Master Lu, Madam, She Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry By Live Broadcasting

Chapter 1945: There's so much material, it's impossible to finish!

One big and five little ones are sleeping on the bed, and the five little ones are ups and downs. The picture is extraordinarily cute.

On the floor under the bed, seeing Ye Wan beckoning, the three of Xi Moxin moved quickly and moved closer.

"Are you going to take a nap?"

? ? ?

Ruan Xingchen stared, "Can... can you?"

Tan Shuanghua shook her head tangled, "Not so good? If you don't have any material, the director will shoot us to death, right?"

Xi Moxin blinked and looked at Ye Wan, "Sister Wan, what do you think?"


Among the five female guests, she is the youngest. Every morning she goes out to say hello to all kinds of sisters, and they call them late sisters in turn. Ye Wan always has a hole in front of her, and there is a beauty standing in the hole, waiting for her to go to her. Jump down to catch your feet.

"Sister Mo, don't do this, I'm terrified of you!"

Ye Wan smiled.

"Hurry up and talk..."

Ruan Xingchen hugged Ye Wan, "You must have a ghost idea, no, it's an idea. You must have an idea, right?"

"Sister Ruan and Sister Guan sleep with the children."

As soon as Ye Wan opened her mouth, Ruan Xingchen smiled and turned into a blooming rose.

I saw Ye Wan looked back at Tan Shuanghua and Xi Moxin, "Sister Hua and Sister Mo, let's go out and study the terrain. When you wake up, we can move on."

"it is good!"

The three voices spoke in unison.

Ruan Xingchen swiftly climbed into bed and went to sleep.

Tan Shuanghua: …

Xi Moxin: …

Ye Wan got up with a smile, and the three walked out of the door quietly.

It was a hot afternoon, but because of the deep alleys, walking in the alleys felt refreshing and cool.

Looking at the map, the three of them each found a direction and headed forward.


In the working hall, the editor has a headache.

Jia Lintao's face tightened, "What's wrong? Can't cut it?"

It has to be said that there is really nothing to cut in the content at this time.

The cute baby battle, as the name suggests, is to watch several babies show their magical powers, and a group of female guests are tortured and have no love. This is interesting.

It turned out that Ye Wan was better, three times five divided by two, an improved version of the dark, please close your eyes and put the five babies to sleep?

Cute baby mothers must be in a good mood at the moment.

But Jia Lintao was in a complicated mood.

"Why can't it be cut? There are too many materials, can't they be cut perfectly?"

The editor's expression was more complicated, "My headache is that it's too difficult to cut so much content into two episodes, I can't do it!"

? ? ?

Jia Lintao looked puzzled.

The editor broke his fingers and counted, "I can cut a lot for you during the few hours when the female guests were seated the night before yesterday, not to mention the other four people, including Ye Wan and Wen Duoyu. More Don't talk about yesterday! Plus today's..."

With a sad face, a pair of hair is about to fall out, the editor's heart is hesitant, "Returning to the program team to be scolded by the devil's scissors, you can't blame our editing team!"

"Then... If you let go of the cutting, you have to have a clear theme and something to watch. How many issues can you cut?"

Jia Lintao said a word, and the editor's eyes lit up.

"The bottom of the third period!"

The editor confidently showed three fingers, "One episode of the history of the little devil's domestication, one episode of a day trip to the resort, and one episode of today's Stone Village."


The daring thought in my heart started to stir again.

Looking up at the time, Jia Lintao slapped the table, "Put together the history of the little devil's domestication and make a special episode of the battle of cute babies! After the second episode of the resort is broadcast, the special episode will be released if the voice is high."

"Then... what if the voices were louder and there would be no specials to play next time?"

The director made a weak voice.

Unpredictable surprises are good.

However, you can't just be surprised, and then, there's no such thing, right?

Jia Lintao smiled You don't even look at what that sister does! "

Editor: Rub your hands together and wait for the day when you don't have to edit the live broadcast!


"Director, the material you want is here!"

As soon as the director opened his mouth, the big screen was filled with cries.

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