Chapter 569 The ultimate speed competition, endless pursuit!

The phoenix finally arrived at the nest.

He saw a huge fortress pressing down on his lair.

The loud rumbling from the ground can still be heard from this distance.

The only thing that can create a lot of movement is the divine power that he has just been summoning.

But until he got close to the lair.

They didn’t bring the power of divinity to Summon Yun.

The fortress above is a barrier that it cannot break through.


Firefinch now has no other emotions but anger.

Since he met Ye Bei.

Every fight.

He was led by Ye Bei by the nose!

And more and more losing 04.

He could only watch Ye Bei getting stronger and stronger.

But he is helpless!

“Death to me!”

Fire Phoenix has lost his mind at this moment.

He was asked by Ye Bei for such a long time.

After all the hard work, this is the result!

He Fire Sparrow is the most noble existence in this space.

It is a pure ancient bloodline.

It was actually pushed to the point of being late by a small human race.

This is an unacceptable result!

However, Ye was very happy to see the change of the Northern Fire Phoenix.

Here’s your chance!

The fire phoenix rushed towards him.

But Ye Bei couldn’t use the Earth Fire Orb immediately.

So as not to cause the firefinch to be alert.

Ye Bei directly used the fire-breathing phoenix.

A stone was thrown at him.

The fire phoenix quickly ducked after seeing it.

Wait until he confirms it’s a stone.

more angry!

Ye Bei’s continuous success even caused the fire phoenix to dodge a stone.

The distance between the two men widened.

This result made Huo Enque chase even tighter.

“Here’s a big one for you!

Ye Bei threw another stone.

The fire phoenix is ​​still hiding.

Although the fire phoenix is ​​very angry now.

But his sanity is still there.

He avoided every stone Ye Bei threw.

Keep these stones away.

But he let his guard down.

After Ye Bei threw the stone.

Just use the space door.

And seven times in a row without interruption.

When the stone and the firefinch pass by.

sudden change.

A powerful force came from the inside.

This change and strength allows the fire phoenix to use the dry skill directly.

The ultimate blast!

He was going to push the stone away.

The cracked stone made him feel very dangerous.

But it’s too late now!


A huge force exploded.

With a deafening bang.

Ye Bei has just used the door of space seven times now.

Still haven’t stopped.

He was directly photographed by the giant force behind him, and Shan Fenghui in the distance was photographed.

Smashed a big hole!

Ye Bei crawled inside a pile of rubble and asked.

Broken ice cubes.

He used the Akatsuki Armor at the end!

The frost armor was also shattered by the shock wave behind it.

From here, you can see how powerful the rank of Yun Wang is.


The power of the Earth Fire Orb is only theoretically close to the king’s blow.

Ye Bei felt that the Earth Fire Bead was not as strong as Song Xing’s blow.

If Song Xing finally recovered his senses, he chose to shoot at Ye Bei.

Ye Bei felt that he didn’t talk big.

Song Xing can easily kill him.

The master’s strength is stronger than that of monsters.

The higher the strength, the more obvious the gap is.

Most of the masters of the human race let you hunt monsters across a star or two.

This is not only a gap in wisdom, but also a gap in the use of power.

“Not dead yet!”

“Look at you fleeing there!

Ye Bei felt the breath of the fire-breathing cockatiel.

The other party paused for a moment, then turned to the north and ran away. .

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