This was the only instruction left to them by the program team when they got up early and got off the bus at the entrance of the village.

But just now Ye Wan took it all away before going out.

"I have already inspected the terrain of the village just now..."

Chong Xi Moxin hooked his fingers, took the map in her hand, and Ye Wan drew a red line with a pen, "Sister Mo, you were heading south just now, right?"

Xi Moxin nodded.

Ye Wan's red line continued to draw forward, and then turned to the left, "You will still take the road you just walked in a while, turn left at the end of the alley, either the third or the fourth household, there are people in the house. Find a way to borrow some rice noodles from the uncle and aunt."

The instructions are clear enough.

The road is also traveled, and it will not be lost.

Xi Moxin nodded and took the map, "Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

"Sister Hua..."

Taking Tan Shuanghua's map and drawing the line facing north, Ye Wan said while drawing, "You just went forward about 300 meters on that road, and walk to the end of the alley on the right. There is someone in that house, you can borrow some food. "


"Miss Guan..."


"Sister Ruan..."

"no problem."

Although Guan Beibei and Ruan Xingchen stayed in the room just now and didn't go out, Ye Wan's road map was so simple that it was clear at a glance.

If this is still a lunatic, it would be too embarrassing, right?

Xi Moxin looked on in a stunned manner, "Sister Wan, didn't we go out to investigate the terrain at the same time and come back at the same time?"


Tan Shuanghua nodded in agreement, "We both wandered an alley and became confused. Why... did you visit Stone Village?"

"I said no, do you believe it?"

Ye Wan sighed, "Fortunately it wasn't a live broadcast, otherwise my Wanfeng would definitely say: Sister Wan, you have lost all of our Wanfeng faces!!"

The four looked curious.

Ye Wan raised her chin and pointed to Dabieye on the third floor of the village chief's house, "I strolled around the roof and trees."

As long as she climbed high enough, the entire Stone Village could be seen in front of her eyes.

The alleys extending in all directions are simply a mini maze.

Xi Moxin and Tan Shuanghua are players running in the box.

And she is an NPC from God's perspective.

Xi Moxin was amazed.

Tan Shuanghua gave a thumbs up.

All the staff in the working hall:…

This show was played by her to understand!

So the question is, what about Ye Wan?

She arranged the other four clearly, what did she do by herself?

Then, on the big screen, the four female guests seemed to know it well, and they ran away without looking back.

"Ah, the first time I felt the joy of a variety show!"

"Sister Wan, I'm going, don't miss me too much!"

"The happiness of freedom is brought by not having a baby. Today's happiness is given by Sister Wan. Sister Wan, I love you!"

"Miss Wan, you've worked hard, ah ah!"

In the blink of an eye, the small courtyard of the village chief's house was empty.

Ye Wan got up with a smile, tidy up the messy courtyard, and turned to go out.

The gate of the village chief's house is the cultural square of Stone Village.

Five cute babies are piled up under the tree here, picking up small stones and aiming at a brightly colored leaf above their heads, aiming and firing. UU Reading

Under the tree on the other side, two little girls were busy picking up stones.

It's a simple little game, and the five cute kids have a lot of fun.

When Ye Wan lifted a big stone and built a stone stove under the tree, Wen Duoyu was the first to find out, and reluctantly put down the slingshot and ran over, "Ye Wan, what are you doing? Let me help you..."

Looking back at the two little ones who were still eagerly waiting for Wen Duoyu, Ye Wan smiled and said, "Don't play anymore?"

"I'll help you first, and when I'm done, you can teach me how to aim and shoot farther. Is that okay?"

Wen Duoyu asked.

Ye Wan smiled and nodded, "Deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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