Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 24: Not afraid of pain

  How could it not bite...

  Some snakes fell from her to the ground, were accidentally stepped on by her, and bit directly on the calf...

   Later, the film crew thought that the robot was not afraid of biting anyway, so they frequently stimulated and angered the snake, so that more snakes could open their mouths and attack. Of course, the price is that she has a lot of small holes...

Without waiting for Gu Anbao to speak, Shen Xinran replied with a smile: "Anyway, the robot will not hurt or bleed, it's okay! Brother, I will tell you, but it's interesting, those snakes bite on the robot, Gum Gam Gum's teeth! Hahahahaha..."

   is a robot after all, although the skin is as soft as human skin, but the inner structure is metal and circuit board, which is very hard.

  However...Gu Anbao didn't find it funny...

   may seem funny to others, but... she was so scared at the time.

  Snake bites are different from cats and dogs. When the snake bites down, it won't let go. She has to throw it hard to get rid of the snake hanging on her...

   "It doesn't will be scared..." Gu Anbao murmured absently.

   Scared of snakes, scared of mice, scared of cockroaches, scared of spiders... She was originally just a normal eighteen-year-old girl.

   Insufficient guts, innocent excess...

Shen Xinran still said enthusiastically: "Even the director said that I helped him a lot. There are still a few scenes in the next two days, and the risk factor is quite high. This is all right. There are robots out there. Certainly no problem. ......Oh, the director said he would add play to me!"

   "...Shen Xinran." Over the phone, Chen Yuheng suddenly shouted her name.

   Shen Xinran froze for a while, "Huh?"

   "Do you think, I let you sign a contract, just a few sheets of paper?" His tone of voice did not seem to change, but there was a cold taste.

  The smile on Shen Xinran's face froze, "Brother, there are only a few small holes, which can't be seen at all...The robot is still good, can walk and talk."

  Chen Yuheng said coldly: "I think there is a clause in the contract that you should remember, if there is any damage to the robot, the contract is terminated, and Party B needs to pay all maintenance costs and compensation."

The smile on Shen Xinran's face was put away bit by bit. She turned off the external speaker, picked up the phone and put it in her ear, and said lowly: "...I just want to see you, brother... don't give birth to me I’m gonna give you the amount of compensation. I just want to see you..."

  Chen Yuheng didn't intend to talk to her again, without a hint of emotion: "Tomorrow RK staff will go to collect robots, and then contact them when the time comes."

   The phone hung up.

  Shen Xinran continued to hold the mobile phone for a long time before slowly letting down...

   She looked blankly at the screen of her mobile phone, not knowing what she was thinking, and suddenly, a strange smile evoked in her mouth, like disdain and mockery.

  Gu Anbao saw it on the side, but he felt a little shocked...

  The assistant knocked on the door and came in, "Sister Xinran, you can go."

   Shen Xinran asked: "Which scene will be filmed tomorrow?"

   Assistant replied with a smile: "Tomorrow is the opponent's play with Brother Tao, and it is also a night show. We can go here at six o'clock. Sister Xinran can take a good rest during the day. These days I have worked hard."

  Shen Xinran nodded, carrying the bag and leaving.

   Assistant glanced at Gu Anbao in the lounge and couldn't help but ask, "Sister Xinran, is it okay to put the robot here?"

   will not be stolen? Robots are very expensive...

   "Don't worry about it." Shen Xinran seemed to be very tired, waved his hand, and the person had already gone out.

  The assistant hurried to follow up, turned off the light, and then closed the door of the lounge.

  Gu Anbao was suddenly caught in darkness...

   Hearing the sound of footsteps outside, she slowly walked to the sofa in the lounge and sat down... touching the scratched and bitten place bit by bit.

   The skin on the wound is not so smooth and somewhat rough.

   touched an insignificant scratch on her calf, feeling strange, she picked her finger and pulled a broken branch the size of a toothpick...

  Gu Anbao smiled bitterly.

  I don't know, will there be sand and small leaves digging into the skin wounds... Will it affect the robot's body? ...

   Fortunately, listening to what the assistant said, it seems that there will be nothing for her tomorrow, and finally, I can relax...

  ——Chen Yuheng who hung up the phone walked back and forth in the room two times, a little irritable.

   thought Ruan Ruan had been bitten by snakes in several holes, and his heart seemed to block his breath, very uncomfortable.

  Chen Yuheng feels at the moment, it's like a car borrowed and rubbed, a cell phone borrowed and the screen is broken, a computer borrowed is infected with a virus...

   Very, uncomfortable!

   picked up the phone, flipped through the address book, dialed a number——

"Lulu, take the maintenance staff to take Ruan Ruan back tomorrow, check the damage, and then issue a detailed damage report. I will send you Shen Xinran's phone number later, and you will contact her tomorrow. "

  Lulu took the phone and sat on the bed in a dull look, feeling that although his body was awake, his brain... er... didn't seem to be fully awake yet.

  I was confused for a while, the words from the boss gradually came back to my mind, and pieced together into a message...

   Bring Ruan Ruan back...

  Produce a fixed loss report...

  Contact Shen Xinran...

and many more! ...Fixed loss report? ! What happened to Ruan Ruan? ? ?

  Lulu is bad for the whole person!

  What's wrong with my cute girl? ! !

   "Whose phone? Was awakened just after falling asleep..." Another person in the bed rolled over and mumbled.

   Where Lulu can still immediately kicked her husband's foot, "It's Mr. Chen's call!"

   "Ah?" The man opened his eyes, "Why are you looking for you?"

  Lulu's husband is also an employee of RK, but only in the technical research and development department.

   "He asked me to take someone to check Nguyen Nguyen tomorrow! Oops! How long did it take to borrow it, is it broken? Oh my god... I don't know if it's serious or not, the Demon King's tone was just bad!"

"It's okay..." the man who was half asleep and half awake slowly said, "You can fix anything if it's broken, don't worry about it... as long as it's not crushed into pieces by the car...huh...huh... Go to sleep..."

   The sound is getting lower and lower until it disappears. Lulu kicked him a few more times, and nothing happened, except that the grunt became louder...

   She sighed and lay down again, looking at the ceiling with her eyes open, and numerous big question marks flashed through her mind—

  What did Shen Xinran do?

   Where is Ruan Ruan broken?

  The Big Devil... How do others know when they are in Xinhai?

   Tone sounds really bad... Is Ruan Ruan's degree of damage very serious?

   If RK's robot breaks down so easily, it will not sell well in domestic and overseas markets, and RK will not develop to today's scale.

   In terms of hardware, anti-shock and anti-fall, for robots, that is the foundation of the foundation. On the system side, the program is regularly checked every day, and any abnormalities will be uploaded to the company's network maintenance center through the network, and the safety protection device will be activated to cut off the internal power supply and protect the host chip.

   thought about it, and couldn't think of a result. Lulu closed her eyes and thought, anyway, you can see Ruan Ruan tomorrow...

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