In Zeng Ke's opinion, although he doesn't know much about the members of Team X, after watching the two shows just now, he can probably see everyone's strengths and weaknesses.

As long as Ye Wan chooses first, he can completely avoid it.

With a face full of inescapable expressions, Ye Wan calmly looked at the seat where the Youth 301 team was, "Yang Chengguang, Wei Rin, Wang Chenxi, Jin Likai..."

Every time Ye Wan uttered a name, a big boy stood up.

By the time she read 10 people in one breath, the audience at the scene had changed from surprise at the beginning to admiration at the moment.

20 people who can remember their own team are nothing, but they can even remember the names of the players of the opposing team clearly, so they can be selected so quickly.

Among the five mentors, Ye Wan is the only one, right?

Oh, there's a good show to watch now!

"I'll bet on a pack of spicy sticks. Mentor Zeng Ke definitely doesn't remember the names of the members of Team X. Look, Mentor Zeng Ke's face is dark!"

"Miss, isn't she too powerful? I just want to know, are the 10 people she picked out, are they the strongest players in Youth 301, or the weakest players?

"I only know that from the moment Zeng Ke chose my late sister, Youth 301 has already lost!"

"Haha, you have such a big face in front of you, Wanfeng. Who gave you the courage to make you think your tutor will win?"

"Okay, just sit and wait for a slap in the face!"


In the live broadcast room, whether it is the evening breeze, the fans of the show or the fans of the passers-by, they are all watching with great interest at the moment.

When the camera turned to Zeng Ke, they were even more focused, and they all wanted to know how Zeng Ke's mentor would choose.

Zeng Ke's ugly face was unusual.

Let's call names like Ye Wan. In Team X, he can only remember three or five names.

If you don't call it, you've already lost momentum.

She patted the table angrily, but her face was light and cloudy. Zeng Ke raised her eyes, "Su Youxuan, Zhong Ziyao..."

After ordering five people, Zeng Ke changed the conversation, "Except for the five I just ordered, and the five players who didn't play in the first two challenges."

The five people stood up in unison, and together with Su Youxuan, they went on stage.

Looking at the 10 members of Team X, and then looking at the members of his own team who were picked out, Zeng Ke breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't dare to say the second kill, but the winning rate is still relatively large.

On the stage, the host took out the bottle, Su Youxuan looked at Yang Chengguang, the leader of the opposite team, "Let's go."

Yang Chengguang shrugged, took the bottle and opened it.

After a few seconds, the mouth of the bottle pointed to Su Youxuan.

The 10 members of the Youth 301 team let out a light breath.

If they play later, they are more likely to win.

After all, it takes a few more minutes to schedule.

Yang Chengguang thought so, and so did the other 9 people.

When he turned around and stepped off the stage, he heard the whispers of the people from Team X behind him.

"Brother Xuan, which plan do you follow?"

"The ninth set..."

"Seventh and seventh..."

Although I didn't know what they were talking about, the words "which plan" were enough to make Yang Chengguang and the others startled.

The moment he was selected, Yang Chengguang felt an indescribable nervousness.

After all, there are 10 people.

If you were to pick him alone, he might not be so nervous.

Which hip-hop dancer can't improvise a freestyle?

But unfortunately, there were 10 people.

And the most terrible thing is that the other party said something ninth and seventh with ease.

They couldn't possibly have prepared so many plans, could they?

The music sounded, and Yang Chengguang turned back subconsciously.

The next moment, his eyes narrowed.

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