Hanging up the video call, Xie Shenmin fell on the bed on his back, feeling bubbling in a good mood.

Haven't been so happy in a long time.

At the end of the video, what did Miss Wan say?

Let him not patronize and play. If he can play well and study well at the same time, then he will be convincing. Then we will see who will scold him.

Xie Shenmin felt that Sister Wan was right!

Glancing at the desk calendar on the desk, the final exam is only a few days away.

Xie Shenmin stared at the snow-white ceiling for a second: is it studying for a while? Or go to bed early and get up early, and study again tomorrow?

The phone ding-dong.

Late sister: The team name is Wan Defu.

? ? ?

Is it so down-to-earth?

Are you sure it's not the name of an old-fashioned private restaurant?

For example, Quanjude, Mingfu Building, etc.

Being laughed at by the name of the second team's team, Xie Chenmin was awake.

I scratched my head, forget it, let's study for a while!

Turning over and jumping up, Xie Shenmin went over and sat in front of the desk with a shot.

After reviewing the textbook and brushing a few sets of papers, Xie Shenmin realized that something was wrong when he was about to go to bed.

Where did he seem to have heard this name?

Xie Shenmin turned on the computer.

Enter the Wonderful Team.


See the team information that pops up in the search box, as well as the cool official website of the dark wind.

After Xie Shenmin stayed for a few seconds, he smiled.

God is so wonderful!

The famous wonderful team, in the mouth of Wanjie, became a scumbag Wonderful?

Play or late sister will play!

A free and easy smile hung on his lips, and in the next moment, Xie Shenmin froze.

wonderful team?

He actually followed Sister Wan and got into w's team?

If he opened his mailbox early in the morning and received a notification email of ts's tryouts, he jumped up excitedly and shot a three-pointer.

Well, now he wants to jump out of the window and run 20 laps in the snow.

Thinking of the last few sentences of Sister Wan's video, which are not nagging, Xie Shenmin felt that at this moment, only five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation could calm him down.

Xie Shenmin sat back at the desk again.

Mrs. Xie ate a few more tiger skin and chicken feet when she was playing a drama at night, and was woken up by thirst in the middle of the night.

I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and when I looked up, I saw that there was still light in the crack of the door on the second floor.

As soon as she guessed, she knew that her son was staying up late again, and Mrs. Xie couldn't help sighing.

Teenagers don't know that hair is expensive, and middle-aged baldness becomes Mediterranean!

Taking a few steps upstairs and opening the door, Mrs. Xie was stunned by the sight in front of her.

At three o'clock in the morning, her son, who used to have no character, was still writing questions.

The table is densely packed with textbooks and test sets.

She didn't even notice when she came to her side, and her son was very devoted to writing and writing.

Thinking of coming back from the race car last night, he took a sip of a late sister.

Today, I went out for a meal and came back happily, and it became like this.

Is this... a **** change?

Thinking of the cold and mysterious girl she saw in the Qin family's old house, Mrs. Xie tiptoed downstairs.

Looking back, she has to thank that Miss Ye well!


Ye Wan woke up and received a confirmation letter from the team's President Wan on his mobile phone.

Without questioning Xie Shenmin's qualifications at all, Mr. Wan said jokingly, "It's really the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves. I haven't seen such a young racer in several years! This time, I can count on you two!"

Ye Wan: "ok.jpg"

Open the official website to log in to the background, scroll to the end of the team's driver list, and see Xie Shenmin at a glance.

Seeing the results listed after Xie Shenmin's name~www.readwn.com~ Ye Wan raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Young man, there is a future!

With a click, he took a screenshot, and together with his website id and random password, Ye Wan sent it to "Feichi, thank you brother".

In the early morning, the Xie family villa was quiet.

Mr. Xie was reading the newspaper, and Mrs. Xie thought that he was turning the pages too loudly and rushed to the study.

The servants were cleaning, and Mrs. Xie also thought that they had made a noise, so they waved their hands and went back to their houses.

The next moment, I was caught off guard by the surprise scream from the second floor, and I was so shocked that I patted my chest.


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