Chapter 575 One-shot solution, Phoenix bloodline, gift of the Holy Spirit!

What Huo Feng Que never expected was that someone could interfere with his Nirvana.

He had never encountered this situation before.

He has also encountered enemies stronger than Ye Bei.

The top monsters and creatures here have played against the fire phoenix.

Fire Phoenix also used Phoenix Nirvana several times.

The Underground Ruler, the Dark King Yuling, used to break into this intruder…

No opponent can interfere with his nirvana process.

The changes now exceeded his expectations.

However, Ye Bei would no longer give him a chance to be sour.

Ye Bei is afraid that the fire phoenix will bring him another “surprise”!

Phoenix Nirvana almost made Fantong judge his mission a failure.

If the fire phoenix still has a backhand.

Ye Bei is likely to capsize in the sewer!

The door to space!

The door of space four times in a row.

Ye Bei entered the fireball.

Also in front of the fire phoenix.

Fire Phoenix can only barely open his eyes now.

Now he is out of self-control.

Being able to do this is very difficult.

Ye Bei was at the last moment at the end of the gate of space.

Switch to the Kuroshio!

Darkness melts!

No real body!

Ye Bei couldn’t bear the power of the Phoenix Nirvana.

The temperature inside this fireball is too high.

Ye Bei estimated that he would turn into fly ash after more than a second!

He can only use this skill without touching the fireball.

keep him out of harm’s way.

The figure of a bone knife appeared in the pupil of the fire bird.

And it keeps getting bigger.

Fire Phoenix knew that it was the bone knife approaching him.


The bone knife cut through the neck of the phoenix.

Nothing gets in the way.

But Ye Bei and Huo Feng Que both knew the result.

The door to space!

Ye Bei still had time while Wu Xian’s real body still had time.

Use the exit door of instant space directly.

But time is still a little tight.

Ye Bei didn’t escape the scope of Yun Phoenix Nirvana.

There are still hundreds of meters away from Yun to Phoenix Nirvana.

This little distance.

Ye Bei spent five seconds

He put on another thirty-two seams of frost armor and escaped.

Ye Bei looked at his arms that had turned red.

Some have lingering fears.

Fire Phoenix’s Phoenix Nirvana cannot be approached without the strength of the king’s rank.

Ye Bei also used the power of the instant world plus the power of space.

These two powers are beyond ordinary law.

Ji Neng barely got close to the fire phoenix.

“It’s over, F.

Ye Bei quietly watched the slowly shrinking fireball.

Know that the fire phoenix is ​​dead.


“mission completed!

“Completion degree is greater than 90%, trigger a new task!”

Ye Bei didn’t have time to confirm the new mission yet.

Didn’t even check the rewards.

He has been watching the changes in the fireball now.

After the firefinch dies, it disappears.

But the piece of phoenix blood he left behind is still changing in Nirvana.

If this change is successful, I would like to know.

Ye Bei thinks that the reward is higher than killing the fire phoenix!

So Ye Bei was concentrating on waiting for the contents inside to be completed.

Ye Bei can also judge whether the transformation can be completed or not.

Now most of the blood has turned golden yellow.

The rest still have one (Wang is good) part that has not completed the transformation.

Ye sees the north as the fireball shrinks.

The change of interest blood is getting slower and slower.

“~ It is estimated that in the end, the phoenix blood will not be able to complete its transformation.”

“I have to let it transform quickly!”

Ye Bei was looking for a skill in the traditional system.

The fire never ceases!

This is a skill used in combat, so Ye Bei used it on the big fireball.

However, this skill is still very effective for the current situation.

The speed at which the fireball is extinguished has been greatly slowed down.

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