Master Lu, Madam, She Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry By Live Broadcasting

Chapter 1961: Go with the feeling, you can't go wrong!


As soon as the line went online, Ye Wan said straight to the point, "The treasures who have come in disguise can retreat first. There are no cosmetics and props at hand, so they can't play. The treasures who want to fly the old times can stay for a while. I will make sure you are satisfied tonight. !"

Flying old times?

In a word, the exclamation mark swiped on the screen, and the voice-activated evening winds were ready to shout.

"Sister Wan, send a love number. I've been ordering that old song for several months. When will you let me rest my eyes?"

"Hehe... I really want to send out the number card of love, can you line up light years away to believe it? Let's continue to pray that Sister Wan's big eyes can see you, it will be realized faster! Sister Wan, I want to broadcast Recite a poem, please look familiar!"

"I want to broadcast..."

In a group of on-demand barrages, a gossip barrage seemed particularly out of place, "Sister Wan, on the flight from Yancheng to Hengcheng at ten o'clock in the morning, the one who dressed as a polar bear and was hugged by a handsome guy, is that you?"

? ? ?

After a short delay, the barrage was crazy for a moment.

"What are you kidding? Why does the late sister dress like a polar bear?"

"That's right, it's even more impossible to be hugged by a handsome guy! If you spread rumors, you will be expelled from your fans, please warn me once!"

"I don't think so either! But the fan in the Hengcheng fan group said that even if Sister Wan turns into ashes, she can't admit her mistake!"


Ye Wan took out her mobile phone and saw Lin Xiaolu sent her a WeChat message just after two o'clock.

In the photo, it was Lu Changchuan who was holding her out of the airport lobby.

The man was wearing a black coat, and he could tell from the back that he was a handsome guy with tall legs and long legs.

And she is furry in off-white and looks a bit like a polar bear.

Well, here comes the question!

She is wrapped in this ghostly appearance, how could anyone recognize her?

On the one hand, she felt that the black fans lurking in the group were deceiving her.

On the one hand, I felt that it was really true fans who recognized her.

Ye Wan threw away the phone and started the live broadcast.

"On the day of the first snow, did you think of anyone? Under the dim yellow street lamp in the mottled memory, the warm hand holding you, your nervous and drooping eyes, and the two elongated shadows on the snow..."

As soon as the soothing magnetic sound came out, the barrage was instantly emptied, leaving only a piece of "crying trough".

The live broadcast ended at one o'clock in the morning.

Ye Wan took out the phone again, and was seeing a few chat records sent by Lin Xiaolu.

On one side is Lin Xiaolu.

On one side was the true love fan in the Hengcheng Group who claimed to be the late sister who turned into ashes.

"Baozi Baozi, are you sure you read it right? You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense!"

"Sister Lu, you are so nervous, I am even more sure that Sister Wan is in love!"

"...I said I'm not nervous, do you believe it? I just don't want the rumors to come from our own people. Little red envelopes, it's not respectful, please have a big meal!"

"There is no need for the red envelope! In fact, I knew I did something wrong when I sent it out, but who made the true fans have such sharp eyes to see it? It's okay... Knowing that Sister Wan didn't waste her beauty to find an ugly man to fall in love with, I can rest assured. La! I've already said in the group that I read it wrong, Sister Lu!"

Ye Wan:…

After chatting with Lin Xiaolu for a while, Ye Wan couldn't help poking him when he returned to the bed, "You said before that you can recognize me when I turn into ashes, how did you recognize me?"

Watching the live broadcast, it is natural to know what happened in the live broadcast room.

Lu Changchuan smiled and threw away his phone, "Don't admit it, just follow your instincts, you'll never be wrong!"

Thinking of a group of little radishes rushing out of the school gate, she could always see Lu Cheng at a glance.

Thinking of people coming and going in the squares in Ireland, she could also see Heschen at a glance.

Ye Wan probably understood.

Looking at Ye Wan, who looked confused and didn't know where his heart flew, Lu Changchuan lowered his head and bit the girl's shoulder like punishment, "Wan Wan, thinking about other people in my arms is so scumbag. alright?"

"I do not…"

I haven't finished my I am seeing the light in the man's eyes and the pressed lips.

The fiery palm penetrated into the sweater skirt, causing a numbness wherever it went, Ye Wan reached out and hooked his neck.

It's late at night, sleepless...

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