Grandpa said: "Duoyu, do you know what you are doing is wrong? When Grandpa was a child, he didn't even have a mobile phone or tablet at home. He didn't even have a black and white TV. He listened to the news every day on a radio whose signal was intermittent. You are like this. Not only wasted your parents' money, but also the efforts of the manufacturing workers, so ignorant!"

Grandma retorted, "If we don't buy it, what will the manufacturing workers get paid? It's bad if it's broken, and it's bad if it's demolished. As long as my Xiaoyu is happy, it's just a few TVs and computers. What are we afraid of? We can't afford it!"

Dad came and went in a hurry, only rubbing his head and saying, "Son, we can play in our own house, go to someone else's house, go to school, but not like this! Otherwise, people will treat you as the king of sabotage. Yes, you know?"

Mom left him alone, but she always sighed when she turned her back, and then complained to her friends that she didn't know when her little island would grow up.

When you're happy, take things apart.

When you're angry, take things apart.

When you are sad, you have to dismantle things.

Wen Duoyu didn't know what else he could do.

Do you study by reading?

He has read it all.

Sports, he likes to play football.

Besides, what he likes most is to dismantle things and study the strange structures of various things.

Although he didn't understand it.

But what if one day, he looked at it and understood?


Although he was only seven years old, Wen Duoyu stubbornly felt that he was right.

In his heart, there is a budding universe.

And that small universe, only he can protect it.

But at this moment, another person appeared next to the small universe, and said casually to him: Wen Duoyu, you have to protect it, one day, it will shine and become a super invincible universe.

There was an inexplicable feeling that he had found the same type of person. Wen Duoyu raised his eyes to look at Ye Wan, and shook his head solemnly, "I didn't act naughty, I didn't tear down the house, I just, just..."

"I just want to study how it is different from you, and how it is different from other objects. It's just that I don't know how to put it back after research, right?"

Ye Wan smiled, her eyes bright and sly, as if she had always seen the little secret in his heart, the fox sister.

Wen Duoyu blinked, and for a long time, nodded embarrassedly, "Yes."

"Then have you spoken to them?"

Ye Wan continued to busy with the things in his hand, and asked in a small talk.

Although Ye Wan didn't say who they were, Wen Duoyu understood immediately.

Nodding, looking frustrated, "They don't believe it."

"Then do you want them to believe and want them to support you in dismantling more things and dismantling the super invincible universe you want?"

? ? ?

If I said that when I thought of the super invincible universe just now, my heart beat fast, and I felt that I had encountered a similar kind.

Well, at this moment, when I heard her say the super invincible universe, Wen Duoyu was about to jump up.

The truth is, he did jump.

"Ye Wan..."

Wen Duoyu looked down at Ye Wan, "You, you... what should I do?"

He didn't want to make grandpa angry and think he was wasting things and money.

I don't want grandma and dad to think he's a child and is being naughty.

I don't want my mother to be disappointed by him, hoping that he won't be demolished when he grows up.

He wants to dismantle more things.

Destroy it as you want.

I would like to dismantle with their understanding and support.

"I teach you!"

Ye Wan put down the tools and looked back at Wen Duoyu, "I'll give you a present..."

(End of this chapter)

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