On the stage, Ye Wan was busy signing the sale.

Under the stage, fans came in and out in an orderly manner.

Looking at the well-organized scene, Ming Zhu felt like he was in a dream.

But all this, when it comes to that girl, seems to be normal.

Thinking of the moment when she walked into the office at noon and asked her for a sweater around Yujian, saying that she was Yujian, Ming Zhuxin couldn't help but smile.

Looking down again, I saw the exclamation mark swiping in the live broadcast room.

"!! I really never thought of this! The first person to turn the tide!"

"It's another day conquered by my late sister!"

"Is it still time for me to buy a plane ticket to go to the magic capital now?"

"Sisters in front, obviously it's too late. But if you buy a plane ticket and fly to the Imperial Capital Airport to pick up the plane, it should still be too late!"

She was the one who swiped the screen in the game live room.

In the live broadcast room of the first beauty in Feitian and several major anchors such as Blue Dolphin, Xia Yeweiyang, Miaomiaojiang, etc., she is also chatting.

It seems that Feitian is trying his best to build momentum for his first sister.

Then click into the comment area of ​​the hot topic on Weibo, Ming Zhuxin raised his eyebrows.

The name of the hot search queen is really not covered!

"I guessed the beginning but not the end of the series, right? I just saw that when the live broadcast started on time, a marketing trumpeter quickly sent a long article. After reading it from beginning to end, I didn't know, I thought Edgeworth He's a wretched and greasy middle-aged uncle."

"I saw it too. I saw it too. Although it didn't say it clearly, the torture of the soul came to me: Ye Wan, how did you speak up? Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? Hahahahaha, die of laughter I'm..."

"Although he was about to delete it, hehe, I saved the screenshot! The Internet has memory, let you experience what a large-scale social death scene is! @Gossip is the most pioneer, come out and be beaten!"

"I'm fresher and more refined! In the future, I won't worry about the big guy disappearing. As long as she breaks for more than three days, I will go to Weibo to shout, go to the comment area to urge the update, and go to the live broadcast room to brush the barrage. Unity is strength, persistence is Victory, the boss is still the boss, but he will definitely not be the boss of Tiankeng again!"

"Wow, upstairs, your angle is very strange! Add me!"

"Reminder the bigger army +1, hahahahaha..."

Thinking that in the future, I will no longer have to call out to the great **** in front of the gray penguin. From Weibo to the live broadcast room, there are automatically and spontaneously urging the greater army. Ming Zhuxin couldn't help but feel refreshed. of a long breath.

Looking up again, he saw that Ye Wan had signed the last set of books.

After visually measuring the remaining number half an hour ago, Ye Wan had asked the editor and fans to inform the people behind to stop queuing.

But at the moment, people are still streaming in, as if they can't get the autograph book, just sign a name and take a photo.

Glancing at the propaganda posters beside him, Ye Wan stood up and glanced at the crowd in line, "How many evening winds are there?"

Half of them raised their hands.

Ye Wan smiled and said: "Wanfeng who is present, find their respective group leaders and report their names and addresses. After the statistics are completed, I will arrange to send you small gifts. They are all signed editions, it may be Yujian, or it may be other books. Ah, the surrounding area, the opportunity to face the base, and so on. In short, everything is possible, only Wanjie can't think of it, and no Wanjie can't do it. So, let the Wanfeng dissipate first!"


"Sister Wan, only children do multiple-choice questions. I'm already 20. I'm an adult. I want everything! Sister Wan satisfies me!"

"And me and me!"

Wanfeng laughed and laughed, waved at Ye Wan in groups of three and five, and left reluctantly.

The lobby on the first floor of the mall was instantly empty.

Looking back again, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com saw editor Lan Xinyi walking over with a box.

Inexplicably felt a little familiar. Before Ming Zhuxin could react, Ye Wan had already brought it out and started giving it away. "The book has been signed. These are some small gifts around. Let's make do with it, don't dislike it, okay?"


What are you kidding?

When you can meet idols and get small gifts from idols, it's time to snicker, okay?

The comic fans were content to get Ye Wan's small gifts and left.

From start to finish, there was not the slightest bit of crowding and stampede.

Ming Zhuxin was amazed.

In terms of fan appeal and obedience, Ye Wan has clearly surpassed the top, right?

(End of this chapter)


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