Heschen received a call from the staff of the "Take You Home" website three days ago.

The other party said that he found a family in Nanfeng County, Licheng, suspected to be his relatives, and asked him if he wanted to meet the other party, or provide a blood sample, and the website arranged for them to do a paternity test.

Just a "suspect", He Sichen left the unfinished announcement and flew to Licheng.

But from the moment he checked into the hotel, He Sichen never left the room again.

This is Yecheng.

From birth to growing up, to working part-time, he lived in this place for the first ten years of his life.

It is no exaggeration to say that if you give him two groups of air, he can tell which one belongs to Licheng and which one does not.

But the staff said that the family suspected of being a relative is also in Licheng.

There was a sense of despair and ridiculous absurdity in Heschen's heart.

Licheng is not big at all.

Not to mention the hardships of the dean's mother contacting the police to search everywhere in the orphanage.

Only in the few years when he delivered the courier, he traveled all over the streets and alleys of Licheng.

If his child is lost, let alone a mere Licheng, it is the whole country. If he has money, he will take a car, and if he has no money, he will walk. He can walk all over, just to find the child.

But they are in Licheng.

So, it's not that they got separated, it's that they don't want him at all, right?

"Sister late..."

He raised his head and took a sip of beer, and the moment He Sichen lowered his head, a tear fell into the carpet, "What kind of parent would you say would lose their child?"

"Go and meet, don't you know?"

Ye Wan said solemnly: "The staff of the website are only found through the clues you left. Everything is only possible, why should you let yourself fall into self-denial and doubt again and again for that possibility?"


The cans made a thudding sound in his palm, and Hesschen let go of his hands in frustration, "I'm a little... afraid."

Afraid they are.

More afraid they are not.

Even Heschen himself couldn't figure out what was going on with him.

At that time, I left my information on the website full of expectations, and all the vague memories of my childhood, just so that one day, I could receive the contact number of the website.

But he really received it, and he came too, but he couldn't take that step.

"So, here I am!"

Ye Wan smiled and looked at He Sichen, "I'll accompany you!"

Hesschen raised his head suddenly.

I saw Ye Wan blinked, "Didn't you say yes, Sister Wan is covering you!"

The room was dark, and the moonlight poured into the room through the floor-to-ceiling windows was a cold frosty color.

In the faint moonlight, the girl's eyes were bright and smiling.

However, He Sichen felt that his eyes were extremely astringent.

"it is good."

His voice was extremely hoarse. As soon as he exited the mouth, he suddenly raised the can and took a big mouthful, as if afraid that Ye Wan would hear his cry that was about to burst through his throat.

He Sichen swallowed the beer and smiled at Ye Wan, "Thank you, Sister Wan!"

When Feng Suheng pushed open the door and came in, he saw Ye Wan and He Sichen were ready.

Ye Wan was still wearing the white down jacket that was ankle-length when he came.

He Sichen stepped out of the bedroom door for the first time in three days, wearing an army green down coat.

The depression and anxiety of the past few days were gone between his brows and eyes, and he was in high spirits, as if he was going on a winter tour.

"You... where are you going?"

Feng Suheng handed over the car keys with a hesitant expression~www.readwn.com~ This night..."

"Go...watch the sunrise."

? ? ?

Seeing He Sichen looking at Ye Wanshi, his eyes were full of laughter, and when Ye Wan walked out, he followed step by step, even his back was brisk.

Feng Suheng: ...


The ding-dong sound of the elevator door closing sounded, Feng Suheng snapped back to his senses, rushed out and shouted, "Sister Wan, aren't you afraid of being caught for drunk driving?"

The voice fell, and when I turned back, I saw the ad calcium milk lying on the carpet beside the bed.

Feng Suheng: ...

(End of this chapter)


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