Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 912: Get certificate

Han Qilu pretended to take out his mobile phone.

An Chuxia's original intention was not this, and he quickly stood on tiptoe to grab the phone.

Han Qilu, with quick eyesight and quick hands, took the phone up, and she threw herself away.

"What are you doing?" Han Qilu looked at her slightly unhappy.

"Don't call." An Chuxia said quickly: "I didn't want the reporter to come over. I just think, think this is too sudden!"

She is not mentally prepared yet!

"Suddenly?" Han Qilu condensed his eyebrows, and said solemnly after a while: "It's not sudden. I have also asked for a marriage proposal. We have already made an engagement... We have already decided. Is this sudden?"

Isn't this girl suffering from premarital phobia?

An Chuxia fell silent for a while, and recalled what Han Qilu said.

Indeed, they were engaged a long time ago, and they have proposed just now, and this is not the first time they have proposed. The first time was at Han's house. Is this suddenly? Obviously it is not sudden. But she always felt...not very comfortable in her heart.

What is going on here?

"Hurry up, I specially asked them to wait until we come before leaving get off work." Han Qilu reached out and patted her shoulder, then took her hand and entered the Civil Affairs Bureau.

A group of people from the Civil Affairs Bureau have been waiting long ago. All the procedures have already been prepared, and they are waiting for the two of them.

After coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, An Chuxia's whole person was in a trance.

After getting in the car, Han Qilu noticed that something was wrong with her, and shook his hand before her eyes: "Return to God!"

"Huh?" An Chuxia's eyes were a little dull: "What's the matter?"

"I'm fine, it's you, it's like losing my soul." Han Qilu said, putting two red books on her lap: "Take it."

The car flew out like an arrow.

Jiang's family is terribly quiet, and even the servants who usually talk about it are extremely silent.

As soon as he entered Jiang's house, An Chuxia felt depressed.

When Han Qilu parked his car and came in, An Chuxia hurriedly walked over and asked, "Why is it so quiet?"

"Can you not be quiet?" Han Qilu expressed a clear expression: "Grandpa too must have made a lot of fire. Who dares to make a fuss right now? Anyone can hide, let's go back."

Until she went back to her room and lay down, An Chuxia didn't want to understand why she suddenly felt something wrong when she received the certificate.

What is missing!

What is missing?


Her wedding with Han Qilu.

Thinking of this, An Chuxia felt a little more comfortable.

"Boom boom boom." The door was knocked.

An Chuxia sat up from the bed: "Come in."

"Little Chuxia!" Jiang Yuanyuan knocked on the door. She walked in quickly, her eyes turned red.

"What's the matter? Mommy?" An Chuxia was a little surprised. She jumped out of bed and greeted Jiang Yuanyuan and asked, "What happened? Don't cry. By the way, where have you been? I didn't see you."

Jiang Yuanyuan wiped the corners of her wet eyes and said, "Your father flew to England to discuss cooperation after the wedding. From then on, I went to Grandpa Qilu's study with them. From that time to dark, His grandfather was stunned and didn't say a word."

"What about now? Uncle National and... have they gone back?" An Chuxia deliberately ignored Jin Ke's name.

"Go back." Jiang Yuanyuan sat down on the bed and took her hand and said, "But, before I went back here, I heard his grandfather say that someone should check Jin Ke's identity."


"Jin Ke's life experience is of course innocent, mainly because of her relationship with Liuhai." Jiang Yuanyuan sighed and continued: "I can let go, and I have already let go. But you don't know. Ah, it was me who wanted to marry Han Liuhai back and forth. His grandfather didn't know that the woman who was with Liuhai back then was Jin Ke."

"You mean..." An Chuxia was shocked: "Grandpa Jiang doesn't know that Jin is..."

"Yes." Jiang Yuanyuan nodded: "At that time, for my business, the Jiang family felt that I was ashamed, and even wanted to cut off relations with me, and I rarely returned to Jiang's family. This investigation will definitely know that Jin is Liu Hai My first love. This woman who separated from Liuhai because of me suddenly became a woman that Guoli likes. I don’t think too much about it, but it’s hard to guarantee that others will think wildly."

Once it is found out, many people will definitely guess that Jin came to Jiang's family for revenge.

Failure to become Han Liuhai's woman ruined Jiang Guoli.

Mrs. Jiang, surely think so!

In this way, Jiang Guoli's affairs with Jin Ke almost broke.

Jiang Yuanyuan must love her brother very much, that's why she is so sad.

An Chuxia felt heavy in her heart, and when she looked up, she thought of a person: "Mommy, go and talk to Qilu. He has a lot of spooky ideas, maybe there is something to do."

"He?" Jiang Yuanyuan snorted, "I told him as soon as I came back, but the kid said that he doesn't care about it."

"No matter?" An Chuxia was surprised: "But isn't his relationship with Uncle National?"

"That's the same thing." Jiang Yuanyuan narrowed his mouth: "He was probably afraid that if things didn't happen, his grandfather would be angry with you. Although you are married, but if his grandfather is too cruel...Hey, mommy is here. I’m here to beg you. You can help Mommy to persuade Qilu. Let him find a way. It’s dark now, and even if that person wants to report, he will have to wait until tomorrow."

"En." An Chuxia stood up: "I'll go now. By the do you know we are married?"

"I said this to Qilu a long time ago, lest there be too many dreams at night, and get the certificate first. We will talk about the wedding after you graduate." Jiang Yuanyuan said pitifully, "Please, early summer."

"Okay." An Chuxia nodded heavily and walked out of the room quickly.

Jiang Yuanyuan sighed and stood up and left.

Han Qilu's room door was hidden. An Chuxia reached out and knocked on the door. No one responded. She hesitated and walked in.

The room was dark, and no sound was heard. She touched the switch on the wall, and the room suddenly lit up. In her sight, Han Qilu was covering a thin blanket with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

"Han Qilu." An Chuxia stepped forward, Han Qilu did not react at all.

Are you pretending to be sleeping?

She frowned and pushed Han Qilu: "Don't pretend to be asleep! Get up! I have something to tell you."

With her push, Han Qilu still had no reaction at all, not even her eyelashes trembling. Her heart suddenly tightened. I heard that people are prone to heatstroke in this kind of weather. If heatstroke is not detected for a long time, people are likely to die!

Thinking of this, her heart beats quickly and suddenly.

"Han Qilu! Wake up!" Her hand trembled and stretched out an index finger, and slowly passed it to Han Qilu's person to test whether she had a snort.

A hand suddenly grabbed her wrist.

She was taken aback and raised her eyes to meet Han Qilu's dark eyes.

not dead!

An Chuxia's eyes were hot, she threw away Han Qilu's hand, and hit Han Qilu's chest with a punch: "You are crazy! What a good death? You scared me to death, do you know?!"

The latter was stunned for a while before speaking: "I just sleep..."

He was going to get angry, but when he saw An Chuxia's red eyes, his heart suddenly became soft.

What's the matter, he is the one who should be swearing and beating when he was awakened when he fell asleep? Has this situation been reversed?

"Then why can't I wake you up for a long time?!" An Chuxia calmed down, rolled her eyes, and sat down on the bedside: "I don't care, you scare me, you have to compensate me!"

"What am I scaring you?" Han Qilu sat up with a look of injustice.

In the next moment, he finally realized what An Chuxia had misunderstood. She thought he was dead!

Please, how could he die so easily?

"An Chuxia, you are a pig brain, and..." He was halfway through his words, and when he saw An Chuxia staring at him, the confidence in his heart suddenly disappeared: "Well, you say, how can I compensate you. Why... ...I agree with my body..."

As he said, his hand stretched out.

An Chuxia quickly stood up and said, "Fuck you! Who wants you to promise me? You have to promise me one thing!"

Han Qilu shrugged nonchalantly: "Okay, just tell me what's the matter."

An Chuxia stayed for a while and asked, "You agreed without asking me what's wrong?"

Han Qilu raised his eyebrows and said with a wicked smile: "Is there anything in this world that the young master can't do?"


She cursed in her heart.

"That's good. Then you promise me to help Sister Jin Ke."

The smile on Han Qilu's face instantly froze. A touch of embarrassment flashed across his face.

"I can't agree to this matter."

Can't agree.

"Why?" An Chuxia was a little anxious. Jiang Yuanyuan rarely asked her for anything. This was the only time? She can't do it, otherwise Jiang Yuanyuan will be so sad?

"There is no reason." Han Qilu looked incomprehensible: "I can promise you anything else, except this one. I heard that Chanel has released a new summer dress. I can take you to buy it tomorrow. ."

"I don't want any Chanel." An Chuxia frowned: "I just want Sister Jin Ke to be with Uncle National."

"Early summer." Han Qilu rubbed his temples with a headache: "To be honest. It's not that I don't want to do this, but I really don't have the ability."

"But, haven't our problems been resolved? Sister Jin Ke is more promising than me. She is a specially hired person from the Forbidden City. Why is she..."

Han Qilu interrupted her: "Since you came to me, my mother must have told you something, then she should have told you about Jin Ke? You should know that she is different from you, and I am too grandpa. He agrees with a person no matter how lowly he is, and he will not agree with her to enter Jiang's door."


"So, no matter what I think of, it won't help."


"Also, in this imperial capital, Uncle is more capable than me. If he had a way, he would have done it long ago, but until now, even he hasn't made any moves, so what can I do?"

An Chuxia heard a hint of helplessness in Han Qilu's voice.

She owes it to consideration.

"I'm sorry." She tightened her palms.

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