During the hospitalization, the two met twice.

For the first time, Wen Yiru said that she had changed her mind, not to break off the marriage, and asked Fu Huaizhi to give her some more time.

Before leaving, she said she would come to see him in two days.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and when Wen Yiru didn't show up at the agreed time, Fu Huaizhi knew that he had been deceived again.

With full of manic depression and anger that she shouldn't believe her, Fu Huaizhi didn't even know when he fell asleep, only that when he woke up in the middle of the night, Wen Yiru was lying beside his hospital bed.

The cold moonlight came in through the transparent glass window, and the woman who was already beautiful did not have the lethal bright and publicity of the day, and was a little more gentle and obedient.

And while she was asleep, she was still holding the corner of his clothes in her hand.

At that moment, Fu Huaizhi felt that he was a little bit closer to success.

But when Tianliang opened her eyes, she didn't recognize it.

Fu Huai's teeth were itchy with anger, and he only regretted that he hadn't taken a picture with his mobile phone the night before.

At this moment, the sun is shining outside the window, and both of them are awake.

Wen Yiru admitted so clearly that she came for him.

"This time... no quibble?"

The lips were warm, and she wanted to kiss her slender neck, and the man's eyes were filled with the joy of "finally waiting for this day".

As if scalded by the blazing radiance of joy, Wen Yiru looked up at him, "Well, no more sophistry!"

Fu Huaizhi let out a low breath.

"Is something wrong this afternoon?"

"I'm going to see the director at three o'clock, and then I'll do the modeling. At seven o'clock in the evening..."

"when will it finish?"

"It might be... very late."

Behind him is him in front of the door, and the two bodies are tightly attached to each other.

So that Wen Yiru could easily feel every slight change somewhere in his body.

He was clearly ready to go, and the tip of his nose touched hers, not only did he not mean to do something, but he didn't even mean to kiss her.

Shame slipped through her heart, when Wen Yiru wanted to turn her head away, the man's forehead pressed against hers, "If it weren't for the fear of ruining your look today, this skirt on your body would have already turned into a rag, do you believe it? ?"

Wen Yiru was startled.

Fu Huaizhi had already let go of her, and pointed at the sofa in the living room with a look of disgust, "Sit there and stay away from me!"

With that said, Fu Huaizhi turned around and sat in the seat behind the desk.

That gloomy expression seemed to get more angry every time she glanced at it.

Wen Yiru smiled complacently.

The well-behaved and docile little woman was radiant in an instant, and turned into that bright and flamboyant star.

Fu Huaizhi's eyes hurt, "Stop laughing, laugh again, I..."

"What do you want?"

Wen Yiru threw the bag on the sofa, walked around the desk, and sat in Fu Huaizhi's arms.

Fu Huaizhi sucked in a breath, "Wen Yiru, I advise you to be a little self-aware, don't come to provoke me! Otherwise, I'll let you..." You can't go anywhere today, not to mention the publicity meeting, even the door of this office. can not go out.

"What do you want me to do?"

Facing Wen Yiru's brows that were so bright that they were almost flamboyant, Fu Huaizhi paused before finishing his words. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Only a pair of hands pinched her waist tightly, "Ancestor, can you sit for a while in the past? Let's talk, and I'll take you off in a while..."

The voice fell, and the woman's kiss fell.

"Fu Huaizhi..."

Wen Yiru's voice was so charming that it dripped with water, "you, if you... leave a mark, I'll... I'll... "

In the end, he couldn't say a complete sentence, but the man's actions were much lighter.

It was as if she was a feather that was about to fly away when she was a little heavier.


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