesn't seem to work here..." An Chuxia frowned, and the word "Chuan" formed between her brows.

Suddenly, her eyes went dark, and a pair of big hands covered her vision.

"Who?!" An Chuxia subconsciously patted that hand.

Han Qilu's voice immediately sounded in the air: "Pain! An Chuxia, can you stop thinking about murdering your husband?"

It turned out to be Han Qilu!

An Chuxia turned her head and looked at Han Qilu's aggrieved appearance, she couldn't help but laughed out: "Who makes you cover someone else's eyes suddenly? You can't make a sound when you walk. I thought who it was, scared me to death. Up!"

"Who else? Who would dare to cover your eyes?" Han Qilu said, bending over and pulling the pen in her hand: "Don't do it, go home."

"When I finish this question, I will do half of it. When I get home, I will forget how the previous steps were obtained. You do it first, and I will be ready immediately." An Chuxia took back his pen and continued to draft Scribble on the paper.

"Don't do your homework and get mad, I don't want to be a nerd to have a baby in the future." Han Qilu spread his hands and sat on the opposite desk.

An Chuxia ignored him and seriously used various formulas to set the questions, but throughout the process, she felt that she was being caught by Han Qilu's eyes! Don't ask what it is, it's uncomfortable anyway.

After finally solving the problem, An Chuxia took a breath and turned to look at Han Qilu. Han Qilu happened to be looking at her too, and between the eyes, An Chuxia took the lead to look away and lowered his head to organize things.

I have to say, Han Qilu, this guy, really looks more handsome! So handsome that she is a little jealous of him!

In the early morning of the next day, there was a patter of rain.

"Obviously, the weather forecast shows the big sun, why is it raining!" Philia entered the classroom with an umbrella, with a few drops of rain hanging on her hair.

"I would rather believe in Tianyuan place than the weather forecast. Are you a pig? You still look at the weather forecast this year? It is better to look at the weather forecast than to see if there are stars at night!" The cute little male viper is good at skills, but in exchange for it As a result, Philia chased her ten times around the classroom.

The bell rang, and the head teacher walked into the classroom on the bell, almost every second on time.

"Go and sit back to your position." The head teacher pushed her gold-framed glasses and looked around the classroom. Seeing that no one was late, he nodded with satisfaction and said: "There was originally a fancy dress party this morning, but because Due to the weather, the open-air stage we temporarily set up is no longer usable, so we postponed it to this evening and held it with the closing reception."

"What is a fancy dress ball?" An Chuxia asked Tiffilia, pushing suspiciously.

Xu Shian Chuxia didn’t know almost any gossip, Philia simply didn’t even bother to despise her, and directly replied: “It’s an event organized by the animation club and the street dance club. It’s similar to cosplay, but their clothes are all It’s made from scraps, it’s fun!"

"It's made of waste products?" An Chuxia's eyes widened in surprise: "You mean, those things with banana peels?"

Philia rolled her eyes and said, "My eldest lady, I don't know what to say about you. Say you have no IQ. You are among the best in your grades. Say you have a high IQ. You even... …Forget it, I won’t explain it to you anymore, you will know it tonight."

"In addition, our blackboard newspaper is almost out. When everyone is playing, be careful not to touch the back. We will start the class arrangement and all class leaders will come out with me." The head teacher said, he walked out of the classroom door. .

The grading content of the blackboard newspaper also includes classroom layout and classroom hygiene. Therefore, the classroom will be arranged this morning and wait for the grading in the afternoon.

An Chuxia and Filia were assigned to clean the windows, while Meng Xiaonan was assigned to the school together with several other girls to buy things for decorating the classroom.

The scoring in the afternoon finally began in the expectation of everyone. Everyone sat upright for a long time, all the books on the desk were stuffed under the desk, but...

after an hour……

"It's been an hour, why hasn't the teacher who graded it yet? Didn't it fall out of our class?" Someone couldn't help complaining.

"Don't think things so bad! Talking so bad!" The cute little man frowned and said seriously: "It may be diarrhea. I squatted in the toilet for an hour!"

"Damn, are you worse off?!"

"Is there?" Meng Xiaonan raised his eyebrows, Yu Guang just caught a glimpse of a group of people coming from the other side of the corridor, and quickly sat upright and whispered to remind him: "Hush! Stop arguing! The grading teacher is here!"

If the class is too noisy, the first impression of the grading teacher will be bad, so everyone immediately followed the posture of elementary school students with their hands neatly arranged, holding their breath and waiting for the grading teacher to come in.

The head teacher returned to the office an hour ago. At such an important moment, everyone is a little panicked when the head teacher is not there.

But fortunately, a few teachers are familiar with each other, and they greet everyone as soon as they come in.

"Hello classmates, I’m sorry to be late. We only discovered that the equipment room was locked temporarily, and the teacher who managed the equipment room happened to ask for leave today. But the cameras are all in the equipment room, so I had to go to the teacher’s house to get the keys. It’s been a while, I hope you don’t mind.” The female teacher said apologetically, standing on the podium.

"It's okay!" every classmate replied in unison.

After the teachers were gone, An Chuxia came to realize that the so-called scoring was not to score on the spot. The grading is divided into three parts. The first part is naturally the most important blackboard newspaper. The photo is taken by the teacher who took the picture. The second part is the layout of the classroom, this one is taken by the teacher holding the camera.

The third part is the cleanliness of the classroom, only this part is scored on the spot, but this part is also the smallest percentage, basically every class can get full marks.

After shooting the blackboard newspapers and classroom layouts of all the classes, the teachers returned to the office to make careful evaluations. Finally, several teachers scored together. After removing the highest and lowest scores, the average score plus the classroom hygiene score was added. It's the final score.

The grading is over for the students, and everyone is free to move around. An Chuxia was thinking about doing math homework, but Meng Xiaonan ran over to ask her to accompany her to buy drinks.

"What kind of drinks are you drinking? Drinks are not good for your health. Go and drink some boiled water, be good!" An Chuxia said, reaching out and patted Meng Xiaonan's head.

Meng Xiaonan immediately pursed his lips unhappily: "How do you go with Philia to buy snacks in the morning? You just like the new and hate the old, think I'm tired, and I'm done with Philia!"

Philia, who was seriously gnawing on chicken legs, was immediately dissatisfied: "Hey! I said cute boy, I am gnawing on chicken legs and lying down with guns! I found that you have been particularly awful these days, don't talk nonsense, come and fight with me. !"

Not all of them turned into **** after eating so many things, she didn't believe it anymore, she could not beat the cute boy who was as thin as a rod with all her strength!

Seeing that World War III is about to break out, An Chuxia quickly stood up and pulled over the cute boy who was ready to face off and said: "Alright, alright! Stop it, can't I accompany you?"

Meng Xiaonan grinned and said, "Isn't it all right if you said that earlier? Let's go and buy water with this king!"

After Meng Xiaonan finished speaking, he put his hand on her shoulder rather aggressively, and walked out of the classroom with his arms around her.

Philia's shout came from behind: "Comrade Jiangnan, don't call yourself the king, you will become the king in a moment!"

Meng Xiaonan paused, snorted, and continued walking.

When I came to the supermarket, I realized that there are so many people in the supermarket that I can step on other heels when I lift my foot. Many people come to the supermarket to buy food because they are bored with free activities.

"What kind of drink do you want to buy?" Meng Xiaonan chose to choose, but in the end he chose a bottle of Coke that is the worst for the body.

There are too many people, so An Chuxia did not enter the supermarket. Seeing that Meng Xiaonan finally paid the money and squeezed out, she immediately got up from the public chair at the door, stepped forward and asked: "Why don't you bring a bottle for Philia? She will definitely feel thirsty after eating chicken legs. of."

When the cute little man heard this, he frowned silently: "Early summer, you have me in your heart. Why are you so good to that little fat girl? I'm all jealous of her! Did you hear that? You are not allowed to be so good to her anymore. !"

She used to be a pair with Chu Xia, but suddenly a Philia appeared, and she was a threesome. Can she not be jealous?

An Chuxia smiled helplessly: "Can we stop being a child?"

The sunset glow gradually became lighter and lighter amidst the frolics, and the dreamlike colors gradually disappeared from the horizon. The night is approaching silently.


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