Chapter 580 The end of the evil god, the source of the chaos of the gods! (Please customize! Please complete! Absolutely wonderful!)

Ye Bei took this opportunity.

Get out of here quickly, and fly away from the shore when you come. .

He always felt a pair of eyes staring at him from behind.

However, he can already be sure that the strength of the Dark King Yuling is not too high.

Otherwise, he would not use traps to deal with his diamond-ranked person.

“It seems that the records of the dark organization are still correct.

“Dark King Yuling has not completed the final evolution, and the transformation is not complete.”

“So now there is no Master, there is no way to restore the strength that has been consumed.

Ye Bei stopped at the edge of the black ocean.

Has been about to leave the confines of the ocean.

The king of darkness, Yuling, hiding in the shadows, has no fisherman either.

Ye Bei did not leave immediately.

He felt the Evil God the End was absorbing the chaotic energy emanating from the water.

His strength is slowly changing.

Ye Bei knew that the next bloodline evolution target of the Evil God Zhanyan was the Evil God of Chaos.

The chaotic energy here is just right to change his bloodline.

“It’s very close to the shore now, and I can dodge the accident.”

“Let the Evil God of Death absorb a little bit first and see the situation.”

If there is no harm in absorbing the chaotic power here for the evil god.

Ye Bei will help him give him a chance here.

Let the evil god of death undergo a bloodline transformation.


It was discovered that “In the evolution of the bloodline of the Evil God of the End,

“One percent of evolution progress..

Ye Bei heard the system’s prompt and looked at the forehead of the Evil God of the End.

Not only has his bloodline changed.

Other essences and the like have also changed.

【Evil God of the End】

Quality: Mrs. Golden Legend (increasing)

Race: god

Sequence: unknown

Status: Growth stage (transforming…)

Rank: Mrs. Diamond (increasing)

Talents: Evil God’s Knee Wake, Immune Shield, Evil God Cage, Evil God Executioner

Skills: Control of the Cthulhu, Eye of Cthulhu, Destruction of Cthulhu, Imprisonment of Cthulhu, Eye of Death, Rapid Petrification

Evolution route:

Bloodline Evolution: Evil God of the End, Evil God of Chaos (transformation)

Ye Bei stared at the four options of quality and bloodline.

Looking forward to completing the transformation soon.

The Evil God of the End is absorbing faster and faster.

Ye Bei and his place have formed a vortex.

The water in front of them was gradually fading in color.

It seems that if the evil god of the end absorbs this so-called dark door, it will become a normal ocean.

But things won’t develop according to Ye Bei’s ideas after all.

Just when the evil god of the end was absorbed.

The sea, which had always been calm, had changed.

A finely woven palm made of black sea water drew Ye Bei and the Evil God of the End.

And then accompanied by a squeak

~Go away!

The Evil God of Death is absorbed in absorbing the energy of chaos.

Ye Bei has been paying attention to the situation around him.

He knew that there was the King of Darkness Yuling.

See the palm of the sea that suddenly appeared.

Ye immediately took the Evil God Final Yan back into the Master’s mark.

Use the space gate once and leave.

When (Wang Qian’s) Jiao Ah Chuan arrived, Ye Bei had already left the scope of the black ocean.

The black sea water patted on the shore.

I can’t see that Akatsuki’s power is blocked.

Ye Bei knew that it was the power of the world in the land of the gods. ,

“so close!”

He even stood outside.

Neither was photographed.

But I can still feel the power in that palm.

“It seems that the power of the world can still suppress the Dark King Yuling.

“Come around and try next time.”

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