Master Lu, Madam, She Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry By Live Broadcasting

Chapter 1928: Retribution it's late but it's here

Staring at the screen and covering her mouth, Shu Yan cried with tears all over her face.

The paper towel in my hand was so wet that it could squeeze out the water.

Junjun on the side looked helpless and flustered, "What should I say, director", and finally, she just said dryly, "Sister Shu Yan, don't cry, I will cry if you cry again."

Jia Lintao: …

"Director Jia, thank you, thank you program team!"

In front of so many people, Shu Yan didn't feel ashamed.

Wept bitterly.

When he got up again, his eyes widened, "Director Jia, do you still lack a title sponsor for your show? Don't worry, I promise not to let netizens know that it has anything to do with the Wen family and me. It's just a title sponsorship. The program team will add some platoons!"

The surprise came unexpectedly.

Shu Yan went to talk to the staff in charge of the title investment to talk about work.

On the big screen, the room that was in a mess just now has returned to its original warm and gorgeous appearance.

Wen Duoyu opened the door to send the four cleaners away, bowing repeatedly, "Thank you uncle, thank you auntie!"

Although he has a bad temper and doesn't talk much, his manners are still impeccable.

The staff of the show team's perception of the little devil of Duoyu has changed a few degrees.

Jingle Bell.

When the landline rang, everyone looked up and saw Wen Duoyu had picked up the phone, "Hello, how are you?"

I don't know what the other end said, Wen Duoyu smiled and nodded, "You can come back."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Wan dragged a suitcase out of the elevator a few minutes later.


The director stared at the big screen without blinking, and couldn't help but stabbed Jia Lintao, "Do you think this box looks familiar?"

? ? ?

Taking a closer look, Jia Lintao: ...

Isn't this the **** that was dragged out of 201 by the cleaners a few minutes ago?

These two, what are you playing the little game that you threw me?

As soon as I thought about it, I saw the door of room 201 opened, Ye Wan and Wen Duoyu looked at each other, and then stared at the box at Ye Wan's feet, stunned.

There was a moment of silence in the air.

Wen Duoyu blinked, "You... picked it up?"


Ye Wan nodded, "It's all been demolished, what a waste to throw it away like this? I'll make you an Ultraman in a while, and give it to someone tomorrow. It'll definitely save face."

! !

Wen Duoyu rolled his eyes, "Childish!"

But when Ye Wan dragged the box past him, in the picture captured by the camera, the little boy hooked his lips and showed a happy smile at the box.

It's like saying: Oh my baby, it's back!


With a familiar sound, Wen Duoyu's hair was about to explode.

Looking back again, I saw the pile of large and small parts that Ye Wan had dumped on the carpet.

The living room that was neat and tidy a moment ago, because of this mess, the appearance instantly dropped several degrees.

Scalp tingling.

The pulse followed faster than before.

Wen Duoyu stood at the entrance and looked at Ye Wan with an innocent face, and for a moment, there was a feeling of "retribution is late but it's here".

Grandma's compromise.

Mom's helplessness.

Nanny's numbness.

And grandpa's unseen steps, and dad's messy footsteps that go faster and farther away...

Windo Island: …

"Pfft, hahaha, this trick pays off the same way. Sister Wan went back to school with Murong, right? Youth is better than blue, it's amazing!"

"Little handsome guy's face struck by lightning deserves a close-up! Hahahahaha!"

"Ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​a handsome young man at the moment!"

"Does this count as using violence to control violence? Sister Wan is too bad, she won my heart, hahaha..."

The working hall was filled with the joyful laughter of the staff one after another. Everyone at UU Reading was extremely glad that Shu Yan was not there, otherwise it would have been very hard to hold back the laughter.

Jia Lintao's mood fell to the bottom.

Careless! !

I knew it earlier, it's time for a live broadcast!

Only this clip just now, a hot search is absolutely stable!

Oops, miscalculated!

so tired!

Tomorrow's update will be at night, about eight o'clock, so don't wait for the update at zero o'clock~~

What a tweet!

(End of this chapter)

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