"Wenduoyu, what can you do?"

With two lines of tears hanging on his face, Lin Jiashu looked at Wen Duoyu pitifully and asked.

The other three babies also stared at him.

Wen Duoyu beckoned, and a few little heads came together.

People are small.

The voice is soft.

Several cameras ran over and didn't hear what they said, only heard a sound of muttering and muttering.

When they stood up straight again, the five little guys all had serious expressions on their faces.

Wen Duoyu looked around, "Do you understand?"

Lin Jiashu nodded, with an affirmation of making up for the dead, "Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Zhou Heyan pursed his lips, nodded slightly for a long time, "I... I will work hard."

Shen Yiyang and Xu Leyan were the youngest, and they didn't know whether they understood it or not, and looked at Wen Duoyu blankly.

"Then let's divide into groups, there are more people and more power!"

He is the biggest of the bunch of radishes, and Wen Duoyu spontaneously became the team leader, taking on the responsibility of taking care of the other four cute babies, "Jiashu, you and Heyan, you are a group of two, responsible for the rice. I Take Yiyang and Yanyan to see other dishes."

"it is good!"

The five cute babies were divided into two teams in a blink of an eye.

Wenduoyu did not forget to put the rabbit cages, duck cages and vegetables and meat that had been bought on the wall.


The handsome young boy rushed to the wall and said to the old man who was smoking a tobacco pouch and selling tobacco leaves: "Our stuff is here, can you take a look at it for us?"

Before the old man could speak, Zhou Heyan pulled Lin Jiashu and bowed with a smile, "Thank you, Grandpa!"

The children from the city are all handsome and beautiful.

One mouthful, one grandfather, smiles at you and bows at you.

The old man's smiling eyes narrowed into slits, "Go play, Grandpa will show you."

A group of radishes turned around and plunged into the market.

Wenduoyu has already visited the vegetable area once, and is familiar with the road.

Holding Xu Leyan in the left hand and Shen Yiyang in the right, the three went straight to the aquatic area they wanted to buy without money.

The proprietress of the aquatic area is fetching fish from the pond for the guests.

The shiny silver perch still jumped and threw water droplets out until it was picked up in the net pocket. Wen Duoyu stood aside with Shen Yiyang and Xu Leyan, watching the proprietress swiftly kill the fish and scrape the fish scales until they were cleaned and bagged and handed to him. guest.

clap clap clap!

There was applause, and the proprietress raised her eyes and saw three little radishes standing in front of the pool.

Seeing the cameraman behind them again, the proprietress was delighted, "Children, what program are you recording?"

"We're live broadcast... Auntie, do you usually watch the live broadcast?"


"Auntie, are you doing a live broadcast then?"

"How can Auntie have that time? Besides, even if I have time, Auntie won't say it. You can't kill a fish for the fans in the live broadcast room, right?"

"Auntie, then we will help you to advertise on the live broadcast. Can you pay us a little advertising fee?"

? ? ?

Netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked.

The owner of the aquatic product in front of the camera was also stunned~www.readwn.com~ looked like she was watching the excitement, "How much do you plan to charge me for advertising?"

"Auntie, look at our performance, okay? If you think our advertisement is good, you will give us a fish or something. If the advertisement is bad, we will give it away for nothing, okay?"

When the proprietress was stunned, Wen Duoyu squeezed Xu Leyan's little hand, and the three little guys had already started.

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