Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 86: [086] Live-action beautiful man out of bath

"Is there anyone?" Han Qilu's door was lightly hidden, and a bright light shone on the dark corridor. The lights in the corridor were off, maybe some servant forgot to turn on the lights, and she didn't know where the switch was, so she had to go to Han Qilu's room with guts.

In fact, her courage is very small...

No one in the room answered An Chuxia, she looked back at the long dark corridor, and regardless of whether there was anyone in Han Qilu's room, she reached out and opened the door. The bright light fell on her, and she immediately felt safe.

"Is there anyone? Han Qilu?" She looked around the room. The room was empty and there was no one. This is the second time she has entered the boys’ room, right? Han Qilu's room is also very neat. Of course, for someone as picky as him, the room is messy and weird.

The main color of his room is dark rose red, giving a very romantic feeling. If this kind of room is for a girl, it would feel very good, but Han Qilu is a boy... I turned to think about Han Qilu's face, and felt that the dim rose red seemed to suit him. Who makes his face so coquettish and more beautiful than a girl?

There was no one in the room. She looked bolder as a whole. After walking around Han Qilu's room, she stopped in front of the big bed. Is this bed half bigger than hers?

In fact, her bed is not small. The point is that Jiang Yuanyuan bought a lot of dolls and piled them on her bed, saying that this is the bed for girls. So she had the illusion that her bed was small.

Taking a breath, she bent over and jumped onto Han Qilu's bed. Suddenly jumped ten centimeters high.

"It's a soft bed..." She felt unfinished, and jumped a few more times, becoming more and more interesting. A man happily played on the trampoline on the bed.

But An Chuxia did not notice that the bathroom door of Han Qilu's room was gently opened from inside. The bathroom door has a very good sound insulation effect, so An Chuxia didn't hear the sound of someone taking a bath just now.

Opening the door lightly, Han Qilu wrapped a white bath towel around his lower body, and his upper body was exposed to the air without hesitation. The chestnut hair was still wet, dripping continuously. He was frowning and wiping his hair with a bath towel in his right hand.

Hearing a strange noise coming from ahead, he stopped wiping his hair and looked up at his bed.

A girl in a white nightdress was jumping around on his bed, and he opened his mouth slightly in surprise. Don't mention how cute the expression is, but the next second Han Qilu couldn't help but curl his mouth.

This time his smile really reached the bottom of his eyes. An Chuxia... Is it a brain damage? Right? It must be!

Throwing the towel for wiping the hair in his hand casually, he walked to the bed with a light motion, and said in a cold voice like a mischief: "My bed, is it fun?"

An Chuxia, who jumped up, was panicked when he heard Han Qilu's cold voice. He didn't control the intensity and fell down at an angle.

I thought to myself: No, my old lady's leg just doesn't have any more old injuries, just add new ones! ! !

Then, before the word for help was uttered on his mouth, his eyes saw the rose-red floor. She swears that she hates rose red, and she hates rose most in her life!

Time seems to have stopped at this moment...

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