Chapter 562 Inheritance of Fire, Canglong Jade Pendant, Final Battle!

Song Xing glanced at Jufeng City in the distance.

Trapped in memories, he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Ye Bei didn’t bother him either.

After all, Song Xing didn’t have much time.

However, Song Xing quickly came to his senses and looked at Ye Bei and said lightly.

“If you want to deal with the fire phoenix, you have to leave no chance to be ruthless!”

“The monster Fire Phoenix is ​​not simple. He has something to do with the gods who died here.”

“I suspect that he is derived from the spirit of the gods, and should have a special relationship with the other party!

In fact, Ye Bei didn’t think so much as Song Xing.

He previously thought that the fire phoenix was because of its long life.

Plus is one of the rulers here.

He was able to steal the contents of the Imperial Spirit Monument based on his strength.

But after hearing what Song Xing said, I felt that it was still possible.

Song Xing was also one of the rulers here.

But he didn’t get any benefit here.

He could understand the laws of space because of the chance he got at the beginning.

It has little to do with the Imperial Spirit Monument.


The fire phoenix is ​​very closely related to this land of the gods!

However, Ye Bei already had a plan, no matter how close Huo Encui was with this place.

There are more hands behind.

Ye Bei only needs to kill him fast enough.

Then all his backhands were too late to display.

“One more thing, learn more about the high-level human race.”

“It’s better to join a relatively free force, so as not to end up being used as a gunman.”

“There are people from Li in that city, take good care of it.

After Song Xing finished speaking, it slowly dissipated.

Ye Bei didn’t even have time to say thank you.

I can only watch him disappear a little bit.

Now he left a jade pendant in this world.

Nothing else remains.

There may be no legends about him in the outside world.

It’s truly gone.

“Quickly go to the dark city!”

The Dark City is still holding on, and Ye Bei spent less than three hours here.

According to Ye Bei’s calculations, the dark city can last at least one day.

But Ye Bei arrived earlier.

They can relieve some stress there.

Ye Bei directly used the talent skills.

Thunder bombing!

With the breath of the gods.

Let the monster lose all resistance.

Then thunder swept over again.

A lot of casualties along the way!

Ye Beiyi took advantage of this time to check the information on the jade pendant.

【Dragon Gate Jade Pendant】

0… ask for flowers…

Quality: unknown

status: perfect

Effect: 0 Wearing the dragon gate jade pendant can speed up the growth of the dragon royal spirit.

2. Purify the bloodline, make the bloodline of the dragon family more pure, and increase the chance of bloodline evolution.

The evolution of the dragon family allows the dragon royal spirit to evolve towards the ancient dragon family.

Description: The Dragon Gate Jade Pendant allows any royal spirit with dragon blood to gain the opportunity to leap over the Dragon Gate and evolve to a higher level, the quality of which cannot be determined.


“It’s pretty much an accelerator and a myriad of evolutionary opportunities.”

No wonder “the system can’t judge its value.”

“Whatever step you can take in the future depends on the user and the Yuling itself.”

Ye Bei has confidence in himself and stars.

They must be able to go all the last.

Become an invincible being!

Ye Bei arrived in the city of Jufeng.

All the people in the league cheered!

Diamonds to Stars!

Ye Bei wins!

Human victory!

“The policeman is stunned, kill Yun!

Ye Bei gave the order to everyone in the evening.

He also turned and left.

Just about the system prompting the progress of the task.

Ye Bei has time to look at it.

The final reward has to wait for the fire sparrow to be resolved too! People.

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