Chapter 757 Docking the royal family and joining the royal family war!

These phantoms are all masters who have served the dragon country and the human race for most of their lives.

Most of them are still guarding everywhere.

But over the years, they have been the same as other Masters.

They are also very old, and their potential is almost known.

If there is no special chance, it will be very high.

The royal demon in the abyss world is a higher life form.

This Ye Bei was the first to hear it.

In “August 10”, there are still higher life forms.

These people have always wanted to study royal demons.

But haven’t gotten one until now.

First of all, although the number of royal demons is not small.

But each layer of the abyss world is enormous.

It is difficult to meet them after entering the abyss world.

Not to mention that entering the abyss world will be suppressed by strength.

These outsiders will also be flagged, making it difficult to act.

The meeting went on quickly and smoothly.

There was no dispute in the entire meeting, and Ye Bei’s plan was quickly agreed.

Kill the royal family alone!

So Ye Bei found the Sacred Armor Demon Race.

It is impossible for him to go directly to the two royal demons.

Say to them to join them.

The Scarab Demons are a neutral faction.

The entire Black Blood Devil City is also independent from other forces.

But they still have a bias.

As far as Ye Bei knew, the Sacred Armor Demon Clan had been providing armor for the Sky Splitting Royal Clan.

“You are going to hunt down royal demons, your ambitions are very big.”

“However, it is difficult to expose a lot, otherwise it will even make my clansmen beautiful.”

“This is information, you should take a look first.”

What Sacred Armor is most worried about is Ye Bei’s exposure.

His tribe has been interfering with the Terran for a long time now.

The stronger they are, the more benefits the Scarabs will get.

In order to convince the Sacred Armor Patriarch, Ye Bei also gave him a glimpse of the God-Blood War Fortress.

This can also provide them with shelter from the abyss world.

Leaving the abyss world is not simply a matter of leaving.

There are many restrictions.

Ye Bei can do it for them.

Therefore, the Sacred Armored Skywalking Society happily agreed to Ye Bei.

In the future, Ye Bei will be responsible for everything in the seventh abyss world.

Others are not as convenient as Ye Bei Jinyun.

“It turns out that they really fought because of women.”

“I originally thought it was those demons who were dissatisfied and complained casually.”

“I’ll join the Sky Splitting Royal Family, it just so happens that they also have space skills 0…

This information introduced a woman named Wu Ling.

The royal war was caused by her.

“Wu Ling is not an ordinary demon, to be precise, she is not a demon, nothing.

“She is the legendary leader.”

“That is, the guide. I don’t know what the specific way is and how to guide.”

Shengjia Tianxing saw that Ye Bei had some misunderstandings.

I thought this royal war was caused by fighting over women.

In fact, the two royal families are vying for the leader.

All Ye Bei got was simple information.

The above is just about the thing.

For example, the cause of this war, and how far it has gone now.

Follow-up detailed information 1.5, Ye Bei needs to buy if you want to see it.

Even if the Human Race and the Scarab Demon Race are interrelated, they cannot be obtained for free.

There are various currencies used here.

Demonic materials, minerals, and even mortgage yourself are fine.

Ye Bei chose to pay with demon materials.

After the fortress of war hunts demons, there are some things that cannot be swallowed by hell demons.

So those things were left by them.

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