When the office door was knocked, Ye Wan was being held in his arms by Lu Changchuan.

The man's computer screensaver was so brightly replaced with the picture of him and her at the church door.

handsome man.


The green grass is green behind him, and the doves are swirling.

The smiles on the faces of the two were brighter than the rising morning light, and they couldn't help laughing after just one glance.

The photos are beautiful, but Ye Wan is still embarrassed at the thought of being seen.

She wants to change.

Lu Changchuan refused.

The two competed for each other in front of the computer. Then, they heard the sound of high heels and the sound of the door being knocked.

"Come in…"

Lu Changchuan raised his voice.

The next moment, his arms were empty.

Looking up again, Ye Wan was already sitting upright on the sofa facing the door.

Lu Changchuan: …

"Good morning, young lady!"

As soon as the door opened, with Rong Qian taking the lead, the entire Secretariat gathered in an instant.

I just felt that the spacious office suddenly seemed cramped.

"Boss, this is today's schedule."

Rong Qian sent the document.

"Boss, this is your coffee."

Lisa brought another cup of coffee to Ye Wan, "Sister Wan, when are you leaving? Do you have the honor to have dinner with you at noon?"

"There's me and me, sister Wan, and I'm also Wanfeng..."

"Sister Wan, please sign my name for me!"

"Sister late..."

It's like a big star chase scene.

Rong Qian subconsciously took a step back and glanced at the Boss.

Suddenly I know why everyone is getting together.


Besides, this is the boss lady.

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Changchuan coughed, Ye Wan glanced at him.

The girl's eyes were light.

But Lu Changchuan saw a sense of "Should I go?" for no reason.

If you want to export, just take it back.

"Lisa, Mr. Lu and I should go to the staff restaurant to eat together at noon, everyone."

"Xiao Gao, right? I remember you. When you said congratulations on my return to the Boss, today I can be regarded as meeting me! Thank you!"

"Is it the autograph? Are you sure you can find this book later? I'll send you the autographed stills later."

Seeing a signed still, more than a dozen pairs of eyes glanced over, Ye Wan smiled, "Whoever sees it has a share, okay?"

Woohoo, the young lady really doesn't have any celebrity airs at all, she's such a nice person!

Sure enough, Wanjie is Wanjie, she is so fond of fans wherever she goes!

Within a few minutes, everyone in the secretariat was satisfied and walked back three steps.

The office was quiet, Ye Wan looked up at Lu Changchuan with a sly smile, "Mr. Lu must work hard!"

After speaking, Ye Wan yawned, got up and pushed open the door of the rest room to go in to catch up on sleep.

The door closed and opened, and the girl stuck her head out, "Remember to call me at lunch later, I promised Lisa that I would have dinner with them."

"it is good."

Lu Changchuan nodded, and Ye Wan yawned again.

The girl seemed to be so sleepy, and burst into tears.

Lu Changchuan got up and entered the door, and saw that she took his shirt from the closet on her own, took off his clothes a few times and changed, and then got into the quilt.

Rubbing her face on the pillow, the girl turned over and fell asleep.

You can hear the slight wind blowing overhead.

You can also hear the ticking of emails sent and received on the computer.

But at this moment, Lu Changchuan felt that he couldn't hear anything, he could only see the peaceful sleeping face on the big bed.

The office is the same office.

But because she is here, Lu Changchuan has a feeling of happiness worth upup.

She came late, and brought along with her the warmth and peace of mind that belonged to her alone, making this boring office a little more warm.

Brows widened, Lu Changchuan gently closed the door and sat back at the desk.

(End of this chapter)

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