[Hot search No.1: Ye Wan's blog]

[Ye Wan V: Don't tell my sister Wan, she just loves to play, that's all. In addition, "Take You Home" still does not accept any private donations, so far, my sister can still afford it! Finally, sister's life creed: while you are still young, enjoy yourself! Therefore, every step of the rise of black and red is my sister's pretense, everyone calm down! In the end, the evening winds, love you guys, don't start a fight, darling, my sister is going to be a mother! At 8 o'clock in the evening on Saturday, "Battle of Cute Baby" will meet with you, watch Wanjie and the bear children battle wits and courage, and fall in love with each other! 】

? ? ?

! !

"In terms of layout, my late sister is indeed YYDS! If there is an enemy, I will report it on the spot, and there is no need for fans to charge!"

"The amount of information on this Weibo is a bit large! Let me explain it in detail: 1. Let go of that ripped trumpet, because it must be an actress from the same crew. Anyway, my sister has already scolded her, so let's save her face. Come on! If this is torn in the face, the movie has not been completed, and it will be a little embarrassing to look up and see you in the future! 2. Sister is rich, bring money into the group or something, go rough! 3. Sister’s favorite is still late Feng, hurry up and grab the benefits of the major fan groups, fast and slow! 4. The show recorded by my sister is called "Battle of Cute Babies". It's interesting to hear the name, right? Remember to watch the show on time! Over!"

"Damn it! This is the understanding of the master class, right? When you say this, I suddenly understand a lot of meaning that I didn't understand just now. It's amazing word brothers and sisters, the blessing of capitalization!"

"Meng baby fights? It doesn't sound like Sister Wan's style of painting, oh? Goddess, are you sure you are in love with each other, not in love and killing each other? It's over, a bear child is going to be unlucky! "

"It turns out that the mysterious guest mentioned in the first issue of Mengwa is Sister Wan? I said it earlier... When I knew my pregnant sister was watching this show, I would not grab her remote control. If you don't say it, I will make it up. Let's start with the homework of the first period!"

"Duck rush..."


There was a knock on the door of Jia Lintao's office in the cute baby program group of Yancheng TV, "The ratings of the first episode have rebounded and skyrocketed!"

? ? ?


Soaring? ? ?

This has been on the air for half a month, where is the rebound space?

Four of the five guests took their seats.

The five cute babies are exactly as difficult as they imagined.

At the end of the first episode of the show, the photographer became a dog, and the editor howled into a wolf.

The four female guests who were seated finished recording the show and had no love.

The ratings are pretty good.

But no matter how good it looks, it's only half a month old.

Jia Lintao clicked into the official broadcast APP of the cooperation with an inexplicable face, and saw the first tour of the variety show list, and the second is his cute baby battle?

What the hell!

what the hell?

This is only the first issue, so you put them so high, do you want them to hit the bottom in the second issue and scare everyone to death?

Jia Lintao's heartbeat accelerated instantly.

Quickly clicked into the first issue, and after only a few minutes, Jia Lintao let out a long sigh of relief.

Scared me to death! !

In the barrage, "Sister Wan, I'm here" and "I'm here to make up my homework~www.readwn.com~ Sister Wan rushed to duck".

Obvious style.

At a glance, I knew it was Ye Wan's evening winds.

Clicking on Weibo again, I was seeing the hot search topics hanging high on the top of the list.

[Hot Search No.1: Ye Wan, my sister is going to be a mother]

[Hot search No.2: Ye Wan, cute baby battle]

The hot search came unexpectedly.

Jia Lintao: …

(End of this chapter)

High-speed text handwriting Biqu library, Mrs. Lu, Madam, she became popular in the whole entertainment circle chapter list through live broadcast https://

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