Master, I Need Charging

Chapter 71: dispute

Ace heard the words, and his face changed suddenly, raising his tone and calling out his full name: "Chen! Yu! Heng!"

He couldn't believe it. The ruthless words just now came from Chen Yuheng's mouth!

Chen Yuheng looked at Ace without retreating, his eyes calm and calm, without any compromise.

Ace looked at him incredulously: "We are friends for ten years...we founded RK together..."

Chen Yuheng sighed silently, "...Yes, ten years."

"Why?" Aisi stared at Chen Yuheng.

Chen Yuheng was silent.

Ace leaned forward, her hands resting on the desk, gritting her teeth and asking, "Why, why!"

Chen Yuheng looked blankly at Ace, and for a long time, he spoke lowly: "Because... I cherish RK. Ace, I cherish the achievements we have achieved in these ten years, I cannot watch Li Jun ruin this all."

Ace looked startled, "What are you talking about..."

Chen Yuheng was thinking about that matter... what should he say to Ace.

RK, he was never Chen Yuheng alone, even though he knew that Ace's life was not careful enough in some aspects, but... he still has the right to know all this.

Chen Yuheng stood up and drew all the curtains of every window in the office, and the light in the room became dim.

"Remember the project Li Jun always wanted to do?" Chen Yuheng Shen Sheng asked Ace.

Ace didn't expect that Chen Yuheng would suddenly mention it.

Does Pei Lijun leave RK, and that matter?

Ace's face showed hesitation and resistance, and even subconsciously wanted to leave this office.

For a long time, he didn't hear anything out of the window, and only concentrated on research. Every time the company experienced a crisis, Chen Yuheng and Pei Lijun worked together. He never asked.

He knew he had a few pounds or two, and he didn't understand such a thing as running a company. Even if I knew it, I couldn't help. At the same time, there is a faint ecstasy in my heart. Don't worry about the messy affairs, concentrate on researching robots, which is exactly what he wants.

But now, Chen Yuheng showed a powerless and tired look, and asked him if he still remembered the project that Pei Lijun wanted to do...

"That project... Didn't she give up two years ago?" Ace said hesitantly, "Two years ago, we rejected her, and then...she applied again before leaving RK. Is it because we rejected her? ?... She left RK because of this?!"

Aisi thought about it, but I was shocked! "I don't believe it! Li Jun will leave the RK he founded by himself because of this?!"

"She will leave RK because I don't allow RK to provide her with the conditions to continue researching." Chen Yuheng's voice is both deep and low, "Li Jun, never really gave up. Just like you use RK as a fertile ground for research robots. , She has found her own fertile ground."

Ace opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. For a long time, he said: "But, we all know... that research project has absolute drawbacks..."

"Pei Lijun believes in technology innocence and science innocence, just like a knife, which can be a murder weapon or a scalpel for healing and saving lives." Chen Yuheng sighed softly, "Two years ago, we persuaded She, but she did not give up, but continued her theoretical research, and half a year ago... took advantage of the convenience of Mingrui Hospital to conduct human experiments."

Ace looked at Chen Yuheng in shock, almost wondering if he had heard it wrong!

"How dare she..." Human experiments are illegal!

Chen Yuheng smiled bitterly, "Her secret work was so good that when I knew about it, her experiment had progressed for five months, because she used brain-dead patients, so family members of these patients Not aware."

After Chen Yuheng finished speaking, he looked up at Ace, "Aise, without the consent of his family and without any approval provisions, Pei Lijun conducted human experiments in Mingrui Hospital for more than five months, involving as many brain death patients as possible. Seventeen people, once this matter comes to light, RK...will die."

Ace sat down weakly, still muttering in his mouth: "How dare she... how dare..."

"I have persuaded her, but... she can't come back anymore." Chen Yuheng reached out and squeezed her eyebrows. "If patients who use brain death have not been able to achieve the experimental effect, will she use those who have not died?" There are still many patients in deep coma in Mingrui Hospital... Ace, I cannot take RK to take this risk."

Ace sat blankly for a while, and asked, "Then... Huaxin company..."

Chen Yuheng nodded, "Pei Lijun's new owner is not as clean as it looks. Huaxin's true strength has not yet been revealed."

I wonder if it was because of tension or fear. Ace's body began to tremble slightly. He suddenly grabbed Chen Yuheng's arm and pressed his voice and said, "Yu Heng! You should persuade Li Jun! We can't watch her go like this!" This is illegal! It is illegal—"

"Aise, calm down." Chen Yuheng frowned, "I have persuaded her, it's useless..."

"No!" Ace stubbornly dragged Chen you persuade her again! Yuheng! She will listen to what you say! You let her leave Huaxin! Let her give up research! "

"It's useless..." He had already told her what to say.

"Yu Heng, listen to me..." Ace still clung to him, "It's useless to persuade her, but if you persuade, she will listen."

Chen Yuheng raised his eyebrows, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Ace: "She likes you!... Yu Heng, Li Jun has always liked you!"

Chen Yuheng heard the words, his expression slightly stunned.

Ace's chest fluctuated sharply, his body trembling slightly with excitement, "Yu Heng! We can't just watch Li Jun go on! You said, too advanced technology was born in an inappropriate era, the result It will only be destroyed! Together with its creator, it will also die together!"

Yes, he did say so.

For any era, if the level of technology exceeds the average by a small step, the result is often wealth, prestige, and status. However, if the degree of surpassing is too much, which is unacceptable to the general public, then the result must be death.

Just like those in the Middle Ages who mastered the knowledge that the earth is round and the earth is not the center of the universe, they were burned or hanged in public without exception.

Pei Lijun's research projects are difficult and dangerous, and Chen Yuheng does not understand that for a research project that can neither profit from it nor get a name from it, or even provoke a murder, Pei Lijun is so persistent...

She spared no effort to fight her life.

Why exactly?

At this time, Ace said to him again: "Yu Heng, promise me, and persuade her again? She likes you, she really likes you, as long as you... she will listen. "


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