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Chapter 592

Burying himself into the snow-white fluffy quilt, Ye Wan had the most comfortable sleep in half a month.

When the alarm rang, Ye Wan pressed the remote control.

The curtains slowly opened.

The bright sun shines in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and even the air is familiar and intimate.

Ye Wan sat in the quilt for a while, then got up and went into the bathroom.

Turning on the phone, the first thing that popped up was Lu Changchuan's WeChat: "Wan Wan, did you sleep well?"

Sent at half past six in the morning.

Go to bed at two, wake up at half past six.

Only slept for four hours.

In his heart, he sighed for the hard-working workers, and Ye Wan sent a good morning emoji.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang softly.

The hotel staff pushed the dining cart in with a sweet smile, "Hello, Miss Ye, this is your breakfast."

After the staff left, Ye Wan was both happy and worried for a while at the full dining table.

The happy thing is that you can eat delicious food without leaving home, and the sense of happiness is simply overwhelming.

Worryingly, it was Lu Changchuan's soft and silent consideration that made her more and more unstoppable.

Stomach growls.

Ye Wan decided to fill his stomach first.

Next to Sicheng Hotel is the largest shopping mall in Sicheng.

After breakfast, she called Tang's mother again and said that she would visit them later, and Ye Wan went to Sicheng Building with her bag.

I went to the counter at L's house to order a bag, and told the teller to deliver it to Tang's house next Saturday. Ye Wan also wrote a greeting card by hand.

Next Saturday is Tang's mother's birthday.

After writing the greeting card, Ye Wan took a photo and sent it to Tang Mulin, "How about you, your half-sister, are you still competent?"

It was still late at night in Paris, so Ye Wan put away her phone and went to H's house to choose a silk scarf and a pair of cufflinks for Dad Tang.

When he left with the bag, a surprised voice sounded behind him, "Ye... Ye Wan?"

Looking back, Ye Wan was startled.

When nodding to say hello, the smile on his face lightened by three points, "Mrs. Han."

"Xiao Wan, it's really you..."

The astonishment in her eyes dissipated quickly, Dai Yuying stepped forward, her eyes fell on Ye Wan's face, "Why do you remember coming back to Sicheng?"

Thinking that since Ye Wan went to the imperial capital, Han Bolin has been eating, drinking, and having fun with a group of foxes and dogs all day long.

Whenever he wanted to take him to meet those Shuyuan blind dates in Sicheng's wealthy family, he always shouted that he only wanted one Ye Wan, and she had to be her.

Dai Yuying could not wait to slap him to wake him up.

In the end not willing.

Who made her only have Han Bolin's son.

I thought that after a long time, if I can't see Ye Wanren, and there are other girls around me, my son's heart can always be taken back.

But seeing that Han Bolin has become more disciplined these days, he also relaxed a bit when she mentioned going to see the lady of the Song family on the weekend.

Dai Yuying just breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, Ye Wan came back.

The more she thought about it, the more suspicious she became. Dai Yuying asked coldly, "Xiao Wan, is there no class this Friday? What are you doing here in Sicheng?"

Ye Wan never intended to care about the Han family.

Even though the relationship between the two families was so good before, Ye Wan felt that it was human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

After all, pity the hearts of parents all over the world.

It was the Han family who went bankrupt. With the personality that her parents love her like a treasure, I am afraid they will break off the marriage with the Han family at the first time.

But Ye Wan didn't expect that she didn't care, but the Han family did.

As if she was a disaster she should never come back after leaving Sicheng.

"Tomorrow is the birthday of my parents."

Ye Wan said softly.

"Ah, that's it..."

It was only then that a year had passed since the Ye family's affair. A flash of embarrassment flashed across Dai Yuying's face, "Then, is there anything I need to help? Just tell my aunt."

"No, thank you."

Turning around to leave, Ye Wan just took a step, Dai Yuying said loudly, "Xiao Wan..."

(End of this chapter)

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