Chapter 525 The meaning of inborn gods, the endless future!

What happened in the outside world caused quite a stir.

But Ye Bei didn’t know anything about it.

The Diamond Road was uneventful and nothing special happened.

Everyone is busy with their own business.

Did not feel any change.

Just when Ye Bei fell into a state of daze.

A patrol passed by outside this warehouse.

Nor did they feel any movement.

Ye Bei regained his mind.

Checked it out for myself.

“I don’t feel any discomfort at the moment other than a little tired.

“It seems that today I can no longer comprehend the laws of space.”

Understanding the law requires a good state.

Now Ye Bei has been busy for a long time.

The whole person is exhausted.

Not in the best shape.

“Take a rest today.

“Come back tomorrow to accept the inheritance!”

“Now let’s take a look at the changes in my natural gods!

Ye Bei opened his own room.

[Natural God, North God]

Quality: golden legend too

Race: god

Bloodline: Protoss bloodline

Sequence: Lightning Strike, Fire Element, Wind Fan, Dark Element

Status: Infancy

Rank: Platinum too

Talents: Thunder Bombing, Flame Clone, Gale Force, Dark Origin

Skills: five thunders, flame differentiation, like the wind, dark assimilation

“The bloodline has been activated, and the rank has reached the platinum one star,”.

“It seems to be a success.”

Ye Bei took a look and found that the blood of the gods can also be used.

“When I go back to the dark city, I will be able to use the source of darkness for those commanders.”


“Congratulations on your successful activation of the bloodline of the natural gods!”

“The following are new skills, please choose!”

[Dark gaze, price: 10,000 evolution points.

[Leiguangtong], price: 8000 evolution points.

[Tianyan Diversion), price: 8000 evolution points.

[Swinging Nine Heavens], price: 20,000 evolution points.

Note: Fuyao Jiutian is a growth skill, which can be evolved after purchase.

Ye Bei shook his head after seeing the prices of these skills.

“I’m going to buy skills that are useful to the Law.”

“These skills can only be bought later.”

“But now you can also look at their characteristics.

Ye Bei has now been attacked by his room.

Check out the four new skills displayed by the system.

The point is to swing nine days.

He rarely encounters growth-type skills.

In the past, there was also a growth skill that the power of the law was transformed into.

Now the power of those laws has merged with Ye Bei’s body of gods and gods.

became a source of power.

That is the source of the power of the Northern God.

[Swinging Nine Heavens]: This skill is divided into nine levels, and each level doubles the speed.

The introduction to Fuyao Jiutian is very simple.

This skill does not want to have a level marked on the back like other skills.

For example, the gaze behind the dark gaze is labeled lvl.

~ It seems that this skill is more special. ”

“I’ll buy this first when I have a point of evolution.”

“Speed ​​type skills will always have a certain advantage when fighting (Li Qianzhao).

Ye Bei began to look at the remaining three skills at random.

Dark Gaze is a call to the eyes of the Lord of Darkness.

Watching the enemy, let him fall into Ye Bei’s domain.

Leiguangtong is a skill used to escape, and the speed is ridiculously fast.

But there is no attack power, and this skill is scattered everywhere like thunder and lightning.

Skyfire Diversion can be used in conjunction with Flame Splitter.

Both of them have similar effects.

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