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Chapter 989 Art Can't Be Defiled

Serena was called out when the scene was over.

The one who stopped her was a staff member from the backstage of the opera house with a work card hanging around her neck, "Miss Serena, Dean Raymond invites you to come to his office."

Dean Raymond!

Serena's eyes lit up suddenly.

Last year's Starlight Contest ended, and the gold medal winner was a girl from Manhattan University who was also invited by Dean Raymond to attend the concert at the Paris Opera House.

Everyone thought that she would perform the dance that won the gold medal, but unexpectedly, at the concert, the girl played a violin solo.

After the concert, she received an olive branch from the Paris Opera.

Before going on stage today, Serena still glanced at the ensemble.

Although I don't know which of those who played the violin was the gold medal winner of last year's Starlight Contest, Serena seemed to be greatly inspired.

At this moment, the staff of the opera house said that Dean Raymond asked her to come over. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

Is the opera going to throw an olive branch to her?

Several companions around him cast curious and envious glances, and Serena's heart couldn't help beating wildly.

Going all the way, the rapid footsteps are like dancing steps on the stage.

knock knock knock.

"Please come in."

I knocked on the door and heard Dean Raymond's voice.

Pushing the door in, Serena was stunned for a moment.

Not only Dean Ramon, but also Dinane, Camille, and Fanny, the teacher in charge of the Starlight Contest at their school, were in the office.


The eyes from Dean Raymond, who was full of anger, to Dinane and Camille, who were serious and awe-inspiring, fell on the teacher Fanny's face all the way. Serena had a bad premonition, "Yes... Are you looking for me?"

"not me!"

Behind the desk, Dean Raymond turned the computer to face Serena, "Miss Serena, can you tell me why you are here?"

With just one glance, Serena's face turned white.

In the computer screen, there is a black and white monitor.

The time in the upper right corner shows that she entered the backstage at more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

It was the time when the backstage was the most crowded, the staff were busy lifting the instruments and music stands, and the performers were making final adjustments.

Everyone was busy with their own business, and no one noticed what Serena did.

But the footage is real.

Wia, who was slowly shaking, the tool in his hand, the flustered expression...

Even if her movements were not captured by the curtain, she knew exactly what she had done in those few seconds.

"You are murdering!"

A cold female voice sounded, Serena's expression changed drastically, she turned her head and faced Camille who couldn't hide her disappointment, "Selina, is this your quality as a college art student?"

"No, I..."

She never dreamed that someone would suspect her, and she didn't expect to be photographed by surveillance cameras. Serena's mood was unprecedentedly flustered.

But she had no chance to explain.

"Art shall not be stained!"

Dinane made the final decision, "As for what will happen to your school, I believe you will be notified when you go back. And you will be delisted from the gold award work of this Starlight Competition. In addition, you will also enter the international Blacklist from the Dance Association!"

Her pupils shrank suddenly, her eyes widened, Serena subconsciously jumped up and grabbed Dinane's arm, "Dinane, I was wrong, I beg you, don't do this..."

"I can go to Ye Wan, I apologize to her, repent, please don't do this to me."

Punished by the school, she recognized it.

The Gold Award was removed, and she also recognized it.

But if she is blocked by the dance association, it means that after graduating from the dance academy, she will no longer be able to go further.

Unable to participate in various dance competitions.

After graduation, they are not allowed to open dance studios to teach dance.

Then she has been dancing for more than ten years since she was a child, and it can only be a hobby for self-entertainment?

"Do not……"

It wasn't until this moment that I felt Serena hurriedly wanted to run out.

She is going to find Ye Wan. After all, she is fine, isn't she?

As long as Ye Wan is willing to forgive her...

"You don't have to go!"

Dean Raymond's voice sounded behind him, "She said that she has no time and doesn't want to care about you, so please do it yourself."

Ye Wan's cold and arrogant eyes appeared in his mind, as if seeing through everything.

Looking back at the disappointed and angry faces of Raymond and the others, Serena's heart fell into the icy bottom of Lake Geneva.

(End of this chapter)

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