The appearance of Fu Huaizhi, who was not eating, sleeping, and bearding in Wufeng Mountain a few days ago, is now a little less ruffian and rascal, and more serene and melancholy handsome.

Looking at it quietly, Wen Yiru dimmed the bedside lamp and went to lie on the sofa.

When the clear and long breathing sounded, Fu Huaizhi slowly opened his eyes on the hospital bed.

You can only see the top of her head, not even her eyebrows.

But even so, Fu Huaizhi felt very satisfied.

The next moment, contentment turns bitter.

If it wasn't for pretending to be asleep, she told him clearly about the divorce, she wouldn't stay for a while, she would leave after raising her feet, right?

Thinking of the so many phone calls she had made so eagerly in the past few days, Fu Huaizhi looked at the ceiling above his head again, and his heart was only depressed.

It is said that a twisted melon is not sweet, but when he came to him, even a twisted melon became an extravagant hope.

But anyway, he fought for it.

so be it.

Thinking dully, Fu Huaizhi turned back to look at the figure on the sofa and slowly fell asleep.

When there was a slight noise in the ward, Fu Huaiyi woke up suddenly.

It's already dawn.

The nurse was taking the temperature and putting the medicine he was going to take on the table by the bed.

Wen Yiru was no longer on the sofa by the window.

The disappointment in my heart has just spread, and the sound of high-heeled shoes resounded at the door of the ward.

"woke up?"

She didn't even wear a mask, Wen Yiru didn't seem to worry about being seen by the nurse, so she walked over and put the breakfast on the table, "Can you get up? Or should I wash your hands for you?"

"you help me?"

Fu Huaizhi hooked his lips, "How are you going to help me?"

How can a sentence with a clear meaning come out of his mouth, with a frivolous ruffian inexplicably?

Wen Yi lowered his eyes with a conscious mind.

Knowing that a man will react when he wakes up in the morning is one thing, but seeing it with his own eyes is another.

She opened her eyes in a panic, but her flushed cheeks revealed her shyness.

Wen Yiru whispered, "Rogue!"

Fu Huai was startled.

Even more extreme jokes, he has also made jokes in the past two years.

Every time, she would have a cold face, a look like she didn't hear it.

Then, he stopped talking awkwardly.

After a while, the two tacitly assumed that they had never joked, and continued to speak seriously.

Just now, he forgot about breaking off the marriage and revealed his true nature.

But she is no longer as cold as she used to be.

Did you know that he agreed to break off the marriage, so he was in a relaxed mood and could make a joke?

Thinking of breaking the marriage, Fu Huaizhi's eyes sank slightly, and he slowly got up and went to the bathroom.

After washing up, Wen Yiru had already made breakfast.


Xiao Long Bao.

Fish porridge.

Various desserts.

She didn't seem to know what he liked to eat, so she bought a little of everything.

Fu Huaizhi's eyes sank.

Glancing at Fu Huaizhi, whose eyes were indifferent, Wen Yiru felt a little embarrassed, "I don't know what you like to eat. I bought some of various things. You... make do with it first."

In the past two years, the two have also eaten many meals together.

But every time she likes to eat, he will take her to eat.

So much so that she doesn't even know what he Thank you. "

Fu Huaizhi nodded and went over to sit at the coffee table.

During a breakfast, there was only the sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding, and the two ate quietly.

Kankan put down his chopsticks, and Fu Huaizhi said, "Actually, you don't need to make a special trip. I have already told my brother about the divorce, and he will discuss it with your uncle."

"No one in the entertainment industry knew about your engagement, so it shouldn't matter. You..."

"Fu Huaizhi..."

Wen Yiru interrupted him, "I've changed my mind, I won't break off the marriage!"

Fu Huaizhi suddenly raised his eyes.

(End of this chapter)


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