"Thank you Wanjie for bringing us delicious and spicy food!"

Guan Beibei was the first to raise a glass.

She originally thought that even if Xu Leyan didn't eat dinner after the noon meal, she would be able to do business when she went back.

Unexpectedly, the little guy had a shrimp in the left hand and a broccoli in the right hand, together with the bamboo tube rice that was not allowed to be touched by others, and the food was delicious.

As soon as she thought that she didn't need to listen to Xu Leyan's mother's nagging, which was called "Fox Xin", Guan Beibei looked at Ye Wan again, and her eyes were full of gratitude.

The three of Xi Moxin did not give in too much.

After two days, Mingming's heart collapsed and he wanted to explode on the spot, but he could see the camera and the drone, but he had to continue to smile and pretend to be gentle.

Female stars are not vegetarians, and they will fry when they are provoked by the baby, okay?

In the past two days, I was able to survive by the words "not my own" in my heart.

Before setting out in the morning, everyone is doing various psychological constructions in their hearts, and they are also given precautions in advance. How to adjust their emotions in the event of an emergency.

Unexpectedly, completely useless?

"Sister late..."

Ruan Xingchen used soup instead of wine, and clinked glasses with Ye Wan, "Thank you for this wonderful afternoon that you exclusively gave!"

I have to say, the feeling of not having to bring a baby is simply great!

And Lin Jiashu, who hadn't seen her in the afternoon, was originally a violent Tyrannosaurus Rex in her heart, but she felt a lot more cute when she looked at it again.

Sure enough, distance produces beauty!

After eating, drinking, chatting, and when the lights on the square gradually dimmed, everyone knew that it was time to part.

Instructing Wen Duoyu to be optimistic about his younger siblings not to run around, Ye Wan and the five got up and put away the table.

Ruan Xingchen and Tan Shuanghua collected the dishes and took them to the kitchen to wash them.

Xi Moxin Guan Beibei cleans and collects garbage.

The manual work such as moving the table and dismantling the stone stove was naturally taken over by Ye Wan.

As if it was just a blink of an eye, the originally bustling small square was quiet.

When the four of them came out of the village chief's house, they were carrying their own bags.

Ruan Xingchen and Tan Shuanghua were still carrying their tents.

"Sister Mo, do you still remember the road you went south just now?"


"It's still the same road. Turn left at the end of the alley. It's the aunt's house where you borrowed the food. Go right and come to the end. It's your destination tonight."

"??? Thank you, Miss Wan!"

A moment ago, she was facing the question mark on her forehead on the map. In a blink of an eye, Xi Moxin happily put away the map and led Zhou Heyan to the south.

Guan Beibei's eyes were bright, "Sister Wan, what about me? Where am I going?"

"You have received the uncle's house of rice, and continue to walk forward. It is at the end of the road."


In an instant, a group of people in front of the village head's house dispersed.

Four drones fly in different directions.

"Ye Wan..."

Seeing Xu Leyan staggeringly disappearing from sight, Wen Duoyu looked back at Ye Wan who was sitting on the threshold, "Really watching them go to live in spider houses and tents?"

Although I haven't lived here before, I can tell from a little bit of brainstorming that the show crew will definitely not be so kind.

The female stars must be frightened and screamed and the children jumped up and down before they would be happy.

"if not?"

Ye Wan leaned on the door panel and looked back at Wen Duoyu, "What bold ideas do you have? Come and listen?"

Bold idea?

With eyes like black grapes rolling, Wen Duoyu asked eagerly, "But... can I have it?"

"I think so!"

"I feel so too!"

He glanced over the drone on the tree above his head~www.readwn.com~ Wen Duoyu came close to Ye Wan's ear, and whispered whispers.

In the working hall, Jia Lintao: …

He knew that Ye Wan was going to do something else again!

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