"I haven't thought about it yet..."

Ai Mi murmured softly: "Come on, I can't bear my mother. If you don't come, I think it's an opportunity again. I've been fighting with myself recently, so let me think about it again."

"Apart from your mother, you can't bear to have a boyfriend?"

Seeing that Qin Chizhou's expression was calm, but there was a trace of loss in his eyes, Amy Ling laughed and made fun of her daughter.

? ? ?


Ai Mi looked at her mother suspiciously, "Have you seen someone recently, or heard someone say something?"

For so many years, the mother and daughter have depended on each other for life, and their relationship is much closer than ordinary mothers and daughters.

Many times, Ai Mi said that her mother is her best best friend.

What Ai Xiaomi wanted to say, she told Ai Meiling, and what Ai Meiling didn't want to say, Ai Meiling never asked.

Even when she occasionally mentioned her boyfriend, Emily just casually asked what she ate, what did she play, and never asked when she got married, how old she was and what she did.

And this was the first time, Emily asked tentatively about her relationship with her boyfriend.

For a moment, Ai Xiaomi wondered if Qin Chizhou had called her mother and said something.

After all, although her leaving without a word is not a blow to Qin Shao, but with Qin Chizhou's personality, she will definitely not let her go so easily.

She used to be a contracted model of Jane and Fan, and Qin Chizhou could find her emergency contacts and phone numbers with just one phone call.


Emily denied it with a gentle smile, "I don't see any signs of you leaving. I thought you were having a fight or breaking up."

"It's divided."

Ai Mi answered calmly, "If you don't like it, you're going to die, get rid of it early."


Ai Mi, wait and see how I clean you up!

You told me that you are going on a business trip.

Do you call this a breakup?

If he hadn't thought that if he could run as a monk but couldn't run away from the temple, Qin Chizhou really wanted to confront Aimi now and ask her if she knew what breaking up was.

And solemnly inform her that he does not agree! ! !

But I think Ai Mi said that no matter what she does, her mother will support her unconditionally. Qin Chizhou decided to endure it!

When I came back to my senses again, I saw that the video call had ended without knowing when.

Emily put a piece of octopus in his bowl.

"Hurry up and eat. When you're done, go back to the imperial capital to accompany your parents to celebrate the New Year."

As gentle as before, he didn't drive away Aimi with a cold face because he said they had broken up.

Qin Chizhou lowered his head, "Thank you mom."

After eating, Qin Chizhou didn't stay much longer, and took a basket of salted duck eggs prepared for him by Ai Meiling, and set foot on the plane to fly back to the imperial capital.

It was almost early morning when he walked out of the Imperial Capital Airport. Qin Chizhou looked up at the dark night sky above his head and called Ye Wan.

"sister in law……"

After the phone rang twice, Qin Chizhou said with a heavy nasal voice: "I know your computer is great! Can you do me a favor?"

In the Yuehuwan apartment, Ye Wan listened to Qin Chizhou's request on the other end of the phone and blinked, "You... it's too much."

"You have lost your girlfriend, do you want me to lose another friend?"

After a long silence, not knowing what was said on the other end, Ye Wan glared at Lu Changchuan who had been looking at her, and sighed softly, "Okay, I'll try it."

Hanging up the phone, Ye Wan teased at Shang Lu Changchuan's inquiring eyes, "Do you men have several spare trumpets?"

Thinking of the two WeChat accounts of Lu Changchuan and Lu Chuan, he also thought of what Qin Chizhou was going to do.

Before Ye Wan was about to get up, he wrapped her in his arms, Lu Changchuan bowed his head and kissed her, "Same destination, all for you..."

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