Ruyan threw herself into Ye Wan's arms, and said with a bright smile, "Sister Xiaowan, is this a surprise for me?"

I fell asleep listening to my mother's story before going to bed.

When I woke up, I saw my dad coming back from the Studio City.

Then I learned that Sister Xiaowan was coming.

Tongtong hugged Ye Wan's neck affectionately, "Sister Xiao Wan, I think I am the happiest child in the world."

"Sister Xiaowan thinks so too!"

Smiling and shaving Tongtong's nose, Ye Wan opened the back door, took out the strawberry cat nest, and showed Tongtong the chubby chubby inside, and looked at the little orange outside timidly, "This is for Tongtong. Tong's gift, do you like it?"

Wow! !

The little girl's happy face turned red, and her eyes were sparkling.

Look at Little Orange, and then look at Ye Wan.

Then he looked up at Zheng Fangfei who was standing by the side, "Mom, can I take it?"


Zheng Fangfei smiled and said, "Tongtong can accept the gift from sister Xiaowan."

"Oye! Long live Mom! Long live Sister Xiaowan!"

Cheering happily, Tongtong hurriedly dragged Ye Wan to the villa.

When the little orange tentatively walked out of the cat's nest and began to play naughty with the bright woolen pantyhose, the huge villa was full of little girls giggling.

With a gentle smile, Zheng Fangfei looked back at Ye Wan, "Brother Gu asked me to ask you if you have time at the end of the year. He picked up a movie, and there was a female No. 2 in it, and he thought it was a good fit for you."

"I've read the book, and it really suits you. It's just... the coffee position is a little lower."

Saying that, Zheng Fangfei got up and went to the study to get the script, "A movie with a positive theme, your brother Gu plays the male lead, a diplomat who evacuated overseas Chinese."

"Female No. 1 is the diplomat's wife."

"When he read the script and hadn't decided whether to take it or not, he told me that he felt that there is no more suitable actress than you to play the second female lead."

Zheng Fangfei smiled and said, "After reading the script, I hold the same opinion as him."

Ye Wan's interest was immediately hooked.

She never cared if she was the number one girl.

It only cares if the character is challenging or not, whether it is fun or not.

With one eye and ten lines, Ye Wan looked at it seriously.

I didn't even find out when Gu Junxing came back from the morning run.

When I looked up again, I saw Gu Junxing in high spirits, "How is it? Are you interested?"

It was said to be the second female lead, but to Ye Wan, the role of Hou Yue was much heavier than the first female lead of the diplomat's wife.

Not to mention, Hou Yue, who is a female member of the special forces, still has several fights.

Bad acting.

But when it's done well, it's great.

Ye Wan smiled and said, "Brother Gu, send me the director's phone number, and I'll apply for an audition opportunity."

"What are you kidding?"

It doesn't matter that it's only eight o'clock, the director may not wake up yet, Gu Junxing made a direct call, "Ming Dao, I've picked up your movie. However, I also want the role of the female Erhou Yue. No. No? Then forget it, you can hire another genius! ... Don't worry, there is no one who is more suitable for Hou Yue than her, I can't beat her even if I play it!"

Hanging up the phone, Gu Junxing shook Ye Wan's phone, "The schedule for December and January has already been set, remember to tell your manager, lest you have to deal with troubles again."

"Thank you Gu Ge, thank you Sister Fangfei!"

Ye Wan smiled and thanked.

With her eyes glazed over, Zheng Fangfei shook her head and said softly, "Xiao Wan, it's time for us to say thank you."


Gu Junxing took over the conversation and clicked Ye Wan, "In the future, our family will not speak two words!"

"it is good!"

Not even Zheng Fangfei's warm invitation to lunch was left, Ye Wan only sat down for a while and left.

I went to the studio and then to Jiang's house.

After arriving at the top floor of Yujing in the afternoon, Ye Wan pushed open the door and entered, seeing that the man was not there, and went to the bedroom to take a nap.

When Lu Changchuan came back from the meeting, as soon as he pushed the door, his originally cold expression softened, and even the movement of closing the door was much lighter.


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