
In the middle of the night, the Gu family villa was in a mess.

The amber glass coffee table seems to be covered with a layer of spider webs, all of which are densely broken.

On the marble floor beside his feet, cups, mobile phones, and fruits were scattered all over the place.

Li Meiqing looked pale and looked at her son who was kneeling in the glass ballast but didn't feel the pain. Her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief, "What did you say? Gu Qichen, say it again?"


Gu Qichen didn't have any expression on his face. At first glance, he seemed to be the cool and filial son of the past, "I said, you should treat me as dead, and take care of yourself in the future!"


Li Meiqing slapped Gu Qichen fiercely, "Gu Qichen, for a Lu Changqing, you don't even want your mother, right?"

"Yes, no more!"

Gu Qichen nodded.

Li Meiqing was stunned.

Gu Qichen looked up at her and said, "When I was a child, you asked me, you and Dad separated, who am I with."

"I chose you, and you slapped me. You said, I'm an idiot. Since my surname is Gu, then my father's and the Gu family's should be mine! Even if you die, I have to take good care of you. With things that should belong to me, I firmly occupy the position of the eldest son of the Gu family, and I can't let those coquettish **** out there be happy."

"After my father died, I gave you my home. I gave you everything that should be given or not. I just want to live the rest of your life without my father, and don't cover yourself in the net. But what about you, what have you done?"

"While changing men one by one, I ran to warn Changqing and told her that she was not worthy of me. As long as you were alive, she would never be able to enter the door of Gu's house."

"Mom, I just wanted to ask you, in your eyes, what exactly am I?"

"Do you really think of me as your son?"

Li Meiqing was stunned.

She admitted that she did everything flawlessly, and Gu Qichen came back from the army every year, staying at most for two nights before returning.

She thought he didn't know those things.

Unexpectedly, she just thought it was.

"Qichen, listen to Mom's explanation, I, I just..."

"Need not!"

A pair of knees were bloody, and the white marble floor under their feet was stained with scarlet.

Gu Qichen didn't seem to feel it, and looked at his mother indifferently, "The company, stocks, real estate under my name... I have made a will for the things my dad left to me, and they will be transferred to your name. already."

"As for the Gu family, that was left to me by my grandfather, and it belongs to the Gu family."

"I still say that, you can treat me as dead. For the rest of your life, take your little son to live a good life."

Gu Qichen said in a deep voice: "Before I set off this time, I have already submitted a report, and this time I will go to the international combat unit. I won't come back in the future, so you can take it... I'm already dead!"

He kowtowed heavily, unaware that the fragments cut through his forehead and cheek, Gu Qichen got up and left.

"Qichen, Qichen..."

Reaching out to grab him, he didn't even grab his cuff.

Li Meiqing strode up to catch up, and saw that he was already in the driver's seat.

The tattered army green jeep banged, and the tank roared out.

Lu Changqing bought it for him with his first design fee.

From a new car to an old car, it has been more than ten years, Gu Qichen has not changed his car, he looks like a baby on weekdays.

A friend uses a car and borrows the new cars in his garage.

Only this broken jeep is his lifeblood, and he drives it wherever he goes.

Mom... died in battle... little son...

Looking at the dark night in front of as if seeing her son's heart broken to the point of despair, Li Meiqing cried out and fell to the ground with tears on her face.

------off topic-----

I promise you to have a little blast at the end of the month, so now the question is:

A one-time change of 20,000 at the end of the month.

And 10,000 a day for three consecutive days.

Which do you choose?

Don't take the phrase "Children only do multiple-choice questions, we adults all have to" to fool the uu who owes their IQ, you can only choose one of the two!


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