Latest website: As soon as the dishes came up, Ye Wan couldn't care about talking.

The orange-yellow drunk crab with its teeth and claws on the green lotus leaf.

A stack of spicy chicken spilled out of a bamboo basket.

Butterfly cakes fluttering on a moonlit white plate.


Not only good-looking but also delicious, the real color and flavor are complete.

Ye Wan's chopsticks never stopped.

She didn't even need to pick up the dishes, as long as her eyes fell on which plate, Lu Changchuan raised his arm lightly, and the next second, the dish fell on her bone plate.

At a glance, most of the dishes on the table fell into her stomach.

The stomach is full and the brain is alive.

Ye Wan looked up at Lu Changchuan, "Isn't the 51st floor closed to the outside world?"

This time LI*ngSHuFom Zhang Si. Lu Changchuan smiled and said, "It's not open to the public. So those who can enter here are all members."

"And what if someone wants to invite someone to dinner here?"

"Find a member to introduce him to the membership."

"Membership fee?"

"It seems... 1 million? This is the price of a few years ago. I don't know if the price has increased in recent years."


Ye Wan looked at Lu Changchuan suspiciously, "So, you paid 1 million membership fees a few years ago to join the club?"

If this is the case, then Lu Chuan's identity is probably not only a side child of the Lu family, right?

Before Ye Wan could murmur clearly, Lu Changchuan smiled and said, "But at the same time, this is Yujing's employee benefits!"

? ? ?

Ye Wan blinked frantically.

Lu Changchuan said with a smile: "Above the senior level of Yujing, you can come and dine with the VIP exclusive gold card issued by the company. You can call half an hour in advance."

With that said, Lu Changchuan took out a gold card and pushed it in front of Ye Wan, "Wan Wan, I'll give you this one."

Ye Wan lowered her head and glanced at the exclusive gold card with the word "Yujing" hanging on it, and she was crazy.

Yujing Dad can do it!

Business savvy!

Yuxia also has a set of skills, and it is very good at winning people's hearts.

Looking up at Lu Changchuan, Ye Wan blurted out, "Are you still lacking in Yujing?"

Lu Changchuan was startled, a smile overflowing from his lips, "I don't know about other departments, the president's office seems to be recruiting special assistants."

President Office.

Special Assistant.

There were bad images in Ye Wan's mind.

A secretary in a deep V office suit and black silk high-heeled shoes twisted his waist lightly into the president's office, took off his black-rimmed glasses and glared at the domineering president, "Mr. Lu, there is a document here, please sign it... "

Before he finished speaking, the charming and enchanting secretary was taken into the arms of the overbearing president.

An indescribable ambiguous voice sounded in the office.

Outside the office, a group of secretaries winked.


Ye Wan: "Isn't there any vacancies for serious positions?"

? ? ?

His eyes were deep, and Lu Changchuan smiled even more. He could almost see a playful touch of laughter, "Wan Wan, what misunderstandings do you have about the work of the special assistant?"

Ye Wan was a little embarrassed.

Lu Changchuan shook his head and laughed, and then motioned Ye Wan to put away the card, "If you don't want to come over to eat, call and report your membership card number, and someone will arrange for it to be delivered to you."

Can you eat five-star food without leaving home?

Ye Wan is crazy but there is still some hesitation on the face, "Will it be bad?"

If you eat too much too often, you won't be fired by that living **** king, right?

Seemingly guessing what Ye Wan was thinking, Lu Changchuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, you can't eat enough of mine."

Ye Wan quickly put away the card, "Lu Chuan, don't worry, I won't eat it for nothing. If you need something in the future, feel free to speak. If I eat too much... tell me, I will supply you. ."

Make a big tyrant. "it is good."

Lu Changchuan smiled fondly.

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