The sun is shining and the wind is blowing.

A handsome figure in a black suit and white shirt is from far to near.

Seeing that face clearly, the barrage exploded in an instant, as if all the fans who had been diving all night came out.

"Ah ah ah, is it my male god? Sister Wan, they actually invited my male god? Is it too much face? I can't believe my eyes!"

"It's really Andy! Ah, it's my husband..."

"Reason tells me it's definitely not. After all, my husband was still in business yesterday, and he took his sister-in-law and daughter to bask in the sun in Hawaii. But emotionally, I hope this is true! Ah, ah, is it Andy?"

When another figure came out and put the gun on Andy's back, the barrage was full of exclamation marks.

"The fake didn't run away! Ah, you are my husband!!!"

"It's impossible to invite Andy. If you were to invite Emperor Liang Ying, the outside of Emperor Jing's sky restaurant would have been surrounded by paparazzi and bodyguards. Sure enough, I knew I shouldn't be emotional! Damn man, it's so miserable to deceive us!"

"??? No one found something wrong?"

"The one in front, I also found out. Isn't there only one man, Brother Lan? Who is the other cos? It's too similar, right?"

"I have a bold guess. Is it possible that it is Sister Wan and the Goddess of Xia Ye?"

? ? ?

At the moment when the question mark swipes the screen, in the audio, the classic lines strike.

"give me a chance."

"How can I give you a chance?"

"I didn't have a choice before, and now I want to be a good person."

"Okay, talk to the judge and see if he will be a good person for you."

"Then you want me to die?"

"Sorry, I'm a policeman!"


With special effects, the scene is 100% restored.

The appearance of the characters after the cross-dressing cos is 100% restored.

Even the voice and emphasis of the lines are still 100% restored.

For a moment, people watching the live broadcast felt like they were sitting in a movie theater watching a movie.

"...I got goosebumps! If it wasn't for a real person to appear, it would be too scary, right? What day is it today? Immortals fight!!!"

"Compared to last night, this is the real dream linkage today, isn't it!!! Aaaah, I really want to scream!"

"I'm different, I just want to know, who are these two people!!! Ah, which big guy will reveal a secret to me, I'm about to be tortured to death by my own curiosity!"

"Calm down. Don't you know who will come out next?"

Oh yes.

The show went on and on, and there was almost no pause in the middle.

The next show will start soon, and when that person comes on stage, it will be clear at a glance who is playing Infernal Affairs at this moment.

But soon, fans were disappointed.

After Andy and Liang Yingdi left the stage, Cai Qin's deep and charming singing resounded throughout the banquet hall.

In the three-minute song, three Infernal Affairs were paid tribute on the big screen, and the four anchors slowly appeared.

Tears floated on the barrage: "Save the child, tell me who those two people were on stage just now? Otherwise, I shouldn't be able to sleep tonight!"

No one can give an answer.

Take another look at the outfits of the four, fans: ? ? ?

The familiar feeling is back.

From Xingyu Xingyuan to men crying is not a sin, from nunchucks to spring flowers, and then to "Let's Meow Meow Meow", Ye Wan and the four came to a 20-minute song skewer.

This is the memory of many people.

Some people's childhood.

But it is more people's growing memory.

For a time, countless people couldn't tell whether this was a live broadcast or a concert reminiscent of Homecoming.

"Dear family..."

"Dear friends..."

When Ye Wan and Qin Zhiyi made a sensational call alone fans looked at the time, only to find that three hours had slipped through their fingers unknowingly.

When the "Billions of Blood Books Begging for Delay" on the barrage began to float, Xia Weiyang and Miaomiaojiang said in unison, "Next, Sister Wan will present our finale show for the fans today."

And the finale show?

I saw two strong men appearing on the screen, and the slate they were holding in their hands.

There is a momentary stagnation in the barrage.

No... no?


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