"Ye Xiaowan, what's wrong with you?"

Holding Ye Wan's hand all the way home, the little bun looked at Ye Wan curiously and said, "Have you done anything bad? Why do you look like a thief with a guilty conscience?"

"Have it?"

Ye Wan bowed his head, and saw the little bun nodded affirmatively.

Ye Wan frantically scratched her hair.

Ah ah ah ah ah……

Sure enough, drinking is a mistake.

But she clearly didn't drink much last night.

As soon as the thought came up, the wine bottle by the barbecue table appeared in his mind, Ye Wan: "..."

Thinking of Lu Changchuan's meaningful eyes just now, on the one hand, he felt that he really said something, and on the other hand, he felt that he was deceiving her.

Ye Wan swayed left and right for a long time, and simply slapped the country of Java.

Anyway, so many people have already scolded scumbags, so let's scum again.

Who made her drink too much?

After returning home and having breakfast, I threw the well-prepared winter vacation surprise to Xiao Baozi.

Seeing the little guy carrying a small bench to the bay window to write and do math problems with a gloomy face, Ye Wan entered the study.

Turning on the computer and seeing the hot words on the fourth and sixth most popular searches at a glance, Ye Wan was startled for a moment.

Once upon a time, when she was hacked on a forum or on a hot search, many people would notify her immediately.

Now, all of them are in the top ten hot searches, and her mobile phone is as quiet as a chicken.

So, everyone is immune to hot searches?

Or immune to her?

Ye Wan entered the topic with a funny face.

Hot search no.4 unique Feitian sister

Hot search no.6 Feitian dream linkage

Last night's dream linkage, the four people who participated in the live broadcast had a very impressive increase in fans.

Ye Wan has not yet finished the live broadcast, and the number of fans has exceeded 100 million.

In Feitian's forum, countless people are guessing how many gifts Ye Wan and the four of them could have received last night if the gift-giving channel had not been closed.

After all, Ye Wan alone received nearly 10 million in the live broadcast with Jiang Xintian the night before.

The live broadcast last night was watched by more than one billion people online, more than half more than the night before.

If you receive a gift, then this amount...

Thinking that Ye Wan and the four of them closed the gift channel without hesitation, for a while, even passers-by who didn't watch the live broadcast couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

The topic of fantasy linkage is even more joyful.

From the grand debut at the beginning to the big stone on the chest at the finale, the entire Feitian Gala has a total of 25 programs, all of which have been cut into separate programs by fans.

At this moment, the broken boulder in the chest has become the most broadcast program without any suspense.

Thousands of retweets.

Over 100,000 comments.

Fans beat gongs and drums, lest new fans not know that this is his late sister.

Tens of millions of passers-by followed the guidance of the late sister's die-hard fans and true fans to go to the archaeological site of the young and second-year-old girl, who is now a first-sister but still a second-year beauty.

Soon, a little Mengxin jumping up and down caught Ye Wan's attention.

Sophia is not a small public opinion: "Sister Wan's movie is going to be released. Are there any fans who want to form a group to go to the cinema to meet Ji? Raise your hand..."

Some fans even know that her movie is going to be released?

Is this iron powder?

Ye Wandian entered the comment~www.readwn.com~ Sure enough, more than 100 fans were asking for the time and the theater address. When it came time to buy a movie ticket for that show, everyone would support Miss Wan offline.

Unexpectedly, Sophia waved her hand, "Let's join a group and let you know when I've packed the venue. I'll treat you like a guest, just be... make a friend!"


The big sister is coming!

The comments that had just exceeded 100 instantly exceeded 1,000, and netizens swarmed.


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