Chapter 755 The Yanshan War Fortress was born, the war madman!

This time Ye came to the reception room.

Now collect his reward.

Ye Bei’s reward had already been prepared.

In the end, Ye Bei bought the missing materials.

It only took one day for the Master’s Temple to gather enough things for Ye Bei.

This efficiency is much faster than before.

Ye Bei also felt the benefits brought by the promotion of his status.

Now that he has collected all of Xiao’s supplies, Ye Bei will also transform the new war fortress, Xiao, as soon as possible.

The more mobile war fortresses, the faster Ye Bei’s forces develop.

This time Ye Bei did not go to appreciate this bustling city.

But directly to the hell world.

Detoured to Luoxing Divine Country.

Everything is ready.

Start building the Flame War Fortress!

Ye Bei did not watch the construction process.

These 810 talents belong to the War Fortress tree.

He saw that it was impossible to manufacture and sell War Fortress.

Now Ye Bei came to Jufeng City.

It has become a bustling capital.

There are more and more people in the Human Race Alliance in the Falling Star God Kingdom.

This is still after Ye Bei raised the standard, but still failed to control the number of people.

Now Jufeng City has become a communication center on the entire battlefield of alien beasts.

Here you can exchange information, exchange supplies, and find teammates

What Ye Bei had worried about before would be investigated did not happen.

This is also because of the improvement of his status.

Ye Bei was walking on the road of Jufeng City, and there were shouts everywhere.

Many strange secret materials have been concentrated here.

There are also representatives of many chambers of commerce here.

The people who come here are all powerful and talented people.

There are a lot of merchants who can’t come in directly.

Had to find someone who could come in and let them buy what was inside.

These people are the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce.

Ye Bei met former members of the alliance in Jufeng City.

Finally learned about the development of the main members.

The Li brothers and sisters went to Juling Pass, which we can see later.

Xia Yandie is also performing defensive tasks at Juling Pass.

He will visit there after a while.

Most of them are still fighting on the battlefield of alien beasts.

However, they also set up shop in Jufeng City.

Such alliance members have enough (aebf) materials to enhance their strength.

Ye Bei is very satisfied with their development.

They are already on their own.

Many things do not require his own hands as the leader.

Finally, Ye Bei came to the dark city.

There are not too many people here.

But it is more orderly than Jufeng City and Alliance City.

The people who come here are all dressed in black robes.

Their purchases and intelligence are also done quietly.

This huge city is actually very quiet.

Ye Bei didn’t see those dark leaders here.

They have things to do outside.

However, there is information left to Ye Bei.

Most of them are about the development of forces with the help of Ye Bei, the dark young master.

And finally there’s something about the Dark Sea.

Ye Bei’s identity line can only be recognized after he has entered the Sea of ​​Darkness.

This is also simple.

Ye Bei was going to take the time to go to a dark organization.

He wants to know some classified information.

After dealing with these two matters, Ye Bei returned to the Xiaozhan Fortress Tree.

His fiery war fortress has been built.

Ye Bei looked at the little stone man in his hand, a little curious.

This fort is not dead.

But the Yanshan Abyss Demon.

He is also a stone man after shrinking, not a bead.

But he is only the size of a small pendant now.

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